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Hidden Math Revealed The Secret that WON'T change your life !

Started by MAX, Apr 17, 01:39 PM 2012

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Found this again on my computer,its a intresting way to track even chanses.


write out the numbers and their color

12 R
03 R
15 B
12 R
33 B
16 R
34 R
09 R
28 B
34 R
04 B
35 B
14 R
35 B
08 B
23 R
03 R
21 R
20 B
09 R
03 R
20 B

O.K.  now down this first line we will start following the color that shows
up, red came first so we back red on the second spin.
It wins and we are +1.
So we must back red again on the third spin.
This time we lose, so we are back to 0.
Now because black appeared we back black and red comes out,
so we are -1.
The point is WHATEVER plan you have decided to follow you
stick to it all the way through. There is no guesswork.
So it would actually look like this

12 R
03 R +1
15 B +0
12 R -1
33 B -2
16 R -3
34 R -2
09 R -1
28 B -2
34 R -3
04 B -4
35 B -3
14 R -4
35 B -5
08 B -4
23 R -5
03 R -4
21 R -3
20 B -4
09 R -5
03 R -4
20 B -5

There are 4 dimensions to this.
As far as the first row of numbers go, they would take us to -3 which
is where we stop, but then the hidden math will kick in and take us to the
next step

Now from the 3 to the 12 draw a half moon, it has went from a
red to a red, so put a +1.
From the 12 to the 16, draw another half moon, it has went from red to red
again, so put a +2.
Do this all the way down.
All this goes to the right hand side of the figures you already have.

12 R
03 R +1
15 B +0
12 R -1  +1
33 B  -2
16 R -3  +2
34 R -2
09 R -1  +3
28 B -2
34 R -3  +4
04 B -4
35 B -3  +3
14 R -4
35 B -5  +4
08 R -4
23 R -5  +3
03 R -4
21 R -3  +4
20 B -4
09 R -5  +5

Now do you see what can go up, can also go down.

You stop at three losses, so going down the first column
you would have stopped at the 16 red because you are -3.
But switching over now to the second column and following
the same betting procedure but only every 2 spins, you would
recoup your 3 chips at number 9

spin by spin :

we see 12 red, so we bet red on next spin. We win, so we are +1.
we bet red next spin, 15 black. we lose, back to level.
we bet black next spin, 12 red we lose, now -1
we bet red next spin, 33 black, we lose, now -2.
we bet black next spin, 16 red, we lose, now -3.
we stop betting in this column because we are now -3.
move over to next column, last number was 16, so wait 2 spins and back red.
number 9, we win, now we are -2.
wait 2 spins and back red again, 34 red, we win, now we are -1.
wait 2 spins and back red again, 35 black, we lose, now we are -2.
wait 2 spins and bet BLACK this time (because remember we are following last
color) 35 black, we win, now -1.
wait 2 spins, bet black, 23 red, we lose, now we are -2.
wait 2 spins, bet red, 21 red, we win, now we are -1.
wait 2 spins, bet red, 9 red, we win, now we are level. Quit table.

Always flat bet, the two columns show that what can go up on
one side will come down on the other side and vice versa.
you can work 4 columns across and that is how you get the 4 dimensions.

Using 1 dimension, you lose.
Using 2, you break even,
using 3, you gain 5 units and
using 4 dimensions you gain 10 units.

In that example we used 2 dimensions and we broke

Alot of times, you will win the first few spins.
You are only really looking at winning a few units and stopping
and going to another table.
There will be times when you have to go to the second column,
or 3rd column or even 4th column.
The columns will all deviate up and down towards the zero point and
you are going to hit a column which goes on an upward trend.
You can even back to lose.
So for example if one of the columns is going  -4, -5, -6,
then it is doing the oposite and you can follow that.

=========== ????? ==============
=========== ????? ==============

You don't lose three bets and then change over to the next column, you
change over after just one loss.

So i will write out some colors. remember we will follow the last color.

B -1
R -2
B -3  +0
R -4
B -5  +1
R -6
B -7  +2

So in that example above, the first colour was red, so we back red on the
second spin, we lose and are -1. So we switch over to the next column
betting 2 spins down, as you can see we would be betting black and we win
the next three spins to take us to +2 in total. If you lose a spin, you must
always switch over to the next column.
(author unknown) :question:



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