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System idea based on the "roulette mathematical perfection" consept of turbo.

Started by Master_of_pockets, Nov 21, 06:18 PM 2011

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The "combination" concept of my idea is on the Even Chances bets. (in my example the RED/BLACK)
  I know that this idea requires a LOT of tracking BUT if its a winning idea,then a BOT can be made.

  We are watching the penultimate number(2nd in the row of the board) and we see if it made a RUN or a CHANGE according to the last number.
  Then we do the same with the 3d number in the row of the board and we see if it made a RUN or a CHANGE according to the last number (again). All the compares will be with the LAST number spun.
  Then we do the same with the 4th number in the row of the board etc.
It is supposed that the more "combinations" we have the more accurate bets we will have(according to Turbo and the combination theory)

Then we have to have an analogy in order to bet.

For example if the comparing / tracking will be on 3 numbers ,then we must have at least 2 same and 1 opposite bet.
If the comparing / tracking will be on 10 numbers then we must have at least 6 same and 1 opposite bet.

Let me give you an example of 3 combination.

Numbers/colors    R , B , B , R   

The 2nd number before the last number spun is BLACK. And the last number is RED. So we have a CHANGE
The 3d number before the last number spun is again BLACK.And the last number is RED. So we have a CHANGE
The 4th number before the last number spun is RED.And the last number is also RED. So we have a RUN

So we will be tracking in every spin the Runs and the Changes and the we will be betting on the less happened when we are having at least 2 of 3 of the same bet.
If we have 3 of 3 then we can bet 2 chips on the bet instead of 1...because it is supposed that the chances are getting bigger.

Now the correct thing it would be to make those combinations of 10 or even 20 tracking Runs and Changes movements. But we must always have an analogy like 6 in 10 or 12 on 20 etc.
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***



Seems to me that the changes (or runs) would be comparable to each other in the same way as B and R or H/L etc. This to me would be the same as counting B/R and betting on whichever is the least amount of shows after N trials (4 or 20 or whatever). In my mind this doesn't work. There will be mathematical balance over time but you won't win betting for it. if you have 70 'runs' and 30 'changes' and the odds are 50/50 more or less discounting the 0, then you have a 70/30 percentage split so you may play for the changes to level out (40 hits in your favour). They will over time. You could end up with the percentage being 55/45 % after say 1000 spins but the difference between runs and changes is even wider now as there would be a difference of 100. By this time you've lost too much money playing for that change to happen.
The balance always gets closer to restoring itself but as it does the gap between the two points (R/B, H/L O/E, runs/changes) always becomes wider and greater.

