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K/Matrix for Splits

Started by Kattila, Mar 31, 11:33 AM 2011

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Matrix concept applied to splits groups(sectors). Bet 4 sectors/16 numbers.
Note : testing stage...........

1.     1/4, 7/10  (A)
2.     2/5, 8/11  (C)
3.     3/6, 9/12  (B)
4.   13/16, 19/22  (B)
5.   14/17, 20/23  (A)
6.   15/18, 21/24  (A)
7.   25/28, 31/34  (A)
8.   26/29, 32/35  (B)
9.   27/30, 33/36  (B)

Group A (4 sectors/ 16 numbers)
groups 1,5,6,7

Group B ( 4 sectors/ 16 numbers)
groups 3,4,8,9

Group C is sector 2 + the 0 ( 5 numbers).

This groups are optional , you can make your own A,B,C, groups,
but two groups have 16 numbers(A B) and one have 5 numbers(C).

Track Matrix 3 ,   Matrix 4 ,   Matrix 5

Ex:     BCC          BCCA         BCCAC
          ACB          CBAB         BABBB
          ABB          BBCA         CA

Bet only one group (the oposite group), A or B , never C.
Track all and Play only one matrix (choose one active matrix), or play all matrix s  but use 3 bankrolls.

If play  Matrix 3 wait 5 verticals(ex: BBBBB) and bet once A , if lose wait new 5 verticals(Ex:AAAAA) and bet again once  B, ....and so on....
If play Matrix 4 wait 4 verticals(AAAA) and bet once B , if lose wait new 4 verticals and bet once the oposite...etc...

If play Matrix 5 wait 3 verticals....etc....same concept...lose/wait new 3 vert. , bet once....

Trigger CC... not valid (talking about all three matrix s).


1.     1 x 8splits        -8         +10
2.     2 x 8                -24       +12
3.     4 x 8                -56       +16
4.     7 x 8                -112     +14
5.   12 x 8                -208     +8

or  0,50/ 1/ 2/ 4/ 8
or  0,20/ 0,40/ 1/ 2/ 4/ 8

Example Matrix 4

ACAB trigger BBBB
CBAB  L1, wait
ABBA  trigger AAAA
CBAA L2 (because hit C not B)
BBAA  trigger AAAA
BACB  W  hit B


Very interesting and challenging.
Good idea Kat.
You can always get me on  


I made some tests on Matrix 4 and Matrix 5 , but wait only 2 or 3 verticals(trigger)
bet once first progr. step, if lose wait new trigger and bet second progr. step ...
..and so on....Until now  never lost the 5 progression steps, but maybe i am
just lucky . 
Btw...to get  4 or 5 vertical(triggers) can take sometimes a lot of time and spins....

