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Two and a half cycle

Started by ignatus, Jan 02, 09:35 AM 2014

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Quote from: maestro on Jan 02, 03:31 PM 2014
ignatus never ever give up..no matter what

I'm to stubborn to give up!  ;D what is more it's the challange (that it's almost impossible) that makes it even more exciting and furthermore it's fun to seach for new triggers and invent better systems, hopefully! sometimes, or most of the times i have a few lucky runs and i think i found the grail (you know me!)  ;)
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


I can understand ignatus that some point you go back to simple/old system when you are out of ideas for advance systems that also dont work. And most of the cases you need to reach a new low before you can move up for a new high... and that count for most stuff in life...
Your chance to make more profit with Roulette!


ye, and i must re-think all and figure out what's work (nothing on RNG, obviously!) i've tried some ordinary triggers, even with the best triggers won't work on rng, for an example the other day i was working on a system involving red/black & odd/even, in combination. one trigger was for an example wait for 4 even red, then bet for odd black and so on... none of those triggers worked no matter how advanced they might be, and i can't get it, how that can be, how even the strongest trigger failed. you know 50% chance red and black right! that is "easy" sure, finding patterns and in the end bet for black and 14 reds comes. who said that 50/50 chance is all we got, right. it's not 50/50, it's something else, far from that. when it comes to roulette and randomness ...well... i can't find any triggers that works right now. guess i must go back to the wheel then... cheers
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Quote from: maestro on Jan 02, 03:21 PM 2014
Turner what is the story with personal permanence were i can read about it...sounds curious

I think its called "why Hit and Run is absurd....." Bayes


Keep the ideas coming Ignatus.  You never know.


A few days ago some said ignatus was making up rubish strategies, but did you  have checked out the once he came up the last 3 days...
Well I did, ok i gave them a twist, but his ideas made we 100real euros in 3 days playing 0,1 units... i guess there must have been something good in them... and it was playing RNG...

So I say a big thanks!  :D
Your chance to make more profit with Roulette!


Thank you my dear friend!  :)
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve
