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2 step progression

Started by Tomla021, Oct 05, 09:03 AM 2011

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Quoteif one can find a bet selection where the longest losing streak without 2 consecutive wins is 15 spins

If you have that then a 4 slot labby is ideal, 0,0,0,1 see reveal for something I am running at the moment, it keeps the 1st zero @ 0 unless it wins 2 in a row then empties itself, I think people overlook the strength of a labby, imagine the data in reveal was played with a marty, highest bet would have been 256 units and made 1 unit profit, with the labby the highest bet was 19 and the win equated to 2 units.

Ignore all the 1st bits of data in the reveal, just look at the end after Labby to see how it build and reduces.

[reveal]1271 L  Prog 2 Cash 104 Peak 106 Ticker 4 Seq 21 (123) FullSeq 4,10,85,4,20,123 Labby 0|1|1|1
1277 L  Prog 1 Cash 103 Peak 106 Ticker 4 Seq 60 (90) FullSeq 3,11,55,3,18,90 Labby 0|1|1|2
1280 L  Prog 2 Cash 101 Peak 106 Ticker 1 Seq 60 (97) FullSeq 3,14,58,3,19,97 Labby 0|2|2|2
1281 L  Prog 2 Cash 99 Peak 106 Ticker 2 Seq 60 (102) FullSeq 4,15,59,4,20,102 Labby 0|2|3|3
1296 L  Prog 3 Cash 96 Peak 106 Ticker 0 Seq 59 (83) FullSeq 3,26,40,3,11,83 Labby 0|3|4|4
1297 L  Prog 4 Cash 92 Peak 106 Ticker 0 Seq 59 (88) FullSeq 4,27,41,4,12,88 Labby 0|5|5|5
1302 L  Prog 5 Cash 87 Peak 106 Ticker 0 Seq 59 (99) FullSeq 3,32,46,3,15,99 Labby 0|6|7|7
1303 L  Prog 7 Cash 80 Peak 106 Ticker 0 Seq 59 (104) FullSeq 4,33,47,4,16,104 Labby 0|9|9|9
1310 W  Prog 9 Cash 89 Peak 106 Ticker 0 Seq 59 (119) FullSeq 3,40,54,3,19,119 Labby 9|9
1313 W  Prog 19 Cash 108 Peak 106 Ticker 3 Seq 59 (126) FullSeq 3,43,57,3,20,126 Labby [/reveal]

Edit: I should have also said, after any win I add 1 unit to the next bet, that's how it gets 2 units profit per labby run.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


ive also used the 00001 labby and liked it ,,,,,as you said labbys are great ,,,to me the progression or mm is almost more important than the bet selection (on even chances)
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Tomla021 on Oct 29, 07:57 AM 2011
I've also used the 00001 labby and liked it ,,,,,as you said labbys are great ,,,to me the progression or mm is almost more important than the bet selection (on even chances)

Every roulette player in the world ought to tattoo the last half of this statement on the back of their betting hand. :thumbsup:
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Amen "Tucson Tiger"--!!!!!
Superman I also use 0001 labby I would love it if you could expand on your explanation on how you play it now?
"No Whining, just Winning"


Hi Tomla

Well, start with 0,0,0,1 use both ends for your bet, 0+1 if you win the first bet, just start over from scratch, if you lose the first bet replace the first righ hand 0 with the bet you placed, 0,0,1,1 next bet use both ends again 0+1

win remove both ends, 0,1
win remove both ends = rebuild as labby is finished

theres 2 ways to handle a loss at this point

1,1 is best as 1 unit is no biggy, all depends on how soon you expect the next win, lets say the next 4 bets lost, you can either


or rebuild after a few losses and hope for a double win


then hope for a double win, also you don't need to keep the first zero you could just run with


Its really up to you, we did extensive, months of testing, on all different formations and build methods of the labby for EC bets, look for Fripper threads, theres plenty to read there, as with all progression methods it depends on how often your wins come and how many you get in a row, if 3 wins in a row for your bet selection is quite often then you can run a 6 slot labby


as your first  WWW will empty it and if you only had 10 losses before then (uncalculated) you may have something that looks like this


your 3 winning bets would be 4 units then 6 units then 6 units, anything you lose just gets divided up over the amount of slots you have in the labby, if you have a really bad losing run then just chuck more naughts at it, but remember that would mean you need more wins to empty it, lets say you had a terrible streak and wanted to keep bets low, you are down 50 units


you win the next 2 bets, instead of hoping for more wins, add up the outstanding amount and go back to a 4 or 6 slot labby, the options are endless, rebuild, extend to get you through the bad runs, just keep in mind extended losses or LLLWLLLLLLLWLLLLLLLLWLLWLLLLW can make it grow too much and it will be a struggle to empty it.

There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


interested in add a unit to labby after a win?
"No Whining, just Winning"


Then add it, if you lose just add it back in, simple as that then once you finish the labby you will be +2, or start with

There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


ok thanks superman---good luck to you and Lois Lane!
"No Whining, just Winning"
