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Started by F_LAT_INO, Jul 23, 03:28 PM 2012

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   I will refer to a post that may enlighten many interested in betting this way. This should be better than me trying to explain.
   So if we go to 'Promised Constant Winning Bet' by Mr FLAT (The Master) and then look at 'Reply # 1361' by member peauke. Peauke has done a really good job of explaining how he plays this his way,showing the splits/sectors.
   After looking closely at that excellent reply, here is another equally as good, by a member named 'PAJA', Reply # 1373. He refers to the Dozens as 'Engineered,Crossing, Croatian, and lastly, as he likes to call them CROZENS'.
   I feel sure many will find these helpful. :thumbsup:        Best Wishes to all. rossco.



I'm so lazy!  I don't suppose you'd take us by the hand and lead us through the wilderness.

Especially on that CROZENS thingy.  Sounds lie "crazins" which are crazy raisins and made me hungry!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


       This will be better for you with 'brekkie' and cup of coffee.

  Sectors are A, B or C. Every sector are 6 split numbers (so covering 12 numbers)

  A are numbers: 1,4,7,10 - 15,18,21,24 -  26,29,32,35
  B are numbers: 2,5,8,11 - 13,16,19,22 -  27,30,33,36
  C are numbers: 3,6,9,12 - 14,17,20,23 -  25,28,31,34
  So as you can see, each 'crossing dozen' covers all Dozens, and all Columns.
                                                                                 Kind regards, rossco.
