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Started by Anastasius, May 23, 06:59 AM 2019

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If for one number  the most common hit range is first 37 spins. Can we bet 5 units in first  37 .4 units in next 37 etc.

And do a reverse progression
Boom boom sir


You could, but the idea of a progression is to cover your losses. So you end up betting more as time goes on and end up with a win when you hit.

By betting less as time goes on, you still end up with loss even when you hit.

However, you will lose less in the long run, solely on account of the fact you are putting smaller bets into action.


Progressions are very bad idea !
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Same amount of bets and values only in reverse. Due to higher volumes of hits early and vast losing streaks later

Could someone show a graph  how it would behave. 37x5 then 37 x4 etc then 1 unit unit hit and repeat
Boom boom sir


Progressions are monster

They will bite you back and it will be fatal
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Quote from: Anastasius on May 23, 08:40 AM 2019
Same amount of bets and values only in reverse. Due to higher volumes of hits early and vast losing streaks later

Could someone show a graph  how it would behave. 37x5 then 37 x4 etc then 1 unit unit hit and repeat

Bet the same amount, lose the same amount in that case.

But the loss patterns will be different.

In your new progression case you won't recoup your loss for that play when you do win, so a steady series of losses with a few wins if you hit early. Overall amount bet L. Overall loss L x 2.7/100.

In traditional progression case you will get back expenditures when you hit so a steady series of small wins with a massive loss when the prog bombs out and reaches the house limit. Overall amount bet L. Overall loss L x 2.7/100.

No point programming or doing graphs as the system offers no increase in prediction accuracy and will therefore lose to the house edge.
