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High Low Matrix thought

Started by buffalowizard, Feb 07, 08:12 AM 2011

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LLR = Longest Losing Run

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Thanks A

LLR so far in testing has been 10 Ophis.



Just kidding Ophis,

Better to know before we invest a lot of time testing by hand just to have the bad runs start adding up until we finally have to admit that this may not work in the long run.

But, this is a good system.  Sometimes I wonder if there isn't a way to play this to win on a regular basis.

We know that any system that is played continuously  will succumb to the house edge.  Any yet there are people who swear that they win at roulette. 

If you can beat it with a good system, why can't you beat it with any good system?

And, can those same people take this system and play it in such a way as to eke out a win on a regular basis?

These are questions I would like to have answered.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: ophis on Feb 07, 05:19 PM 2011
:-\ sorry.

Progression does not matter. Even if I will make 30 step progression it wont help.

umm. I will may actualy check what's the LLR.
try and see how many times it makes30 units and see how many time it loses 7 in a row thanks.


I just had a little session of this in real play.

But what i did was this


I want Low. But i wait for a virtual loss.

H     <-----Here my virtual loss

So i can bet 2 times for low with either 1,2 or 1,1 for 2 spins

I wait for a virtual loss with every line ONLY at start of bet.

Now if i see this HHH or LLL i miss the next line as could form a long series of Highs or Lows. I just ride this out and wait for it to get more choppy again until a virtual win

Probably wont hold up , but just an idea.

Cheers Mate  :thumbsup:


Quote from: ZigZag on Feb 10, 09:20 PM 2011

Probably wont hold up , but just an idea.

It didn't  :-[


Oh well , sorry to hear mate,

But thanks for trying it out!

