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6 numbers dozen trigger

Started by ignatus, Jan 06, 07:44 AM 2014

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"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


443x6......I pressume...math,math=pat...must start playing chess instead.


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"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


it's not worth the risk, NOW the progression busted for the first time. so...........you're right
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"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


Ignatus, I've already done pretty much the same idea ages ago. Even -Odd Dozens


it dropped the trigger on a new trigger because sometimes it can not hit for ages...or worse.
To bet a long progression is unthinkable.

Ignore me at your own risk, but you would be ignoring someone who has already tested this to death.


Quote from: Turner on Jan 06, 05:39 PM 2014
Ignatus, I've already done pretty much the same idea ages ago. Even -Odd Dozens


it dropped the trigger on a new trigger because sometimes it can not hit for ages...or worse.
To bet a long progression is unthinkable.

Ignore me at your own risk, but you would be ignoring someone who has already tested this to death.

i was just carried away by this trigger, i thought it was "secure" and i thank you guys, i did a mistake, good the progression busted while in testing mode (i've been playing it the whole day) so... the search goes on. thanks turner & skakus...i should know better, yes. flatbetting is the only option then? i must return now to the live-wheel, and search for better triggers
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"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve


I can hit my self too...  i had made +200euro.. and let cary away...roulette will catch you... if you break all your rules...  :embarrassed:  can only be mad on my self
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Re: Titanic.  Aussie billionaire Clive Palmer has Titanic II now under construction in China. Planned launch is 2016. google has more info.

Smoczoors post had me looking at some Titanic facts.  Some being, that of the insufficient amount of life boats they did have most were less then at 1/2 capacity. In total they could have had an extra 500+ people in them ?  The super cold salt water was -2degC (below freezing). Most people in the water died within 2 minutes when their hearts failed from cold immersion shock. Later search ships found over 300 bodies floating. 

The "skin" of the plate steel ship was fixed with rivets as electric welding wasn't widely developed industrially back then. Hitting the iceberg head on would probably have saved the ship as the "front on" was it's strongest part. Not being able to turn away in time meant that the ice carved into the steel plates (the weakest part), ripping the rivets, which let the water pour in. The Titanic would have taken over 3 minutes to stop at the speed it was going. Officers on the bridge only had 37 seconds to react after lookouts 1st raised the alarm.

There was a ship closer than the Carpathia to the sinking Titanic but because the alert flares being sent up signalled steering failure stay clear, rather than SOS, that the other ship did just that and so stayed clear.


ok, after 1 week testing in test mode.. back to real money rng..
Deposit 35euro after 3 session of 20 min playing 0.1 unit...  71euro

As with rng goes, i always feel like it triggers you, so looks for what you play, lets say dozen sleepers, so it will let you win, and then he will look for how far you want to go, so you take 8 sleeps, he will see how far you want to go in your progression, and after x time, it will go 1 step to far... so then it will drop and if you follow again.. he will hit it with a few long sleeps and you are out.  And my feeling is.. this happens with most systems you play.
Now Ignatus had some good ideas end added some tweaks to it, so i do have now 7 systems and I will shuffle them around, so never play the same for 2 times... and I also stop the game and start another version, lets see how it goes. I do also place some silly bets knowing to lose... so its not all winners.
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alright, interesting..  :)
If you like to donate link::[url="//paypal.me/ignatus1"]//paypal.me/ignatus1[/url]

"Focus on predicting wheel sectors where the ball is expected to land" ~Steve
