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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Started by buffalowizard, Nov 15, 04:51 PM 2012

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This may be similar to an earlier system of mine, but it also may be a little different. I'm not going sifting through to find out.
All I can say is that it is very safe and straightforward.

Track the dozens


So The trigger is three dozens. The bet is next time dozen 1 pops out, bet against 3,3 following using classic 1,3 progression.
There is no betting involved until your trigger dozen spins. So this is quite a patient system but one you should aim for 5 units per 50-80 spin session.
8 units per loss. I would stop if I encountered a single loss and take it. Hopefully by then you have already won a little bit to soften the blow.

Here's a small sample

3 next time D3 shows, bet against 2,3 following it
3. Trigger
1. Win
1. Next time D2 shows, bet against 2,1 following it
2. Trigger
2. Lost first bet
3. Win


Hope you enjoy


not bad, I like it
question, when zero appears while tracking what then
do we discard the zero and take the next dozen or do we discard all 3 outcomes and start a new one?

first test
54 spins
+5 units
3 times won on first step
2 times won on second step
had zero so I skipped it and waited for new 3
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Soggett, good testing my friend. It's a patient system so you made the right judgement with the zero. Retrack and bypass the green goblin



I thought so
another test
111 spins
ended +5
10 wins on step 1
3 wins on step 2
1 loss
before the loss I was at +5, decided to go on to see what happens
ah well, still ended +5
a good idea is to have a goal of +5 and a BR of 3-5 times needed - so 24-40 units
I'm gonna test this more as it seems good and easy - and that's all we want right? ;D
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Exactly right,
And good to see it claw back a loss, always nice


Good one buffalowizard  :thumbsup:

With appropriate MM (I'm refering to unit size also) could get good profits.


180 spins
1 loss
ended +12
14 wins in a row
again +5 reached before loss
the loss was due to zero btw
maybe a chip on zero too?dont know
I like it  ;)
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Quote from: soggett on Nov 15, 06:01 PM 2012
180 spins
1 loss
ended +12
14 wins in a row
again +5 reached before loss
the loss was due to zero by the way
maybe a chip on zero too?don't know
I like it  ;)

After a loss you could double unit size for next 3-4 wins and get back again to initial unit size.
In this way you recover faster. Of course there is the risk of losing again with increased unit size, but after all its gambling :twisted:

I prefer this way, then betting zero.


Buffalowizard, I don't know if I'll disapoint you now but...

I did a test of 4000 spins I have in a file, here goes:
end result : -21
won on step 1: 360
won on step 2: 107
lost: 61
a very even system
a few losses due to zero

now, the interesting part is that in this 528 games there were 19 streaks of W's going 10+, 5 of them 20+
and the worst L streak was 2
that's right, 2 L in a row is the worst I saw
that means if we used 1-1,3-3 then 9-9 27-27 and then 81-81 243-243 we would have won every game
is it worth the risk? to each his own
but 5 units should be no problem with this one, maybe when L's appear it will take a bit longer to get out of the hole but a streak of 20+ gets you out quickly ;D
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Thank you for te extensive testing, you're the man!
I wouldn't like to personally climb up the progression like that but as you say, to each their own. I still think if you want to catch 5 units then this system is strong.
One other tweak to this would be to incorporate 3 bets following a trigger, rather than two. Progression would go to 1,3,9 = 26 on DD
1 next time a 3 appears, bet against 2,3,1 following

Just a though



no problem
I couldn't sleep so I decided to do some testing to help out

I wouldn't do the progression either
and I agree, 5 units should be easy to reach

the more bets idea - don't think it will matter much and I rather risk 8 units than 26
think it is ok the way it is
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Yes I think you're probably right
