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Started by donik7777, Dec 09, 06:37 PM 2013

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Hello everyone!
What yours opinion about this video.
Best regards.



"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


For what it's worth a better way to play it is via written down differential betting. That way you only bet the difference between the higher & lower amounts on 3 positions not 6 but the  $$ returns will be the same. Also you lose much less if any zero hits or none on zero insurance bets at higher bet levels.

The demo guy was doubling up or increasing his bets on the losing 3. Effectively this is betting for opposite results.

At the start for a trigger just book play it, as the demo showed it's a break even bet anyway. His way loses the lot if zero hits.

I've played triple opposite & same as bets in the past & found they mostly lose more than win. Triple & double losses have you going backwards fast.

I find single position bets a better chance & far less BR needed.


all this is nonsense. how can u bet black and red at the same time? I mean you can, but it does not make any sense. Overall you lose.

And if you bet let's say 1 unit on red, 2 units on black. If black wins, you get only one unit, as if you wagered 1 unit only. If red wins, you lose one unit. If zero hits, you lose 3 units! With the same result you would bet only one unit --win or lose one. What you do in reality by betting like this is like increasing the house edge. That's not a hard thing to do.


about insurance bet. This is a mistake too. Read Wizard of Odds. "Don't hedge your bets". Overall it won't help you. it will make things worse. You will lose more. It's just an illusion.



2 zeros too!!!

If I saw someone doing this....i would most certainly bet 0 and 00

You just know that's what will hit the sad muppet.


Ig - Yes, betting that video chip way is nonsense that's why you do the maths on paper & only bet the difference of the higher amount = less loss risk = same return on any win = differential betting.   

Ig - I don't agree with you on the zero insurance bet.  Last week I was playing it (37 pocket wheel) on any L3 (dbl doz) or higher bet {triple up betting} ( I add the zero bet amount onto the other bets = dbl dozens, so that on a dozen win the return is equal to the normal bet if I didn't back zero). I always bet a little extra on zero than needed as it can/does boost your profit. eg 10 might cover the bets so I bet an extra 5 = 15 on zero.

Yes if all bets lose then you do lose more. However I wasn't losing after 170 bets & I was up 340GBP playing online at Party casino live dealer. At that stage  zeros had not hit after nearly 3 hours of play ( they change dealers every 1/2 hour). In the next 55 spins zero hit 3 times & twice on my insurance bets. My profit balance then went up to $830.

After a few more hours I got to + 1,100GBP. I cashed in 1kGBP & expect that transfer to come in the next day or so.
I still have 300GBP in my play a/c, 200 BR + 100 profit.

My broadband monthly limit is nearly out & resets in a few days. Once that comes I shall revisit Party to try for more profit.
Meanwhile the extra money will be handy for Chrismas.

"So this is a mistake ? Wizard of odds. Don't  hedge your bets. Overall this is a mistake. it will make things worse. It's just an illusion".

If those statements are all true IG then how do you explain 1,000 quid converted to about $1,800 Aussie dollars heading for my a/c ?


Ausguy, it happened you were lucky. But on a long run you will lose more. there will be times when zero will sleep and you will lose a lot overall. You won't feel it on short runs maybe but overall the math will be against you. Read Wizard of Odds, he knows what he is talking about.

Remember, when you start betting something too frequently it's gonna lose. When you gonna bet zero too frequently your wallet will finally bleed.


IG - When I lose on the zero bet, the extra amount I put on my dozens bets, when one wins, pays for the zero loss. You don't seem to understand that aspect of my betting ? Effectively a sleeping zero does not alter the profits.  As I've already said in my recent post. No zero for 170 spins then 3 in the next 55 spins.

I was making profit in the sleep period & even higher profits when the zeros woke up. I've successfully played this method for most of this year.
So that shoots that part of your theory down in flames.

Zero aside because my dbl dozens bets have, so far, won more than I've lost = in profit. So far I've this year won 12 times & lost 5 (& not a lot). That's nearly 4,500 bets from Feb. 'til now. Sure there's been some "runs from hell" but my 20% stop loss ensures I "don't go down with the ship".

Total profits are a little over 2,800GBP so far, incl. last weeks win. To keep in profit must mean it's more than luck ?

We shall see when I start betting again if what you say is true ?  If I continue to have wins it won't be due to luck but good money management & a viable betting method. I also have stop losses in place so I never go backwards much more than 20% before shutting down for a while.

With Party Casino dealer changes every 1/2 hour the bet patterns don't take too long to change. After an hours break or so by me you may see another new dealer logging in.

The table could/would be seeing it's 4th dealer since I took a break.

As in life I find it best to go your own way with things rather than react to people who "know or think they know what they are talking about". Sure take notice of ideas, test them, if something works then I adapt it to my play.

There's no blood in/on my wallet & I'm backing myself that there never will be.
