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I need help modifying this system please

Started by mario12346, Apr 14, 02:14 PM 2014

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The system is to place £15 on low numbers and £10 on 3rd dozen and £1 on the zero which is another version, thus leaving only 6 numbers uncovered.

If you cover the zero aswell then every win gives you a £4 profit and and £5 if you dont cover 0. If one of the uncovered numbers hits then you lose £26 which is what makes this system weak.

Ive picked up this system from somone playing in a real casino with a minimum outside bet of £5. What I want is to re-invent it for online roulette with both a version to play on a table with a 10p minimum, and a version to play on a table with a 50p minimum, and I also want a martingale to recover the losses if our numbers dont hit. If we achieve this then the system should take some beating providing you are patient to keep making small wins and risk quite alot with the martingale.

Can anyone help me?



Hello Mario, this is a good ol' 5-line bet, only fixed.

In my opinion, 5-line bets can have a room as long as it's more of a "stock bet" taking part of more interesting things (i.e. part of a bigger strategy).

Chances are you don't want to run a full martingale on a 5-line bet. It's too explosive .You might be better doing something else when attempting to recover a failed bet.

You might snap some double-street ideas from here:


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Ok Im reading through that now looking for ideas. Out of interest I know it would be risky but what would the martingale progression be for this? Im not a mathematician.



I see what you mean about being explosive, I was toying aroing with a 5 line double street bet on RNG free just to get ideas and my uncovered section came out 5 times in a row. I dont actually play RNG and believe its fixed, I only play live tables.

So when you say do something else to recover a failed bet, do you have any suggestions?




I think I have worked it out. 1.50 on low numbers and 1.00 on 3rd dozen, so the progression would be 2.50, 15.00, 77.50

Which is far too risky as Ive seen zero repeat 4 times before...

But possibly use the bet to try and win a few 0.50 and if it loses then wait for a string of low numbers then bet 3.00 on high then use martingale?


Be careful. Not all even money bets are equal!


Mario,  please show me why the following doesn't indicate that we should only bet 1 line per spin if we're betting lines.

If we bet 1 unit on 5 lines we win 1 unit on each number that hits within the 5 lines.  That's 30 numbers that net us 1 unit each = +30.

If we hit the line we're not betting on, we lose 5 units for each of the 6 numbers.  That's 6 number that net us -5 units each = -30.

So that's a wash but what happens when zero hits?  We lose the 5 units we're betting on the 5 lines. = -5

This is based on each number hitting once before any number repeats.  That's 37 numbers.   That's a net win of 30 units vs a net loss of -35.

Let's consider betting on 1 line.

If we bet 1 unit on 1 line we win 5 units on each of the 6 numbers in those lines.  That's 6 numbers that net us +5 units each = +30.

If we hit any of the 5 lines we're not betting on, we lose 1 unit for each of the 30 numbers.  That's 30 numbers that cost us -1 each = -30.

So that's a wash, but what happens when zero hits?  We lose the 1 unit we're betting on the 1 line.  = -1.

This is based on each number hitting once before any number repeats.  That's 37 numbers.  That's a net win of 30 units vs a net loss of -31.

Unless I'm mistaken, that's a net los of -5 vs -1 which tells me we should only bet 1 line at a time to minimize the effects of a zero hit.

It's very possible that I'm overlooking something here.  If so, will somebody straighten me out, please.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Thanks for the post. you do not wish to function a complete martingale on a 5-line wager. It really is also forceful. You might be far better undertaking another thing while attempting to recuperate a was unable wager.
