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Just 2`s

Started by bleep24, Jun 12, 03:43 AM 2015

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Sometime back I posted Two`s company - three`s a crowd.    Unfortunately there were not enough crowd`s.   I have gone back to the drawing board and am now playing Just 2`s.    Basically this is on all E/C`s.   You may/can be playing none, one, two or three all at the same time.   Very simples - just wait for any 2 E/C to come out consecutively.   Bet for it not to become 3 in a row.   I have been using Marti on this as the vast majority of wins occur up to 4x.   Choose any progression you like.   This has been working great and is a steady as she goes system producing about 20 units an hour.   Not very exciting but I have played other systems where one day you lose 200 units and the next day you win 200 units and most of these depend on what comes out.   My way it has to be R/B H/L or O/E.

Good luck.


How many sessions you did already?
As spins roll off our predictions get better


About 14 sessions.   90% series end by the time you have done Marty.    1 2 4 8     After 8 I just keep playing 8 until back in front though there are heaps other progs. that could be used.   Each E/C is treated separately.




Are you saying bet that red red will not become red red red?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Yes that is correct.   Similarly BB will not become BBB.   Same for H/L and O/E.    One thing I do is not play again if lose until that current loss has played out and I am waiting for another 2.      e.g.       RR   black comes out lose. Then BBBBBBB   not betting.    Then  RR start betting again.

Good luck


Hi mate, just a thought, but have you tried betting for the run to continue?

in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Yes I have.  Unfortunately there would come a long run on one E/C of it staying at 2.      Last night I had a totally unbelievable run on H/L of Eighteen times where it went 3 or more consecutively. Unfortunately I was playing for 2`s so I stopped out after 4x.   Playing on Live.    If I gave you a roulette wheel and asked you to spin me 3 or more H/L consecutively how easy would that be.  Not very.  Perhaps playing for 2 then 3 alternating could be the answer.

Good luck.
