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another pppc bet

Started by hanshuckebein, Dec 12, 05:25 AM 2010

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There is no bet that can win roulette and you know that TNT and this is why you say "LoL". 

But  when we say  "BET" we always mean a FLAT bet mechanical selection. 

If we have to have a Money management inside and other factors then it is no longer a BET .  .  .   itr is a SYSTEM.   

I really don't know how you jumped from the "there is no bet" to the "lets all try to find a bet"?       :o


....... well if he wants Dobidobido still can post his information here on this topic...... I think Hans wouldn't mind........would you Hans?

He is still welcome as it is still sunday...... or for that matter maybe on another day......

Letts look at it this way, suppose you waitt for 10 spins. How much even changes do you have? 10 X 3 = 30 even changes. Every number has 3 even changes.

Letts say you would only wanting to win 3 times within these 10 spins. 30 EC - 3 = leaves you with 27 EC opportunities left.

Would it be that hard to choosse 3 EC changes within 10 spins out of 30 total even changes? Even if you would change them, it doesn't mean you need to stick to your choice.......

How much changes does one need to pick an winner...............

Carlitos  8)


What i mean is, lets find a way, a method that is 100 percent sure win everytime we play roulette. . . . . This could then be put into a manual for fool proof. . . . its just an idea since every in here has some ideas of their own. . . . if we could put all of our ideas and come up with the best solution then we might have a winner???

Anyways Carlitos, its very interestin what you said. . . . . . but im not sure if i fully understand it. . could u explain more in detail? What is 3 Even chance changes??

i like you new thinking to roulette. . . . . i never thought about it . . . .

Cheerss. . . .

Oh and for Dobidobido, i dont think he would reply. . . . . i hope he would. . . . . i sent him an pm msg. . . . . . . If he doesnt reply. . . . then we know for sure he is not the real deal. . .


"""What I mean is, lets find a way, a method that is 100 percent sure win everytime we play roulette"""

for 400 years all the Roulette players are trying to find this and no one ever could?

Stick around for some years and you will find out the truth.


Im not new to roulette,

Maybe i havent been more specific, my apologies. . . . .

I was saying a method which could win all the time. . . . . meaning it does not need to play long term. . . . . if could even be a 1 or 2 units win every sessions. . . . .

It doesnt need to play every spin. . . . . could wait for triggers. . . . No progression, max bank roll. . . .

Just a way to surely win most of the sessions to keep us ahead and build our profits slowly. . . . in time we could be wealthy maybe in 5 - 7 yrs at least thats a realistic goal

Anyways i dont know why ur laughing? if u dont believe in way or method to winning at roulette i dont know why your here in the 1st place? Unless ur really bored???


would you also kiss that ass if the female kma bet is a loser or would you then reconsider?  ;D

I wouldn't mind dobi posting in this thread, of course not. anybody who has some valuable facts or inspiring ideas is more than welcome.

what I'm a bit tired of is the constant complaining that you can't beat roulette because nobody has done it before and because math and  even einstein say so. this is why I kindly request all those posters to not post the same argument  in this thread again. I really do respect your position and I'll be more than happy if you respect mine/ours.

as this thread seems to lose directions I would like to draw our attention back to the posted screenshots. i think it's remarkable that we now have more then four different opinions what the bet/s  is/ are about.

maybe we should try to agree on their meaning first and then move on with our next steps?


"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)


...kma bett....?? Explain, did not get that one...... I only was refering to kissing woman A ( sses) with no attachments....... lol!!

I hope you can see that i having an bit of a run with that woman A ( ss ) kissing thing....... Just practical joking....... lol!!

TNT, 36 or any number must have 3 even changes. 36 = Red, = High = Even. Take 10 spins and you will have 10 X 3 even changes = 30 even changes or 30 opportunities to pick an even change winner.

By the way, iam only talking about even changes.

Would it be hard thing to do to pick 3 winners out of 30 opportunnities......? Using, if necessary, 3 or 4 step progression.

Its just an idea on how to read the game..... We know that within 10 spins an even change can not appear or does appear. Just think about 10 blacks or reds. We also know that some even changes will add up.

Appearing 3 or 4 times etc...... Some even changes follow 2 times in an row or more...... If we would analize all the things that happen within 10 spins could we not have enough information on which we would be able to select 3 winners within 10 spins......

Carlitos  8)


"""I was saying a method which could win all the time.  .  .  .  .  meaning it does not need to play long term.  .  .  .  .  if could even be a 1 or 2 units win every sessions.  .  .  .  .

It doesn't need to play every spin.  .  .  .  .  could wait for triggers.  .  .  .  No progression, max bankroll.  .  .  .  """"

This what you just described IT IS THE LONG TERM!  :)


What i mean is having long sessions.......of course it should win long term, if not then there no point?


Quote from: VIP on Dec 12, 10:06 AM 2010
"""What I mean is, lets find a way, a method that is 100 percent sure win everytime we play roulette"""

for 400 years all the Roulette players are trying to find this and no one ever could?

Stick around for some years and you will find out the truth.
And for 3 years you are,like a parrot,repeating the same thing.
Find then a new hobby/play a chess for instance/and let this forum users
at peace.Christhmass or not would always vote to ban you Jordan.
You can always get me on  


 this bet example reminds me of F_LAT_INO's   Random vs Random strategy


Quote from: iggiv on Dec 12, 04:20 PM 2010
this bet example reminds me of F_LAT_INO's   Random vs Random strategy
Nice that you have noticed iggiv,and se_same and medo are same persons and the bet......is there and here.and btw FLAT_IN_O is theirs bro.
You can always get me on  


Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Dec 12, 05:09 PM 2010
Nice that you have noticed iggiv,and se_same and medo are same persons and the bet......is there and here.and by the way FLAT_IN_O is theirs bro.

well, in my opinion there could be really something in it, it is NOT TABLE BASED bet


Thanks iggiv and F_LAT_INO for returning to the actual toppic of this thread.  

F_LAT_INO, just to make sure that I understood correctly:

1.you say that medo and se_same are the same person, which I was somehow suspecting myself.
2. it is the same bet they are talking about. and the bet is based on the random vs. random concept.
3. and this last thing really gets me confused.  you say that it is you who stands behind the usernames medo and se_same? ???

please feel free to correct any misunderstanding that might be on my side.


"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)


I have also noticed that FLAT_INO is very similar to medo at VLS, I thought that he was both. Maybe I'm wrong..
All i'm doing is living my life.
