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Colby's Dozen Grind

Started by Colbster, Jan 21, 07:54 PM 2014

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From 25 to 50 depending on the difficulty.
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 15, 12:25 PM 2014
The sheet is not mine; I did not order it's creation.  Someone else did and I'm just testing it.

Listen, I've seen these things work for days and then crash.

In my opinion the only thing which will EVER work is to learn when a trot is going a certain direction early in the trot.  There are good, average, and bad trots.  If one could identify a good trot early, he could make money.  If he could identify a bad trot early, he could just not bet and come back later.

I've truly learned one thing---take it or leave it.  No matter what produces the "results", be in RNG, Random Org., BV or a real wheel, the results will come in peaks and valleys.  Be that numbers, dozens, streets or whatever.  Everything confirms to this peak-valley phenomenon.

Find the key and reap the rewards.


In my humble opinion the above statement should be chiseled in stone.  Especially this "Everything conforms to this peak-valley phenomenon." 

I have gone from loser to winner by bailing early if I'm getting bad spins for my system.  I'm not saying I'm always correct, but I'm correct often enough to have won more than I've lost over the last few months.  It's a subjective decision based on objective data.  I don't think it can be taught.  Just comes from knowing your system inside and out and spending time at the table playing it.
Don't think that because your system has never lost, it can't lose.  Always be prepared for the worst.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Feb 15, 11:35 AM 2014
I am not disparaging anyone; I am just offering a point of view.....

To say you ran something one time and made a judgement is just not correct thinking.  I have been running a certain sheet for days using the ExcelBot's internal RNG.  It does nothing but profit, day after day.  So I decided to run it on BVSZ play money.  The first time I ran, it the thing went almost straight down.  Lost $500 before quick could get ready.

Now, should I draw a conclusion from the above?  NO!  There are always "rogue" runs where things are either way too good or way too bad.

I set the bot for BV last night and after over 5,000 spins it is in a nice profit.  I am bugging Stef to write into the bot a "virtual" mode so one can sit and watch the initial spins. I think we can determine early--at no cost--whether to play or get out.



I thought you were  talking about playing Colby's Grind .... that's why I was asking about which progression you were using .... I finally understood you were talking about something else .... It all makes sense now.


