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My 5th post of a system RELATIONSHIPS

Started by Newlight, Jul 12, 03:29 AM 2011

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Again it's tracking 9 numbers

You can do it with 4 or 8 columns but to make it easier I'm going to do 4

Low Black 9 Numbers Low Red 9 numbers  High Blacks 9 numbers High Reds and 9 numbers..

So I'm keeping Track of what Happens Next....

With the 4 Columns 

So the 4 columns are called 1 Same Colour Low Number

2 Same Colour High


4 Opposite Color High

Your Keeping TRACK of the NUMBER that Has Appeared recently and compare it to the previous

*             *

Ect you will start getting a pattern...

So say 2 Black comes up or ANY LOW Black you DOT the NEXT It could be LOW BLACK same Colum

You can say When It's low black 8 times High REDS HAS NOT HIT so Bet TWICE on HIGH REDS if a Low black hasn't showed... If not STOP...

You can decide when to act.

Theres been times a RELATIONSHIP number HASN'T APPEARED FOR 14 18 or 19 SPINS

So (NOTHINGS GUARANTEED)  So basically your looking for Relation ship Gaps..

I RECOMMEND 2 Bets and Stop and

Wait for a 8 gap then try twice... STOP... Wait for ANOTHER 8 GAP relationship to appear and Bet twice again on 9 Numbers..

You may chose a progression eventually... UP TO YOU!!!!!
