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What can we learn from the "FlatMaN Fiasco"?

Started by TwoCatSam, Nov 30, 01:45 PM 2012

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QuoteFrstly you must do another thing before posting anything.....that is not a table in Wiesbaden

the F**k it is in Wiesbaden !!! Mr. Traveallot and haven't seen anything....There are even 4 TB tables

and they are : BAS and B2AS which are located in the room with the Slotmachines

and then there are : B1R which is in the smoker's room

and there is Table B1NR in the Nonsmoking room.

And of course Table's 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7

Just to make that clear. I have been there and go there !!!!

Have a nice F***g Day.


PS. That rime gave me a smile  ;D


does f word have any special meaning here?

There could be some ladies in this forum which don't like this kind of language, couldn't they?


Quote from: iggiv on Dec 01, 11:37 AM 2012
does f word have any special meaning here?

There could be some ladies in this forum which don't like this kind of language, couldn't they?

A gambling lady not know and use the words has never lost.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


....that's weired....... when others use the f word its OK. But I get remarks. Great !!
Does that have to do from which country I write from ?!?

And for any ladies , that have got embarrassed , then sorry iggiv  :xd:

I stick to what I wrote. And you know, like 99% of the others, that the f word has more meanings that you have just thought of. And I am * sure these ladies know that as well.

I could write examples but that would be too much....
You see iggiv, don't think so bad about a synonym. Don't be to serious, its not good for the nerves.
But I know now, you don't like that * word and I won't write it again.

Hope I won't get banned know..... Its just like playing BF (Battlefield) , admin don't like you... admin bans you.
But to be honest "I * don't care"

Have a Great Day


iggiv: do you know the singer Rea Garvey ?!?link:://:.reagarvey.com
when he is in the talent show and he chooses a singer because he is good, you know what he says ?
Live !! In front of 1000 spectators (50% WOMEN) and !! Broadcast to million TV viewers !!!
You wouldn't know, but I will tell you : "this is F*****G unbelievable or one of his favorite Fan-f****g-tastic"
And you know what !!! There is not, I repeat NOT!!! ONE single woman that is watching , that feels bad about it...


Ray nobody wants to ban u. This was just a friendly remark and question. As for me use as many F words as u want if they are not against anyone personally. If this makes u feel better i don't mind buddy. It is much better than attacking somebody without direct insult language.
