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"The order of things"

Started by mogul397, Oct 12, 09:39 PM 2014

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So call me Captain obvious.  But the truth is that with gambling we generally know WHAT will
happen. Just not what ORDER. I'm thinking mostly in terms of even props.
So if we could figure out how to not lose 10 in a row or something, then we could
never lose.

What seems funny about it is, how would you feel if some sort of betting proposition was
made to you about being able to flip a coin 10 heads or tails in a row.  Yet for a betting system
it sounds easy.  On a bit of a different slant, it never seems to be too much of a problem to
lose a large amount gambling.  Large amount. But the advantage is small. Why not win large amounts
(by accident?  Carelessness?)
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


If you walked into a casino, walked up to the roulette table and started betting follow the last with a 10 step martingale and turned around and walked out of the casino win or lose, you'd either walk out with a win or you'd be the unluckiest bloke alive.  The hitch comes when you try to do it again, and again, and again, etc...

You're right, if you had a 100% sure method that would could keep from losing 10 in a row, it would be the Holy Grail.  I've tested trying to lose every bet by just guessing.  Guess what.  It's as hard as trying to win every bet.  It's the same problem, just mirror images of each other.

Are you just musing, or do you have an idea of how to attack it?

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


So the thing is, as I addressed, is the "order of things".  Something that I also thought was the simple fact
that when picking a regular pattern of bet selections is definitely part of the problem, if not THE problem. I found this
post on a UK forum.. I think it explains a lot and is a reasonably package.  Tell me what you think.

How To Beat Roulette**the Sequence Breaker**

hI To all this is my first post on this forum, and I hope my experience and success in the game of Roulette will be useful to others. I have two strategies to share with you that have brought me great success over the last decade playing roulette. The first I am going to introduce to you is called THE SEQUENCE BREAKER. And it does exactly what the title says.

I have been studying roulette for over 20 years and tried countless strategies. The most common reason that they virtually ALL fail in the long run, is they do not understand that Roulette is random, what happenned 10 spins ago isn't likely to happen in the next ten spins. One of the few TRUE WAYS to beat this game is to turn that randomness in YOUR FAVOR. Enter the sequence breaker. Here are the basics and staking plan I use.

Example, you record 10 spins in a row for the high low even chances. Here are ten spins from a session I played (and won) today.

H--H--L--H--H- -H--H--L--L--L--This is your starting sequence 10 spins we devide them into

two sets of five. This is our blueprint sequence we now bet against this sequence occurring again.If we achieve a win on the first attempt. That game is a lock (over). We then repeat this on the second set of 5. So below is the real results I achieved.

L--L--H--L--L- -L--H--L--H--L--This is the result of the next 10 spins. In both games I got

the perfect result. With the win coming on the very first spin. You have two ways you can play this. 1, you can keep that first tens spins as your blue print and bet against it for a maximum of 6 games. Or 2, you can take each NEW set of 10 spins and bet against them in the next 10 again for 6 games ONLY. Each way is equally rewarding.

The secret is not to play to many games in a session. I recommend 6. The reason is obviously at some point USUALLY around the 10th---12th row. You will get a 5 spin repeater. Although you can win as many as 50---60 games before losing 1.

STAKING, you have 2 options.

ONE you can be SUPER-STRICT and only bet on 4 steps 2----5. You have step 1 as a virtual spin and it has to repeat the same as your blue-print spin or there is NO BET.


TWO you jump straight in and start from the first spin going 1----5 if necessary. THE DRAWBACK is you have to risk an extra expensive step


It is essential you keep the sessions short and sweet 6 games maximum. I have won over a 100 sessions in a row doing this. You will of course lose at some point. BUT, you should win at least double what you lose. Immediately after a losing game I will double even treble my stakes on the next 2 games and recoup some of my loss quickly. This strategy has made me a small fortune. It really works. I have played it for the last 7 years, And as long as you are patient and not too greedy. Can accept 6 points at a time. You can win 60 times plus to every loss.

Any questions are welcome. Sentinel...

8) ??? ::) :twisted:

(I still never get notifiations of replies)
NOBODY knows what you THINK they know


A  short, short test
+7 in 39 spins!
I Think i played it right.


FYI, the system originator "sentinel" was in fact former forum member "JohnLegend" posting under an alias on another forum and this was one of his first ever published systems...
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


From wiki ...

"Regression toward the mean simply says that, following an extreme random event, the next random event is likely to be less extreme. In no sense does the future event "compensate for" or "even out" the previous event, though this is assumed in the gambler's fallacy (and variant law of averages). Similarly, the law of large numbers states that in the long term, the average will tend towards the expected value, but makes no statement about individual trials. For example, following a run of 10 heads on a flip of a fair coin (a rare, extreme event), regression to the mean states that the next run of heads will likely be less than 10, while the law of large numbers states that in the long term, this event will likely average out, and the average fraction of heads will tend to 1/2. By contrast, the gambler's fallacy incorrectly assumes that the coin is now "due" for a run of tails, to balance out."


This mean we can pick any 10 random results and match "same" and "oppisite".
If you get 10 of the same, then you have no regression present.


I did experiment with this using ECART play and get very nice results.


Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.



make a thread for that strategy

i just did a celtic test with $100 units

up 2 units in 10 spins

i took the past 10 spins and noted whether it was high or low, then i bet against it the following 10 spins

SO I BET         HIGH LOW LOW HIGH HIGH LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW on the following 10 spins

I won 6 out of 10

note: i flat betted. i did not do a 4 step marty
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

