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Another Newbie Says Hello

Started by ehtelgaeb, Sep 29, 08:24 PM 2013

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Looking at my profile I realized that I have been a member here since July 2013 and I've not started or answered any posts.  Sorry.  I'm not really much of a poster and even less a systems developer.  Of course, I can probably give you some home made methods that I know will not work so you could just write that process off. :)

So here is a little about Steve AKA ehtelgaeb (the beagle spelled backwards with no spaces)

I've been a recreational gambler since the late 1980's and started with playing the horses.  On the very first race I ever bet (and well maybe the very first bet I ever placed), I hit an $18 horse and a $100+ exacta.  I was ready to quit my day job and had started outlining my letter of resignation before the second race had even started.  I then spent the rest of the day losing my recently won $118 as well as the rest of my bankroll.  Glad we didn't have email back then or I may have been out of a job.  I always enjoyed the horses since it was very mathematically oriented but the best horse on paper does not always win.  As another aside, when spreadsheets were invented I thought I had died and gone to math heaven.

My casino gaming started with blackjack, progressed (or digressed) through baccarat, roulette, craps, baccarat, and now back to roulette.  I am having some (a little) luck with dealer signatures, hot sections (close to dealer signatures) and some of  turbogenius's methods like Farthest Back.  None of these are the holy grail but they have kept me in the game for about 6 months now.  I am learning patience, a good bankroll and a small betting unit help to keep the stress down.

Since I live in the US, my online gaming choices are pretty limited.  I only play live dealers and try to stick with 00/0 wheels since that's all I can play here in the US.  The nearest B&M casino is about 2 hours from my house, I have been to Las Vegas more than 20 times, I have been to Atlantic City about 10 times and I have been to Tunica about 5 times.

This looks to be a friendly non-hostile site with some very good discussions and I hope to contribute in some form or another. The "net nanny" at work will not allow me to get on this site so I have to read messages on my smart phone but I do try to keep up.

Thanks for letting me join up and post.  Good luck and happy roulette rolling to all!

-Steve (AKA ehtelgaeb)
- Steve aka "ehtelgaeb"


welcome aboard bud!  :thumbsup:

5 of your first messages will be approved by Mods then you will be able to post right away. Countermeasure against spammers-scammers.
JFYI. don't get upset


Welcome aboard eht...

Jump in with both feet.

All contributions are welcome.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
