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One, two, buckle my shoe???

Started by GLC, Nov 04, 11:25 PM 2012

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Here's a dozen trot that could be interesting to somebody.

We're looking for a hot dozen.  So we just bet on the dozens as they show.

Example:  Let's say the 1 doz spins, we bet 1 unit on the 1 dozen.  If we win, we put 2 units in our pocket.  Let's say we lose because the 2 dozen spun.  Now we bet 1 unit on the 1 doz and 1 unit on the 2 dozen.  If either the 1 or the 2 dozen hits, we recover and are back to even.  If the 3 dozen hits, we are down 2 more units.  So we increase our unit size by 1 chip.  We start looking for a hot dozen afresh by betting 2 units on the 3 dozen.  If it hits we win 4 chips which puts us up +1 and we put that in our pocket.
Let's say we bet 2 on the 3rd dozen and lose because the 1st dozen hit.  We now bet 2 units on the 1st and 3rd dozens.  A win recovers our 2 lost units from the 3 dozen bet.  If we lose our 2 unit bets on the 1 and 3 dozens, we increase our units by +1 and bet 3 units on the dozen that just hit.

That's the trot.  Bet on the 1st dozen to hit.  If it wins, we're happy and that's the only we we win any units.  If we lose, we then bet equal amounts on the 2 last dozens to hit.  A win recovers the 1 dozen bet we lost and we can make another 1 dozen bet.
Remember, we only move up in unit size after a loss on our double dozen bet and we only move to a smaller unit size bet when we win while betting on the single dozen.

Any time we win a 1 dozen bet, we move back a level. 

Each level is played the same way.  1st a bet on a single dozen.  If a win, we move back a level.  If we lose our single dozen bet, we make a double dozen bet of the same size so that a win will recover our lost units from the single dozen bet and we can try it all over again.  If we lose this double dozen bet, we move to a larger bet size.

You can tweak the progression to make it aggressive or a grinder.  I prefer playing D'Alembert style where we add 1 unit to our bet size on a loss and we subtract 1 unit from our bet size on a win.

We will occassionally make a unit or two on a win at a level higher than 1 unit, but mostly our out won units will come from wins from betting 1 unit on a single dozen.

If you read this a couple of times, I think you will see what I'm trying to do.  It's pretty obvious and it's also pretty powerful.

One word of explanation.  Most of the time we will be betting small units.  Every now and then we will hit a bad streak and have to go to larger bet sizes and it will be somewhat of a grind until we have a little luck that pulls us back out of the hole.  So far I've always pulled out of the hole.  Since we are always betting on the last number to hit, we will always be betting the number that gets hot.  When that happens, we can win a lot quickly and pull back out of the hole.

When the zero hits, while I'm betting a single dozen, I bet the last 2 dozens to hit hoping to recover.  If I'm betting on 2 dozens when the zero hits, I move to the next bet level.  There's no only 1 way to handle the zero.  Be creative and chose your own way.  It'll work.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


By George, I like it!

I'll certainly try it at Riverwind for .25 a spin.  Danged ol' 00 is always lurking.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


I have tested this sometimes, and sometimes the opposite start with 2 dozen, and if it lose, try to bet one dozen to break even.  I start with the last two hitted then, and if I play one for a repeat of the last.

It wins most of the time at the end, a end which can take some time.  It will need some number of chips, so it is not for the higher value chips (depending if you are highroller or not).

As with betting cover large areas we win often, but on a unlucky day the chips disappears fast.
I use to not stay long with it, 10-15 plus and I think it is time to change the play, before the wheel may start the jumping to the dozen not bet, I think we all know that phenomena.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Run it just for fun today. Made 31 units, There were some drawdown and I bet 18 units as most, it come back but hovered over a small loss for long time. That's a good signal the chance for a rapid big loss is not alarming high.

It is far better than allways 2/3 bet. And long waiting for opportunity to bet. Even if it takes time to recover it cost not as run a bad streak using 1,3,9,27,81...on two dozen.  Some do it and survive
1000 of bets, how long will it last?

I may code it and use 10 Euro letting it run on 1 cent for a longer period using the bot.

The best way to fail, is not to try!
