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Started by Proofreaders2000, Jan 10, 07:20 AM 2015

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I wanted to create a "Tribute" system.  Who on here deserves a tribute?

Some ideas to consider.  (Example: Flat, for his contributions

Superman or Nickmsi for their coding efforts

or even a moderator for their selfless work.

Perhaps a newcomer like TurboGenius.

Who would you suggest?


Why not start with yourself you are always posting new systems and never get any thanks, on that note what would you say is your best system


Quote from: joiner29 on Jan 10, 07:41 AM 2015
Why not start with yourself you are always posting new systems and never get any thanks, on that note what would you say is your best system
I totally agree with you Joiner29.

Proofreaders2000 deserves a tribute :thumbsup:


You're kind guys.  :'-)

Surely there's someone that makes you
laugh or feel good reading their posts.
(Other than me :)  )

"...what would you say is your best system"-Joiner29

Any system that wins six+ of seven sessions is good imo.  (That's what I aim for.)


I think any decent Forum needs good mods and for that reason I'd say Iggiv......

Time after time he attempts to do the right thing, and normally get's zero praise or some
abuse because of it..... :'(



Quote from: ddarko on Jan 10, 10:15 AM 2015
I think any decent Forum needs good mods and for that reason I'd say Iggiv......

Time after time he attempts to do the right thing, and normally get's zero praise or some
abuse because of it..... :'(


My Remote Viewing YouTube channel: link:[url="//s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/"]s://:.youtube.com/channel/UCJ_FSSXeOwekwLQcN-_rxsg/[/url]


I agree Iggiv is a hero and he should be celebrated.

Check out Iggiv1


Actually Iggiv1.1 is the working link.

I'll do another system.

Ok guys, who do you think deserves a tribute?


thanx guys, but I am not a hero :)

i just trying to be nice and correct, that's it
