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You Want That Grail Conversation

Started by Proofreaders2000, Oct 28, 08:22 AM 2012

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Must I pay for every text or is it done with a one time payment???


One time payment.

It's a subscription so once a year I think.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.



Quote from: Skakus on Oct 30, 04:39 PM 2012
If you want to decode the text you must register and pay some money to the forum owner.

It's a donation apparently.

Hey, we all gotta eat you know.  :)

does it make any sense when its decoded though?  LoL


...the way I see it, you , or me, have to pay $ 5.99 a month through PayPal....

So does this mean, there I will get better information ?!?


Hey guys, it's a private study group with a monthly subscription option to get some funding for creating software.

...If you are a regular poster, just register and shoot me a PM to enable you.

I'm very easy to break LoL
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