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Kimo Inspired Dealer Tracking

Started by Benmaster, Jan 16, 11:20 PM 2011

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I would like to share a relatively simple method I came up with that is, of course, based on Kimo Li's ideas.  It would help if you already know a little of Kimo's books.  Anyway, after reading a page on Kimo's website regarding the charting of "skip and run" patterns of ball movement, a way to simplify all this tracking came to mind.  It is based ENTIRELY on 'dealer signature' -as any effective method should be. 

I notice which of the six 'global pie' sections the ball landed in last, then I look for which section the ball lands in on the next spin (O. K. , nothing new here!).  The way I track the ball movement is, I believe, a little more simple and straight-forward. 
On graph paper, I make six vertical columns with the following symbols at the top:

O  -2  -1  S  +1  +2

If two consecutive spins land in the same section, then I put a mark (X) under the "S" column, for "SAME"

If the second spin in any sequence of spins lands in the section to the left (anti-clockwise) of the previous section, I place a mark under "-1", if it lands to the right (clockwise) of the previous section, I mark the "+1" column

Two sections to the left, I mark "-2" , two sections to the right, I mark "+2"

If the ball lands in the opposite section as the last spin, I place an "X" under the "O" column for opposite.

My apologies to Kimo for not using the terms, HEMI, NUKE, BOWTIE, etc. ! It just seems simpler this way.

Right now, the way I play is to bet that the ball will keep doing the same pattern repeatedly.  I have had good success with this!!!
I only bet six numbers, except when the expected section is next to the Zero(s).  Then I add the Zero to the bet, making it seven numbers.
POSITIVE PROGRESSION! I bet one unit on the expected section, and if it wins, I then bet 2 units the next time (on the next expected section), and if I win, bet 3 units on each number. . . etc. , etc.  If the bet loses, I go back to one unit on each number.

So, if two consecutive spins land in the opposite sections, the next spin I will bet the opposite section as the last spin.  If the ball stays in the same pie section as the last spin, I bet the same six-numbered section next. 

If the ball moves clockwise on the wheel one section (+1) in two consecutive spins, then I will bet the six numbers to the right of the last pie section to show.

By now, it should be obvious that I am hoping that the dealer's pattern will repeat "back to back".

Here's a short example from last week's play at the Santa Ana Star Casino in New Mexico (double-zero wheel), same dealer.  Please note that I mark Same and Opposite with an "S" and an "O", respectively, instead of an "X".  It seems to add a little more visual clarity to the chart, especially when you are further down the page. 

O  -2  -1  S  +1  +2
           X                  (bet same, lost)
                           X (bet -1, lost)
                           X (winner, now bet 2 units on each)
O (lost, back to 1 unit)
O(win 2 unit bet)
At this point, there was a change in dealer, so I decided to leave with a 45% profit on my buy-in amount (after tips). 

I'm sure these charts can be read and played in many different ways, for example, in this case, I could have just bet "opposite" every spin, for a good profit, and maybe, for this particular dealer, I would do that in the future. 
Or, perhaps, after a lot of charting of a particular wheel with different dealers, you may find an overwhelming number of +2s.  Maybe that would be the way to play that wheel. 
Or, if the dealer seems to be doing S, O, S, O, you would bet S next.
But for now, I am content to bet that the same pattern will repeat again and again.  It doesn't happen all the time, but so far, from my charting, it happens enough in a session to show an acceptable profit. 

I'm also sure that other betting progressions will work, too, but the one I'm using seems quite safe.  You could parlay a much larger portion of your winnings after each win, perhaps as much as 50% or 100%, which would make the second bet in a winning sequence 3 units or 6 units, respectively.

In places where the direction of the wheel changes from spin to spin, perhaps this strategy could be adapted somehow. . .

I welcome your comments! I will also follow up with a little more in-depth way of charting.

Best wishes!


Here are some actuals from a short stay at the Santa Ana Star Casino yesterday, (which gave me cause to consider further refinements, which I'll discuss afterwards):

O  -2  -1   S  +1  +2

I was able to increase my buy-in amount by 51% after tips. This was a pretty short and easy series, but I noticed something that allowed me to do better. As you can see the ball kept hitting in the same six-numbered section, or the six-numbered section just to the left. On closer analysis, I watched the ball moving about 3 or 4 spaces to the left with each spin, so what would happen was that if the ball landed to the right extreme of the pie section, then the next spin, it would stay in that section, moving a few spaces to the left. After that, it would move to the section to the left, changing the pattern from an "S" to a "-1".

Getting to my point, I'm now considering using numbers 1 through 6, in place of an "X", an "O", or an "S" to mark my charts.
Since there are 6 numbers in each pie section, I will use the specific "position number" within each pie section to mark each of my six columns, for more precise ball-tracking, whilst still keeping things from getting overly burdensome and too complex. So, for example, instead of the last three spins being marked S, S and X, they would have been marked with the numbers 5, 1, and 3 in the exact same columns (Same, Same, and -1).
For those of you who are familiar with Kimo's books, Kimo has reminded me that these new tracking numbers are actually "Star" numbers.

By the end of my last session (in the above example), I was able to 'catch on' and modify my earlier playing style to win the last decision.
Even though it changed from "Same" to "-1", I was able to anticipate the change, which I hope the new modification to my tracking will help me to do in the future, by substituting "Global Star" numbers for the X, O, and S.   

Also, it might be interesting to note that this set of spin results were from the same dealer and wheel as the first set I posted earlier in this thread. It is all too obvious that the pattern this dealer was throwing the other day is completely different than the rhythm that manifested on this particular day. So much for my theory of assuming that a given dealer will throw the same pattern day after day! The only thing I can say about this dealer is that she tends to fall into a regular rhythm for consecutive spins, which is perfect for this style of play. 

Once again, I welcome you comments.



Obviously, I'm not very good at computer graphics, but I hope these charts are clear enough for you.

By the way, these posts are from a thread I started three years ago, on one of the previous VLS Forums.

Kimo told me that he used to play this way, but then started an entirely new approach, which would require a lot more explaining. Also, I don't feel at liberty to share very much of this, without expressed permission from Kimo himself, which is all I can say for now. I can only say that it is not a way that I, personally, would ever want to play.  But it is nothing illegal or unethical...just not my style.


After going in and out of systems i always find myself coming back to this way of play,i track differently using Nuke,Bow tie and Hemi but with plus minus like you. Seems we are playing the same way.

Big EZ

Quote from: Benmaster on Jan 16, 11:52 PM 2011
\ I can only say that it is not a way that I, personally, would ever want to play.  But it is nothing illegal or unethical...just not my style.

What does this mean?
Are you talking about the way of play that you just described?
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting

