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A thought

Started by Carsch, Jun 09, 12:19 AM 2013

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a) Select one of these groups RE, RO, BE, BO (10 or 8 numbers per group)

b) Select one wheel sector  (divide the wheel into 4 fixed sectors with 9 numbers per sector, excluding any zero)

Play both group and wheel sector making sure you don't play any sleeper GROUP or  WHEEL SECTOR.

You should average a total of 15 numbers for play.

Keep playing these same numbers till your group or wheel sector becomes a sleeper to then switch to a different group or wheel sector.

Progression: 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4.......never more than 4 units. Go back in the ladder after a win, skipping the the last two betting units (or create your own progression)


7, 29, 0, 27, 5, 18 <-- last no. spun

a) BE (black even) becomes the sleeper group here. So, we don't want to use that group. Let's pick RO (red odd)

b) Using the american wheel, starting from the number that follows 00, going clockwise (that is no.27), i use the nine following numbers: 8, 10, 12, 18, 19, 25,27, 29, 31.........noting that in the example above, this sector is not a sleeper.

Thus i have all RO numbers (1,3,5,7,9,19,21,23,25,27) and i have these numbers from the wheel sector (8,10,12,18,29,31)
That's a total of 16 numbers.
I play them till either the group or wheel sector becomes a sleeper.

Below spins are not from an american wheel, but i'll use them as if they were from an american wheel for an example purpose.

Tisch:                       T2
Datum:               2013-06-08
********* Gewinnzahlen ********
N  Z  R

18.....................start from here (we are betting on all RO numbers and thoses numbers listed above from the wheel sector)
14 L -15
36 L -30
2 L - 45
1 W -3 (we bet 2 units)
27 W +18
11 L +3
27 W +24
15 L +9
32 L -6
32 L -21
21 W +21 (our wheel sector becomes a sleeper. Next, we play a different sector. Let's say the following sector following clockwise on the wheel: the numbers are: 2,4,6,14,16,21,23,33,35)
29 L+6
6 W+27
34 L +12( RO becomes a sleeper group. So let's use this last group RE)
19 L-3
16 W+18
19 L+3
8 L-12
6 W+9
34 W+30
18 W+51
0 L+36
5 L+21
26 L +6 (our wheel sector becomes a sleeper. let's use this sector: 7,9,11,17,20,26,28,30,32)
12 W+48
32 W+69
30 W+90
27 L+75
19 L+60
25 L+45
34 W+87
1 L+72
10 L+57
9 W+78
35 L +63 (RE becomes a sleeper, so let's use BO)
33 W+78
35 W+99
19 L+76
16 L+61
27 L+31
18 L-14 (bet 2u.)
25 L - 59 (bet 3u.)
29 W +25(bet 4u.)
8 L -5 (bet 2u......going back down in our progression skipping the 3 u. bet)
20 W+58 (bet 3u.)
36 L +43 (bet 1u., going back down skipping the 2u. bet)
6 L +13 (bet 2u.)
31 W +76 (bet 3u.) (our wheel sector becomes a sleeper. Let's play the sector that just hit: 8,10,12,18,19,25,27,29,31)
17 W +97
22 L +82
14 L + 67 (our wheel sector becomes the sleeper). Let's pick the sector that just hit: 2,4,6,14,16,21,23,33,35)
35 W + 89   


New suggested progression to be used with this system:

Negative progression: 1,1,2,3..........lose the 3u. bet and restart from 1u.

Positive progression: Win, Win, 2, 3....... then back to 1u. Lose after the 2 consecutive wins, go back to 1u. and follow with the negative progresssion.

This systems seems to rock with a few live tests.


Hi Carsch

I just read your posts.
Question for you.

In your played example.......how come your betting 15 units but earlier you identified 16 numbers, (zone+ECs.numbers=16 in total)?
Seem to have lost one!
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


It was easier for me to do the math using 15 instead of 16. But then, we're not always using 16 numbers, for other times we're using a total of 15 numbers.

Example: RE numbers: 12, 14, 16,18, 30, 32,34,36 (that's a total of 8 numbers)
Now we use let's say the group above with the numbers from this wheel sector: 1,3,5,13,15,22,24,34,36 (a total of 9 numbers. However, two of those numbers are already included in the RE group above. So, that gives us a total of 15 numbers to bet on.


Got ya!
I thought so................thanx for clarifying.  :thumbsup:
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!
