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Time Horizons

Started by Proofreaders2000, Jul 23, 01:20 AM 2011

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Let's say the forum (or a few members agree to this) to study a particular wheel online.  (Dublinbet, Roulette #1) and after observation they decide (example: From 8:00pm CDT USA to 9:00pm CDT Code 4 and Pattern Breaker were the most profitable, then at 10:00pm Divide and Conquer was the most profitable.) 

This may take some time, but if we could find out which systems were most profitable at certain times of the day, that could give us an edge.


Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on Jul 23, 01:20 AM 2011
Let's say the forum (or a few members agree to this) to study a particular wheel online.  (Dublinbet, Roulette #1) and after observation they decide (example: From 8:00pm CDT USA to 9:00pm CDT Code 4 and Pattern Breaker were the most profitable, then at 10:00pm Divide and Conquer was the most profitable.) 

This may take some time, but if we could find out which systems were most profitable at certain times of the day, that could give us an edge.

Dear Proof I am doing my best but can't be even close to thought out what did you think with this???
Can you explain? Why would be any system working better or not at some time? Especialy when time is described with "human measuring" devices? (clocks)
What "our time" has anything with "randoms time"?
Even if you are maybe thinking on specific dealers at some time, you won't get long.. Because they are changing all the time. So as their schedule of working at some table...

Or system(s) has some kind of biorythm, always working good at specific time?   :question:




"Or system(s) has some kind of biorythm, always working good at specific time?"-Drazen_cro

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.  I'm saying if several players play different systems on one specific wheel at a set time (say Dublinbet Roul#1 for example) that one system will consistently make more than the others in a two week study.  We could then post that x system was best played (according to our notes) between the hours of x:00 pm/am and (one hour later).


Here's a workable play I've come up with.  It's sketchy right now, but it is a solid framework imo.

Time Horizons:  Divide the clock into 4 sections (6 hours each)

6am-11am         Procedure: Select two of your strongest systems to play
                                       (try to have eight systems, two different systems         
12pm-5pm                         for each time frame.
6pm-11pm                         Start precisely at x:00 (whichever o'clock the time
                                       section starts and play for one unit profit for both
12pm-5am                         systems.  At the next o'clock, restart with the system
                                        you originally started with for that time section.


it can be just a pure coincidence, no more than this. Roulette ball doesn't care what time is now.
though it can be something about dealer signature with certain dealers. It is possible also that they have a few different balls. Air pressure, temperature, humidity - - all this stuff may influence the game. but u don't know how.


You're entitled to your opinion Iggiv.
So you (the bettor) has his/her eight systems.  You have to decide which systems work best under which time slot.  You may even decide to exchange a few of your strongest systems so they may be compatible with the time slot.


Hmm I can find no correlation between a time and system functionality. RNG does not care what time is it, neither does a dealer, not the ball, or the wheel. Can you please be more precise on how to identify which systems works better at what time?

Sorry, but is seems something leaking common sense to me...
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


The premise behind this is there was an Asian bettor who made a living by beginning at the start of a certain time (whatever time the land-based casino opened).  i.e. Dealer change, new dealer--he would begin tracking with the first spin at 11:00am and would continue until he had an even chance miss six times in a row and would bet $100 martingale 1,2,4,8,16,32 once a day--successfully. (He brought $6400 with him daily)

Steve Morgan, (who makes a living on Roulette) had a similar strategy.  Around a certain time (I understand), he would start tracking and would bet the table limit on two dozens (i.e. $250 on each dozen) once a day.

Since these two bettors would tie in their bets around a particular time of day, I'm trying to find out if there are times of day where one system would perform better than another system overall.   


Ok I understood but both of the examples as I guess refer to live roulette, regardless it is online or land based, the live dealers are engaged. Most of the systems here refer to RNG Roulette, so I still have a gap in mind about how to connect these two...
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢


I was only referring to Live Roulette/Brick and Mortar where there is a dealer spinning a real ball.  (Not the RNG simulation)


Ok it's a bit clear now. So you want to clear up when does which system work best, am I right?

If it's so, then it depends on so many factors, that I still think it'll be hard to find the truth only by user experiences. The dealers differ from casino to casino, so does the wheels do- some of them spin faster, some slower. The balls also differ, and most of the time it is unidentifiable till the last second where it will lend. So how are you going to "catch" the trend?
playnow, playmore, playborneâ,,¢
