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hello all

Started by monaco, May 18, 11:23 AM 2011

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Hello everyone, been reading a lot of the forum & found it all v interesting & enlightening!

Bit of a newbie to the whole roulette world I think compared to a lot of you guys, maybe a couple of years looking at it, so just here to read & maybe add something if I can. . like the screenshots from Smartlivecasino, am a member there so will try to add some if it helps

got a question or two i might ask along the way too if thats alright, would be happy to get some advice. .


Welcome Aboard!!

"Smart" move by U to come and join us!

warm welcome. ;)


[attachimg=#] to the forum Monaco; may your stay be a GP.

First advice would be to drop martingale and all negative progressions. Focus instead on SLOW positive progressions (i.e. rising +1 on a hit), then if possible move into flat betting --if possible, because not everyone can make it work flat, which is perfectly OK.

By eradicating the explosive negative progressions you can start getting used to have recovery split on several spins and won't get frustrated with the swings.

Also limit your betting to a determined cycle. Analyze the most common occurrences within that cycle and don't get hooked into the "it should come" mentality, because in roulette "nothing has to come". You just play the most common events for your cycle and when they deviate you either ride on the deviation or don't play at all, but never play against it. Fortunes are destroyed chasing the extremes; you can be smarter than that.

Loads of good sessions and may the ball land in your numbers.

🡆 ROULETTEIDEAS․COM, home of the RIBOT WEB software bot, with FREE modules for active community members! ✔️


And a big welcome from little me, too.

Good advice there from Victor. Given that he's played professionally his words carry extra value.



Even though Victor's advice is sound.  It is also very difficult to jump right into playing that way.

First, you have to convince yourself that what he said about negative progressions is the absolute truth.  I'm still working on it.

The best way to do this is to test a bunch of these systems that you like and maybe even some that you've thought of.  

Consider some of the writings of MrJ, F_LAT_INO, Winkel, Alblaha, etc...

If you finally come to the realization that no roulette system can be beaten with a negative progression, then try his advice.

The Pluscoup, or Oscar's Grind is a positive progression.  Test it a little and you'll see why so many members are still working with negative progressions.

After a while, you'll either go with Winkels idea of coming to the game with a 5000 unit bank, or Albertojonas' new tendency toward less volatile money management.

I vacillate between the three methods.  Sometimes I'm closer to Victor and then a new thought hits me and I'm leaning towards Winkel and then I'm cutting my bank down quite a bit and playing pretty tight.

I'm in no hurry to conquer roulette.  I have my sights set on the future when they finally allow US based players to play on the internet.  Right now all I have access to is double zero wheel roulette, so I'm tinkering with baccarat and craps for even money bet methods.

Stay level headed, learn all you can, test, test, test and you'll start moving the direction that makes you feel the most comfortable.

In closing I'll say be sure to read this book review I did:


Oh yeah, welcome to the forum.


P.S.  Also, never bet money you can't afford to lose and have fun. :thumbsup:
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Dear GLC, nobody has an absolute truth!

QuoteFirst, you have to convince yourself that what he said about negative progressions is the absolute truth.
I do agree with you. Yet let me expose my views further on the "coming ahead" topic.

There are several ways to come out ahead of the game and NOT beat it.

In the past I suggested cancellations with large bankrolls because that is a way to face the game with a large chance to come out ahead for the current session. But still the compound of wins and losses is scheduled to go right back to the casino with a few losing sessions.  That being the ultimate drawback on the traditional negative progressive schemes, depending on the in-session money management and blind luck to come out ahead.

In my experience the actual money maker "motor" should be your bet selection, not your money management.

The *only* certified way to really beat roulette is that your raw bets are made with a degree of prediction that overcomes the house edge (i.e anything above the dreaded 2.7% against). That is the definition of beating the game.

If you make your net gains by flat betting then your net wins are derived exactly from the difference between your edge and the one of the house, and by preventing the game to overcome your hit rate you are a certified winner as per the math... you overcame the edge flat betting, this means you actually win and not merely "borrow".

On the other hand, a player may be making money consistently with progressions. And of course, this player only cares about the money in the pocket and not any mathematical labeling.

As you see, making money in the game and beating the game can be two different things.

Furthermore, since we are are limited human beings, our personal game is named: TO COME OUT AHEAD IN GAMBLING WHILE WE ARE ALIVE. That should be the goal, regardless of how it is achieved. Notwithstanding this, the degree of luck that is needed to come out ahead varies. With more accurate predictions and by deriving your gains from flat betting with an edge, you are needing less and less "Luck factor". This can only be good.

Also, I too recommend to compound the wins INTER-SESSION and do it myself. The fact you use flat-betting inside your session, doesn't limit the way you can compound your profits inter-session and make your unit larger and return back to minimal unit on losing. This is a way to MAXIMIZE THE WINS when winning and SAFEGUARDING THE PROFITS.

Please refer to the 50% money management I posted here:

VLS' 50% Money Management

Compounding wins and using casino's own money to create the needed recovery "upward spikes" to bring the bankroll up while risking the least of your money can only be a good thing for the player.

Positive progressions and ultimately flat betting places the player in a better shape to actually KEEP the previously obtained profits, since less of the player's own pocket is risked within the session.

Making money, is the ultimate goal, but you must also be a conscious player who doesn't throw the hose through the window in a few losing runs. Positive and flat betting allow for a better usage of the human factor. You can play with your base unit while you still have enough units :)

Of course, the marriage of luck and negative progressions can work for an extended period of time; for some players even enough to depart from this world in a plus but I'll take flat betting with an edge and compounding wins positively over that lucky negative marriage, any day.

What you say is fully valid:

QuoteIf you finally come to the realization that no roulette system can be beaten with a negative progression, then try his advice.
But please *PLEASE* come to the realization on paper, because it hits hard on the pocket when those invincible negative progressions finally fail.

Best regards.
🡆 ROULETTEIDEAS․COM, home of the RIBOT WEB software bot, with FREE modules for active community members! ✔️

Blood Angel

 ^-^ and welcome to the forum.


cheers fellas,  & have to say what you have said already has given me lot of food for thought

i probably find myself at the minute still holding out some hope for a winning negative progression as GLC mentioned above, though every bit of advice i see from people who seem to know better says forget it! have been using the 6 point divisor for a little while & been doing ok so far. .  2000u br, up almost 600u, but we'll see i suppose. .  am interested in reading your bank management link Victor - thanks for that.

& must own up to dipping my toes in the paddling pool of martingale, though did it with my very own ‘Triple-Tier Martingale’ as I liked to call it  :)

Maybe I could leave it behind here for posterity?
Got up to 900euros from 50 start, 10c starting unit on rng.  . 

Step 1: “do a martingale” (did it up to 5 in a row)
If lose, you’d be down 3. 10,
Step 2: add a zero to your starting unit, & do another one (up to 4 in a row), you only need to win three times in a row to have recouped most of your losses
If lose, you are now down 18. 10 maximum
Step 3: add another zero to your starting unit, you only need to win 2 in a row to recoup your losses & then some.  . 

That was the basic idea anyway, worked a treat for a while

Still think there might be life in that old dog yet!

cheers again
