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The Pyramid Trigger

Started by Kattila, May 08, 11:48 AM 2011

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Let s find what is very hard ( or impossible)for true random to produce,
any  good idea welcome, and  any pro /contra opinion.
I am sure random can  produce anything, but how often?
This is only for live wheels.


Ex:  ECs (also hard to get the trigger)

rbrbbrbbbr...trigger, bet against produce this bbbbr, so bet rrrrb
brbrrbrrrb...trigger , bet against rrrrb, so bet bbbbr
eoeooeoooe...trigger, bet against ooooe, so bet eeeeo

and so on...for any EC

In other words i  call this trigger ....The Pyramide Trigger......

Take any ECs and wait to form  exactly this* pyramides*
(rbrbbrbbbr...... or     oeoeeoeeeo....or.....etc....)
use only 5 marty steps

   bbbr       trigger , bet against bbbbr, so bet rrrrb
  bbbbr     if L1L2L3L4L5, stop wait new trigger
bbbbbr   or bet more steps rrrr (max 4 more steps/ danger )

another example

    rrrb  now bet bbbbr

another one

     oooe   now bet eeeeo

2. The P trigger applied to Dozens:

3 Situations:

P1 =  Doz.1 + Doz. 2 = A,   Doz. 3 = B         
P2 =  Doz.2 + Doz. 3 = A,   Doz. 1 = B         
P3 =  Doz.1 + Doz. 3 = A,   Doz. 2 = B   

We are looking for triggers like:

Remember B is always one Doz. and A is  the oposite  two dozens.   

Ex . ONE:
       BBBA    trigger ,bet AAAAB, 1/1, 3/3 , 9/9,  27/27 and 42 once
      BBBBA    if hit this lost all 5 steeps  (lost 122)

see example:

       2221   trigger bet doz.1 and doz. 3 four times , and doz 2 once
      223....   L1L2  W with doz 3

Not necesary put in pyramide stile, can put in linear stile:

1212232221...trigger ( x2x22x222x...trigger )

Ex. TWO :

      AAAB  trigger bet BBBBA, so bet  1,2,3,4 and once 11/11
     AAAAB  if hit this lost 32, now Stop here, or bet against AAAAAB
                 use this next steps....18, 26, 40, 60, 90 ( -266 total)
                 but without bet on last step(6th) on two dozens
                 (goes too high)

see ex:

      1123    bet doz. 3(B) 4 times and once doz.1 and doz. 2
     12212   L1L2L3L4W  hit doz. 2
                  but if lose all 5 steps Stop or do like above( 5 more
                  steps on doz. 3)

Not necesary put on pyramide stile , can put in linear stile also:

3132131123.....trigger  ( 3x3xx3xxx3.....trigger)



So, the  simplified triggers for dozens:


( x is  the oposite two dozens)
( also 0 can be x  but only when track)

x1x11x111x...trigger, bet xxxx1,   1/1, 3/3 , 9/9, 27/27 on x, and 42 once on doz 1
x2x22x222x...trigger, bet xxxx2,   1/1, 3/3 , 9/9,  27/27 on x, and 42 once on doz 2
x3x33x333x...trigger, bet xxxx3,    same..........................................................doz 3

so we bet agaist forming 1111x,  2222x,  3333x .


1x1xx1xxx1...trigger,  bet 1,2,3,4 on doz 1, and bet once 11/11 on  x
2x2xx2xxx2...trigger,  bet 1,2,3,4 on doz 2, and bet once 11/11 on  x
3x3xx3xxx3...trigger,  bet 1,2,3,4 on doz 3, and bet once 11/11 on  x

so we bet against forming  xxxx1, xxxx2, xxxx3,  but if lose this  5 steps,
stop and take the lose(-32), or bet against xxxxx1, xxxxx2, xxxxx3,
so bet  18,26,40,60,90 on the single dozen(1,2 or 3) but don't bet
the last step on the x( go to high).

Can start with earlier triggers like x1x11x   and bet against form 111x (4 steps)
3 steps on two doz. and one step on one doz.
Or triggers like 1x1xx1  and bet against form xxx1 (4 steps) 3 steps on one
doz. and one step on  two doz.
Then if lose take the lose or,
bet against form xxxx1( more 5 steps) so 4 steps on one doz.
and one step on two doz.
But safer is the way I described more above.



Same  P triggers applied to double streets
but don't have to wait  long time(but still wait) to form the triggers,
we build the triggers overdrive  with the DSs.

Trigger one  
xbxbbxbbbx....bet  xxxxb

Trigger two
xbxxbxxxb...bet  bbbbx, if lose bet bbbbbx

where x is 24 numbers , so 4 DSs,
and b  is 12 numbers , so 2 DSs

Example  trigger  two , xbxxbxxxb:
will notice even like this is hard to get the trigger
so when I see xbxxb  can start to bet against xxxb, if lose
bet against xxxxb.


36  6  is x
27  5  is b
18  3  is x
36  6  is x
29  5  is b
1    1  is x
28  5  is b  not formed  xbxxbxxxb, start again
30  5  is x
15  3  is b
17  3  is b  not formed ,start again
33  6  is x
21  4  is b
13  3  is x
15  3  is x
33  6  is x  not formed , start again
22  4  is x
33  6  is b
15  3  is x
12  2  is x  now try with trigger xbxxb
1    1  is b  trigger xbxxb...bet bbbx(DS1 and 6 is b, the others 4 DSs is x)
36  6  is b  W, start again
9    2  is x
2    1  is b
35  6  is x
33  6  is b  not formed , start again
7    1  is x
18  3  is b
33  6  is x
0                not formed , start again
14  3  is x
30  5  is b
10  2  is x
7    1  is x
36  6  is b  trigger bet  bbbx
7    2  is x  L1
26  5  is b  W, start again
18  3  is x
25  5  is b
23  4  is x
6    1  is x
8    2  is b  trigger xbxxb...bet bbbx
13  3  is x  L1
29  5  is b  W, start again
29  5  is x
15  3  is b
28  5  is x
32  6  is x
23  4  is b  trigger xbxxb...bet bbbx
30  5  is x  L1
25  5  is x  L2
30  5  is x  L3, now bet x
27  5  is x  W , start again
6    1  is x  
25  5  is b
15  3  is x
33  6  is x              
21  4  is b  trigger xbxxb...bet bbbx
30  5  is b  W  

and so on......................

Now example trigger one xbxbbxbbbx...bet  xxxxb
or start when xbxbbx...bet xxxb


18  3  is x
1    1  is b
4    1  is b not formed, start again
9    2  is x
11  2  is x  start again
29  5  is x
2    1  is b
28  5  is x
2    1  is b
19  3  is b  
35  6  is x  trigger xbxbbx...bet xxxb (Ds 1 and 3 is b, others 4DSs is x)
14  3  is b  L1
6    1  is b  L2
29  5  is x  W, start again
18  3  is x
19  3  is x  start again
23  4  is x
14  3  is b
8    2  is x
31  6  is b
17  3  is b
21  4  is x  trigger xbxbbx...bet xxxb
4    1  is x  W, start again

ans so on.....


Test (P trigger applied to double streets)
Trigger two ,  xbxxbxxxb
in this test I use the short trigger xbxxb....bet bbbx
if lose bet bbbbx



17  3  x
23  4  b
4    1  x
18  3  x
12  2  b trigger xbxxb(DS4 and 2 is b, the other 4DS is x)
2    1  x  L1
21  4  b  W
15  3  x
22  4  b
23  4  b  start again
14  3  x
11  2  b
22  4  x
20  4  x
1    1  b  trigger, now bet bbbx
27  5  x  L1
6    1  x  L2
31  6  x  L3
29  5  x  W
1    1  x
21  4  b
1    1  x
13  3  x
20  4  b  not valid (because DS4 is b twice)
35  6  x
3    1  b
26  5  x
29  5  x
20  4  b  trigger, bet bbbx
17  3  x  L1
36  6  x  L2
0    0  -  L3
8    2  x  W
35  6  x
10  2  b
18  3  x
33  6  x
20  4  b  trigger, bet bbbx
1    1  x  L1
23  4  b  W
19  3  x
9    2  b
14  3  x
11  2  b  start again
27  5  x
16  3  b
0        -  start again
14  3  x
15  3  x  st. again
6    1  x
27  5  b
3    1  x
13  3  x
19  4  b  trigger, bet bbbx
30  5  b  W
9    2  x
16  3  b
4    1  x
15  3  b  start again
15  3  x
1    1  b
23  4  x
34  6  x
24  4  x  start again
16  3  x
35  6  b
5    1  x
34  6  b  start again
14  3  x
5    1  b
2    1  b  st. again
6    1  x
31  6  b
17  3  x
28  5  x
16  3  x  st. again
8    2  x
26  5  b
29  5  b  st.again
26  5  x
24  4  b
7    2  x
24  4  b  st.again
5    1  x
13  3  b
19  4  x
1    1  x
25  5  b  trigger , bet bbbx
1    1  x  L1
7    2  x  L2
1    1  x  L3
25  5  b  L4   lost first steeps, bet bbbbx
11  2  x  L1
30  5  b  W
35  6  x
25  5  b
21  3  x
3    1  x
0    -       start again
17  3  x
30  5  b
23  4  x
16  3  x
11  2  b  trigger, bet bbbx
7    2  W
