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Is it not obvious

Started by tezza12, May 10, 03:31 PM 2016

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I am not sure why I only thought of this now, after all I have been playing roulette for years and with mostly some small scale success, ive heard/tried almost every system going, even invented a few of my own, but the real way to win is obvious, is it not.

Have a team of at least 2 people, anything up to 6 will work, and all bet on different events, Especially on EC bets, if one is wrong, then the other will be right, if one is wrong 10 times on the bounce, the other will be right 10 times on the bounce, you will win more than you lose, or rather person 1 or 2 will win and the other will lose, just split the winnings as a team.

Or am I cuckoo here.


The bets will cancel eachother out

On a win parlay

Will need streaks to profit
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



yes of course, but the streaks are almost risk free, 1 will always lose and 1 will always win its about minimizing the loses and riding the streaks, and trusting the other person/people


Vince armenti

Made a youtube vid about this

He was laughed off the boards

I did it once with my wife and won. Flat bet and on a win added a chip on a loss back to 1 and stay at 1 on losses. So one partner rode a winning streak with parlays


Watch if you wish
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



why was he laughed off the boards for thinking of something that works, odd. did you only try it once, if so why, especially if you won, why not repeat.




Peace in his soul and light in heavenly him way.
The existence is to be - not to possess! Evolution does not have the task to create prosperity, but rather to create gods! The fight is not for the man , but for the freedom of God in man. Every man is a god in development!

The General


What would be kind of fun would be for you to pool your six players and have everyone play a reverse labby on their EC.  Most of the time nobody will win much, but every so often someone will have a quite an impressive win.  This kind of play can be quite a bit of fun on a Fri or Sat night when you're out for a good time with friends.   

"The Tezza12 Against The Bank".

Best of luck.  :)

The General.
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


One person playing is doomed to the house edge.
Two people playing doubles everything - doom x 2
Just kidding (but not really - if you test you'll see it doesn't work)

Kind of like some guy that cheats and rips you off and steals your money (casino) and now you
think it'll help to bring your friend with his wallet and somehow it won't happen to both of you.
The casino would love this idea !
The math doesn't change, regardless of how you team-up


ummm.. not sure how betting on both results of the same bet one winning and one losing can make somehowa profit but for sure you don't need 2 persons to check this out. I wouldn't bother testing it since i i can't see any point behind it BUT you can try it alone. with no friend, uncle, wife etc.
Just split your BR in half(or eeven more) and play both the sides as if there were 2 people (3,4,5,6 people). Half the BR should be losing , and the other half should be winning like in your 2 people situation. Kinda weird...
You can edit a bad page but you can't edit a blank page. Try things out! Don't procrastinate or wait perfect timing! Just start what you wish to do finally!


Mr oops' "reversed Labouchere SLH"

Thirteen against the Bank by Norman Leigh
The existence is to be - not to possess! Evolution does not have the task to create prosperity, but rather to create gods! The fight is not for the man , but for the freedom of God in man. Every man is a god in development!


Quote from: BellagioOwner on May 11, 09:07 AM 2016
Just split your BR in half(or eeven more) and play both the sides as if there were 2 people (3,4,5,6 people). Half the BR should be losing , and the other half should be winning like in your 2 people situation. Kinda weird...

half should be losing and half should be winning ?

Actually it's half will be losing and half will be losing - the casino is winning.
If you're not doing anything to change the math, you can have 30 people playing - then combine all results
and you'll see there's no difference. I covered this to great extent in another thread but no one was paying attention.


Quote from: Mortagon on May 11, 04:32 PM 2016Actually it's half will be losing and half will be losing - the casino is winning.
yeap. i know and i agree with what you say. I was just referring for simplicity without any house edge zero pocket. i don't agree with such approach either, i was just stating that there is no need to bet on both sides of the same bet alone or with others or whatsoever
You can edit a bad page but you can't edit a blank page. Try things out! Don't procrastinate or wait perfect timing! Just start what you wish to do finally!


Quote from: BellagioOwner on May 12, 06:14 PM 2016Quote from: Mortagon on Yesterday at 08:32:51 PM

    Actually it's half will be losing and half will be losing - the casino is winning.

This quote is not from me!

Quote from: TurboGenius on May 11, 05:35 PM 2016Actually it's half will be losing and half will be losing - the casino is winning.
The existence is to be - not to possess! Evolution does not have the task to create prosperity, but rather to create gods! The fight is not for the man , but for the freedom of God in man. Every man is a god in development!


yes. sorry. still i guess getting used to quoting in forums. I wanted anyway to comment the post not the person who posted it.
Have fun around :)
You can edit a bad page but you can't edit a blank page. Try things out! Don't procrastinate or wait perfect timing! Just start what you wish to do finally!
