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Another one based on repeats!

Started by Steeefan2014, Apr 25, 06:27 AM 2020

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Hey everyone,

I am pretty sure that maybe all the repeats ideas have been discussed here and turned inside-out by the most respectable members of this forum, but I have one that is been on my mind since a few days now and I'ld like to run it with all of you too, to see what are your thoughts about it...

As nottophammer said, between spins 1-40 we see an average of 16 repeats. Starting with that, I was thinking about this:

Track the first 20 spins. If we encounter 4 or less repeats, this would mean that in the next 20 spins we should see somewhere around 12 more repeats. On my calculations, this means that at least 2 times we must see 2 consecutive numbers that are repeating.

Bet selection: starting with spin 21, we wait for one repeat, then bet all the numbers that showed up until then. If won, we are at a new high and restart. If lost, this means that another new number showed up and wait for another repeat and then bet all the numbers that showed up until then. If won and we reach a new high, restart. If lost, we wait for another trigger.

At this moment, I'm still trying to figure out if it works flat bet or any progression should be applied. I am thinking at +1 on a loss, -1 on a win.

But, any idea that some of you might have is appreciated!

Stay safe!


I have played this kind of system.
Keep in mind that in 37 spins the average of unique numbers is 24, but there are many times that there are 27, 28, or 29 unique numbers. I have faced those situations very often.
So if you have 20 spins with 4 repeats, you have 16 unique numbers. If you face the average condition which is in 37 spins 24 unique numbers, in the next 17 spins you will have 8 loses and 9 wins. But in case of 29 unique numbers you have  4 wins and 13 loses. And also keep in mind that when you bet and have loses, it is not an EC betting because e.g. when you have to bet on 23 numbers in order to catch the 24th you are like you bet two dozens against one, so every lose you have to recover with two wins. And think about that you have to bet 25 numbers or 27 numbers before you have come to an positive outcome you have to make 3 or 4 wins in every lose....  It is hard and only if you are lucky it is profitable.


Quote from: huskerdu on Apr 25, 06:59 AM 2020
I have played this kind of system.
Keep in mind that in 37 spins the average of unique numbers is 24, but there are many times that there are 27, 28, or 29 unique numbers. I have faced those situations very often.
So if you have 20 spins with 4 repeats, you have 16 unique numbers. If you face the average condition which is in 37 spins 24 unique numbers, in the next 17 spins you will have 8 loses and 9 wins. But in case of 29 unique numbers you have  4 wins and 13 loses. And also keep in mind that when you bet and have loses, it is not an EC betting because e.g. when you have to bet on 23 numbers in order to catch the 24th you are like you bet two dozens against one, so every lose you have to recover with two wins. And think about that you have to bet 25 numbers or 27 numbers before you have come to an positive outcome you have to make 3 or 4 wins in every lose....  It is hard and only if you are lucky it is profitable.

Thanks for the input Huskerdu!
You're right regarding what you are saying, but there's one more thing involved: I never said we should stop at spin 37!

IMO, I think it's worth to be tested!


if you don't stop at 37th spin, and continue betting, then you will have to deal with this situation:
You will have to bet on 24 - 29 numbers or more as the unique nymbers will continue to appear.
So  every time you lose , for every lost spin, you will have to make 3-4 wins to recover (only the lost spin not the previous losts)
Of course nothing is impossible.
I have faced a situation with 31 unique numbers in 40 spins.  So from then, in every lost spin I would lose 31 units and in case of win I'd win only 5 units. And from then, you have to raise your bets from 1 to 2 or 3 units for every number and expecting at least 7 wins in a row to recover the previous losts.
Really very hard situation.
But thinking that 4-5 numbers sleep for 80 - 100 spins you can make over 30 consecutive spins. But if not ? Nobody knows
It is a matter of what you want to risk.
Tough decisions.


You are right. Maybe a good MM might solve this issues.

Anyway, I am really confident that the secret in winning at this game is in repeaters. This is the only part of this game that has a thing that is 100% sure. Anything else... is just luck.
And it's a matter of time until it's going to be discovered!


Yes the only rule that is in roulette is the repeaters. But even in this case there are some seldom situations that can wipe out our bankroll.
I'll tell you an example I faced a few months ago.
There is a system that you bet on numbers that have come twice waiting that one of them will hit for 3rd time. It is logical because a number sooner or later will hit for 3rd time. We know that it will happen. It is sure.!!! So we bet on numbers that have hit twice.
I used to play this system.
But I have faced the situation that 10 numbers have hit twice without any of them hit three times.  So before one of them hit for 3rd time I have bet a lot of money on the numbers.
And I didn't start from the first number that hit twice but I started betting when  6 numbers hit twice.
So I bet on 6 numbers, on 7, on 8 on 9 on 10 and of course meanwhile other numbers appeared.  So when one of them hit for 3rd timw I win 35 units but I had already bet over 90 units lost. I continued hoping that it will not happen the same with the numbers that hit 3 times in order to hit 4 times. Unfortunately, 8 numbers hit 3 times without any of them hit 4 times. I continued and this session no number had a great run.
In this session another rule broke down in which I based my sustem:
They say that in 100 spins one number hit 8 times, one number hit  7 times, two numbers  6 times, three numbers hit 5 times, 4 numbers hit 3 times...... and 4-6 numbers don't hit at all.
But in this session (airball) in 100 spins, only 2 numbers didn't appear and there was only one number that hit only 5 times, some hit 4 times and so on. In this session I lost all.the money that I had won in the previous session using the same system.
Everything can happen.
A good money management and a stop loss are the keys for sure, but in some situations it becomes disaster.


Quote from: Steeefan2014 on Apr 25, 06:27 AM 2020Hey everyone,

I am pretty sure that maybe all the repeats ideas have been discussed here and turned inside-out by the most respectable members of this forum, but I have one that is been on my mind since a few days now and I'ld like to run it with all of you too, to see what are your thoughts about it...

As nottophammer said, between spins 1-40 we see an average of 16 repeats. Starting with that, I was thinking about this:

Track the first 20 spins. If we encounter 4 or less repeats, this would mean that in the next 20 spins we should see somewhere around 12 more repeats. On my calculations, this means that at least 2 times we must see 2 consecutive numbers that are repeating.

Bet selection: starting with spin 21, we wait for one repeat, then bet all the numbers that showed up until then. If won, we are at a new high and restart. If lost, this means that another new number showed up and wait for another repeat and then bet all the numbers that showed up until then. If won and we reach a new high, restart. If lost, we wait for another trigger.

At this moment, I'm still trying to figure out if it works flat bet or any progression should be applied. I am thinking at +1 on a loss, -1 on a win.

But, any idea that some of you might have is appreciated!

Stay safe!


I've been playing this lately with a small tweak. Wait until you get to spin 20 with max 3 repeats or spin 25 with max 4 repeats. That should be the trigger.
After the trigger shows up, wait for another repeat to appear than bet all the numbers that showed up until then. Practically, after we have the trigger, we bet for 2 consecutive repeats to show up.
For me, it works flatbet. In case we have 3 consecutive bets without a win, restart session and wait for another trigger!

Just test and see.

Michael Myers

Before few years I tested something like this but not working, it is the same like you choose random numbers.


Quote from: Steeefan2014 on Apr 25, 06:27 AM 2020Hey everyone,

I am pretty sure that maybe all the repeats ideas have been discussed here and turned inside-out by the most respectable members of this forum

I am pretty sure that maybe they haven't.

Michael Myers

Quote from: Taotie on May 18, 05:33 AM 2020
I am pretty sure that maybe they haven't.
Well you are correct.


Quote from: MumboJumbo on May 18, 05:32 AM 2020but not working, it is the same like you choose random numbers.
That's nothing like choosing random numbers!


Quote from: Taotie on May 18, 05:33 AM 2020
I am pretty sure that maybe they haven't.

You're probably right! I can't argue with that for sure!


Quote from: Taotie on May 18, 05:33 AM 2020
I am pretty sure that maybe they haven't.


Taotie - I'm pretty sure you've deleted some of your posts  ...or is that just my imagination  ;)  ....haha! given away too much?  :xd:
....Skakus sure did ....on both accounts
-there is no off switch for the genius button -

“envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide”
