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Screen scraping

Started by Bayes, Jul 19, 11:06 AM 2010

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Quote from: superman on Sep 09, 11:53 AM 2010
Whatever you choose will take some time to develope and in my opinion, random numbers are random numbers, I know they are live results but still wouldn't spend that much time to grab them, just my opinion.

Agreed, but this idea is more about keeping things out in the open as much as possible. e.g; if someone wanted to sell a system and was challenged to provide some evidence that the system worked as claimed, where would the spins come from? If they're not RNG then they would have to come either from someone's personal collection, or be in the public domain (in which case there is a possibility that the testee could have them). There would always be some doubt about whether the spins were 'corrupted' in some way, or that some kind of reverse engineering/back-fitting etc was going on,  but this way everything is transparent and the spins can be verified after the event because they're archived. 

It seems as though it's not so easy to grab the spins, but what about the alternative?



"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Bayes on Sep 10, 02:20 AM 2010
It seems as though it's not so easy to grab the spins, but what about the alternative?



iframes are just showing the page on your page... which is the same as visiting the page. There is no "grabbing" it kind of shows a window in a window. The only benefit is that you don't need to go to the wiesbaden site.
So IMHO I'd say it's not what you are after. :-\
I'm always willing to help, just ask me!
Skills: 2D/3D/Flash/(X)HTML/CSS/Js/PHP/MySQL/Multimedia/Interior Design & Design in general/...


Agreed about IFrames, same page, different location, no better or worse.

OK looked at your page in question, right click is disabled but you can view source from your menu bar, it doesn't help though as the numbers don't show up.

So I clicked on the words, TB1 K1 raucher and a new window pops open and viola the actuals are within the source code, heres a snippet of the pages source with 24 and 10

Quote<TD class="y" style="{background-color:black;border-width:0px;border-left:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:black}" id=T8Z1S> 24</TD>
<TD class="g" style="{background-color:black;}"id=T8Z1G> &nbsp;</TD>
<TD class="r" style="{background-color:black;border-width:0px;border-right:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:white}" id=T8Z1R> &nbsp;</TD>
<TD class="y" style="{background-color:black;border-width:0px;border-left:1px;border-style:solid;border-color:black}" id=T8Z26S> 10</TD>

Hope that offers some insight into your task
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


hmm...  when I click on the same I just get a graphic popping up. What browser are you using?

"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Hi bayes, IE8 browser, see atached screenshot, the red ring is where I clicked, clicking on those words above any column/table does the same thing, opens a new sized browser with many tables in it.

There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: superman on Sep 10, 02:46 PM 2010
Hi bayes, IE8 browser, see atached screenshot, the red ring is where I clicked, clicking on those words above any column/table does the same thing, opens a new sized browser with many tables in it.


I use firefox and have it too. Perhaps are you clicking on the background image Bayes?
Also I already referred to this window earlier on.. this issue with grabbing the latest number is that it's being added to the list rather than replaced. :-\
I'm always willing to help, just ask me!
Skills: 2D/3D/Flash/(X)HTML/CSS/Js/PHP/MySQL/Multimedia/Interior Design & Design in general/...


Thanks superman, I get it now.  :thumbsup:

I don't think there's much point in doing this if the spins can't be grabbed. You could have the marquee embedded in a page but then you'd have to get the user to enter the spins manually which would then have to be checked against the spins in the archive, which is a bit long-winded.

Ah well, it was just an idea.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Bayes on Sep 11, 04:10 AM 2010
Thanks superman, I get it now.  :thumbsup:

I don't think there's much point in doing this if the spins can't be grabbed. You could have the marquee embedded in a page but then you'd have to get the user to enter the spins manually which would then have to be checked against the spins in the archive, which is a bit long-winded.

Ah well, it was just an idea.
It can be grabbed. I just didn't get my xpath expression to work because I'm not really familiar with it (and their site code is a mess  :-\)

But like I mentioned in my post
Quote from: Anima-t3d on Sep 07, 05:50 PM 2010
I tried getting the data by using YQL (Yahoo Query Language) and Yahoo Pipes. But it's my first look at it and there are a few issues:
-the given webpage uses javascript to replace the empty cells, but keeps the last added data on the same spot.
-the page given when you click on a table shows all spins but it's hard to get the last added number, since it "adds" rather than replacing.

I had issues with getting my xpath expression to work...

Perhaps someone else can get this to work and share what I was missing? ???
Good luck! :thumbsup:

As attachment there is the modified sourcepage.


So don't give up Bayes, you just need to find the right button to push and you have what you want. :thumbsup:
I'm always willing to help, just ask me!
Skills: 2D/3D/Flash/(X)HTML/CSS/Js/PHP/MySQL/Multimedia/Interior Design & Design in general/...
