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Advantage Play Terminology [Please post *polite* suggested additions to it]

Started by WannaWin, Jun 18, 10:45 AM 2011

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Aim is the distance you wish the ball to travel from the moment it passes
your reference point, when you select your bet, to the moment the ball lands
on the expected pin. The aim will depend on the location of the reference pin
and dominant landing pin. It will also depend on how early or late you wish to
bet, this is usually between 2.5 and 4 revolutions.

Anti-Clockwise Direction refers to the direction of the wheel and
not the ball, unless specifically stated.

Ball Track is the nearly flat inner part of the wheel on which the ball rolls before dropping onto the diamonds and into number pockets.

Biased Wheels. In the old days, biased wheels referred to wheels that,
due to metal fatigue and wood warping, developed hot numbers that came up
more often than they should. This form of bias is rare today so we play the
most modern type of bias where, for the same reasons,a ball lands on the
same diamonds, spin after spin, to the point where the landing zones are
predictable. This happens for many different reasons, certainly wear and tear,
but also the manufacturing process can produce biased wheels too even
though they may be brand new.

B.P. is short for betting partner and applies when the player links up with a
friend or colleague who can also follow with more substantial bets.

Clocker is the person watching and playing at the wheel.

Clockwise refers to the direction of the wheel and not the ball, unless
specifically stated.

Croupier / Dealer is the man or woman who spins the wheel and ball,
calls ‘no more bets’, and usually makes the payout too.

Cueing is the process by which the player determines the deceleration of a particular roulette wheel.

Diamonds and Pins are the metal objects, often diamond shape, that are fixed onto the wheel which act as ball stoppers and deflectors. There are
usually 8 pins, 4 being horizontal and playing a small role; and 4 vertical, which bring the ball down into a number.

Dominant Pin is similar to drop point and is the biased pin where the ball is most likely to hit and land.

Drag is when conditions are such that increased drag on the ball causes it to decelerate more than normal and can sometimes result in a very short bounce.

Drop Point/s is where we predict the ball will land owing to bias.

Fall out diamonds are pins that are biased and being considered in
the game plan but not being specifically aimed at.

Late Bet is when a player places a bet after `no more bets` has been called. The bet will be returned and this should be avoided at all times as it
draws unwanted attention

Main Pin. This is the most significant pin where the ball lands mostly during play. It is the one that you have chosen to aim at given the circumstances of the wheel you are playing. You still do your rhythm timing from your reference point pin but always aim for a landing on the Main Pin, although they will sometimes be the same.

Meet and Greet is an expression we use to describe our betted
numbers approaching the pin as the ball arrives to land. It’s simply the ideal place to be as it reflects the more common bounce position.

Neighbours is a bet type we use most often. When we call a number and its neighbours we must choose an amount divisible by five, say $25 or $50.
This will then cover two numbers either side and, including the main prediction
number, this makes a total of five numbers. So a $25 neighbour bet would result in $5 being bet on each of the five neighbour numbers.

Overlap is an expression used to describe a betting zone of numbers that is mathematically most suited for a ball landing, which could be on any one of
two or even three diamonds. Overlaps are very good and occur at certain wheel speeds depending on which diamonds are in play.

Number Pockets are positioned around the wheel to hold the ball after landing.

Reference point. The player must select any vertical pin to use as a
reference point to carry out all timing and observation. Obviously, one should pick the most visible pin, usually at about 12 o’clock to where you stand.
There is often a choice of two pins to make as your reference point.

Rotor is another name for the rotating part of the roulette wheel.
Roulette is the hardest game and the more exciting for everyone because it is easy to operate and pays 35 to 1.


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