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Simple and effective to win

Started by Jointu, Mar 29, 06:31 PM 2011

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Hi guys,
I've been testing this and is doing fine.

Constantly I have increased my bankroll with it.
How it goes:

1. Bet size setting (GLC presented it)
It involves sort of money management and no progression (GLC presented the bet size setting method at some point in time and I've liked it since)-
I set a "resonable" target" (resonable- depends on each other adversion to risk).
Usually I aim for 30 units, which I want to make them in 15 bets won.

Target   Wins   Bet   Result   BR
30   15   2      100

Always my bet size is =roundup(Target/Wins)

If my bet wins, than no. of wins is decreased with 1 unit.

Always,New target=Old target +Net Result of bet

2. Prudence
Always, when my target is below 30 I reset everything to initial figures.
In my case:
Target   Wins   Bet   Result   BR
30   15   2      100

This means I've won at least 1 unit- and start over again.

The method of setting the bet size from point 1 will usually allow me to recover in time and take unwinning strings very well and in most of the cases at some point be 1 unit below my initial target.(thing which will allow me to reset)

3. Bet selections: Usually I bet on even chances R/B (last to repeat).
But here, if you have something which has an hitting rate higher than it is recommended.

4,Normally you could use this for hours; days and so on. It should win and constantly increase your BR..
However, it is very wise to be prudent and when your bet size is high (this happens when you had a string of unhits which caused you losses and the target increased considerably)or when the number of hits is low and target high,  to increase the number of wins .
This means that you will release the pressure  and take the loss or if useing a method which has let us say 40% average hitting rate and no hits were made until then but expected in next spins, than usually you will recover the loss and get also 1 unit win.

Do not risk and take at some points losses.

Usually I get with bet selection "Last to repeat" - an average of 20 units won in 100 spins; But of course, there are times when I struggle to get to my 1 unit below my initial target and times when I get it quick.


Nice way to apply the different divisor method.


This is an explanation of it from the author if anyone is interested in getting a more detailed explanation.

Jointu has applied it to the even chances.

I will do a test or so and see how this helps recover from the inevitable down turns.

Will you explain your relief valve a little more.  That's probably the most important part, because we'll always need some kind of relief valve.

Another way to apply a relief valve is like the one used with Lanky's six point divisor.  It's his safety brake where he just adds, like in your case another 30/15 to his target and wins numbers which automatically brings the bet size down to a manageable level.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
