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Col & Street method

Started by clothdog, May 30, 02:24 PM 2011

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found this from glc, may be worth a look concidering the strike rate

I have found what I think is the perfect bet progression for double dozens.  It requires a maximum of 404 units, but you will never lose 404 units unless you lose 12 times straight on a double dozen bet.   (If 404 units is too steep for your bank, you can decrease the number of steps by 2 making 30-30 your maximum bet and only be risking 178 units.  You can also play this like the leveller and when you reach your maximum bet, stay at that level until you are ahead.)

Since the odds say that we should win 2 out of 3 spins, minus zeros, losing 12 double dozen bets in a row is about the same odds as having a single dozen sleep for 12 spins in a row.  I know it's possible, but so unlikely as to still leave us well ahead when it finally happens.  And, who says that I'll even be  playing on that table at just the time this happens.

This is based on the idea I have in my post titled "Threes Please".

It should work with any 2 dozen bet selection method with a decent hit rate.  That includes all the matrix systems that bet on 2 dozens.

We are going to base this progression on winning 4 bets at a level.  Here is the bet line:  1-1  2-2  2-2  3-3  5-5  7-7  11-11  16-16  24-24  30-30  45-45  68-68.

I know that looks like a horrendous bet line, but it only represents 404 units and as you'll see, there are some safety brakes we can use to decrease our odds of losing at the 68-68 bet level.

The way we play this bet level is, we start by betting 1-1 on our 2 dozens.  As long as we win, we continue to bet 1-1.  When we lose at 1-1 we move to the 1st 2-2.  If we win 2 times at 2-2, we will be up 2 units and can start over. (If you want, you can start over after winning 1 time at 2-2 because this will put you even).  If you lose before winning, then you immediately move to the 2nd 2-2 bet.  This bet must win 3 times to be even or 4 times to be up 2 units.  You decide. 

If you win 2 times and then lose at any level, do not move to the next higher level.  You will be even for that level and can play again.  You may have a winning streak and not need to go to the next level.  As long as you win twice before a loss, you can remain at that the same level.

If you win 1 time at a level and then lose, you should go ahead and move to the next level.

Anytime you win 4 times without a loss at a level, you will be at a high water mark and can reset to 1-1.

If you win and then lose the next bet at a couple of levels, you may find yourself at a new high water mark after only 3 wins at a level.

Safety brake time.  You should shoot for the 4 wins at the levels 2-2  3-3  5-5  7-7.  Remember that we don't need to win 4 times at the 1st 2 levels.

If you find yourself betting at level 11-11 or higher, you should move back to the left after only 2 wins.  After 2 wins calculate at what level you would need to go back to in order for a 4 time win at that level to wipe out your deficit.

Example:  You are at 16-16 and have won 2 times in a row and are down 27 units.  Divide 27 by 4 and you get 7.  Go back to level 7-7 and begin playing to win 4 times at that level which will wipe out your 27 unit deficit +1 units.

The trade-off is that if you had won 2 more times at 16-16 you would recover but since you moved back to 7-7, you must win 4 more times to recover.  On the other hand if you went into another series of losses starting at 16-16 you would run the risk of hitting your maximum bet limit.  At 7-7, you have a 2 level additional cushion.


-1-1       =  -2
-2-2       =  -6
+2+2     =  -4
-2-2       =  -8
-3-3       =  -14
-5-5       =  -24
-7-7       =  -38
+11+11  =  -27
-11-11   =   -49
+16+16 =  -33
+16+16 =  -17
At this point I divide 17 by 4 and get 5 so I go back to 5-5 because 4 wins puts me up +3.
-5-5      =   -27
-7-7      =   -41
-11-11  =   -63
+16+16=   -47
+16+16=   -31
At this point I divide 31 by 4 and get 8 so I go back to 8-8 even though 8-8 isn't on our progression line, we can make adjustments when needed.
+8+8    =   -23
+8+8    =   -15
+8+8    =   -7
+8+8    =   +1    Reset to 1-1.

The above series is a real series I had in my last session.  Had I not dropped back to 5-5 after winning 16-16 twice, I would have lost the next 3 bets putting me at betting 45-45 which is almost maxed out and is too risky for my blood.

As it turned out, had I stayed with 16-16 the second time, I would have recovered completely in 2 more spins rather than 4.

To get 4 wins in a row with a decent double dozen system is a common occurrence.

Can you lose with this bet method?  Of course.  Will you lose often?  No!

Is this a valid bet method?  You be the judge.


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I just don't give a priority to some numbers because all have the same value in the game. If we prioritize some formations we cause imbalance.


you say that but have you ever tryed the holy grail method method for r/b, trigger is 3rd row, when it lands you bet same colour. can't tell you why but it works very very well.
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"Want to see as well the difference between an air machine (pp) and live roulette (william hill) noticed numbers won more on live roulette, while the columns was working more on air machine.  Just making an observation see if it holds up!"


have a look at playing inside when any of these numbers hit and you'll see something that can  be exploited into a very strong system...progression?! ???  progression?!  :question:  <working in circles with it>
here's the groups:

A: 5-7-8-14-16-17-23-25-26-32-34-35

B: 4-6-9-13-15-18-22-24-27-31-33-36


most the time they hit within 7 spins when any number from the same group shows...



Look at my orginal post and then down some.
that is my original single system and the 1-2-3-10-11-12etc is my street system. I posted these on VLS years ago. I already posted about all 3 groups you mentioned here! I have been playing this since 2007. You play the group when 2 numbers of the same group hit within 1 spin or back to back. The difference being , the columns are back to back hits only. Now I took an $800 br and drove it up to $4600 with this sytem playing airball.  The one difference I have tried is that you don't play the last root number that hit. SO you end up playing 8 numbers. Example:
35...ok here is our trigger for 5-7-8. (But we leave out the root of 8-17-26-35 and play 5-14-23-32, 7-16-25-34)
I would play these 8 numbers for 5 spins. I also tried waiting 2 spins after the trigger. the jury is still out. I also tried it with leaving out the group that didn't hit which would be 7-16-25-34
I didn't want to play 12 numbers back then. Again you will find 1 group very strong, the 2nd group nopt too far behind and the 3rd group is cold. Last night the 5-7-8 were very cold and the 4-6-9 was hot and picked up some serious $$$. Good luck. I welcome any improvements.
CD :thumbsup:


BTW...that got me thinking. if I can find it, my computer crashed a few years ago and I made a column system based on every number. I'm not kidding when I say I was hitting sometimes 8-10 in row first spin! I lost it. it was my bread and butter and I haven't been able to re create it. If I can find it I will post. I would wait for 2-3 losses in a row then kick aSS!
cd :thumbsup: 


Razor tell me more about the
"you say that but have you ever tried the holy grail method, method for r/b, trigger is 3rd row, when it lands you bet same color. Can't tell you why but it works very very well".
Never heard.
Thanks Hermes


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Razor:  thanks for that progression seems a lot safer, will track my results using 1-1 then on a loss 2-2, for 2 games then back to 1-1.  And so on and so forth.  Cheers!!

Vundersoa:  Just double checking by playing inside do u mean bet on the column numbers?  And would it be 12 numbers or just the numbers in group a or b.

And clothdog heres results from 1 game today on numbers 9 18 19 27 29 36, playing william hill for 1 hour. + 78!  6 triggers 6 wins at various stages. No losses!!  All i can say is so far AMAZING!  Really intersting why they hit.  Another thing im recording all my numbers, and earlier in your post you said u had compiled a column betting system.  How did you go about doing that?  Just wondering if i pick 1 number find the next 6 numbers below and see what comes up the most or something?


Oh yeah results for columns for that game !!

+ 5.  Lost 1st bet.  Went to 2-2 for 2 games.  Won both time first go! then 3 more games at 1-1.

Groub B lost 1st bet, won on second, then three groub A's winning first bet, then groub b win first bet.

Think im on + 38 units now no loss on third.  All games playing, 1-1, 2-2 2-2 3-3 yada yada progession from now on, better safe then sorry.

Good system so far clothdog on columns and numbers!!



"Vundersoa:  Just double checking by playing inside do you mean bet on the column numbers?  And would it be 12 numbers or just the numbers in group a or b."

Straight betting the numbers from the same group when two numbers hit back to back, as clothdog has it.



razor don't believe everything you hear. I tested compa's and it lost a lot.
