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Matrix 7 Grid Strategy (Single Dozen)

Started by atlantis, Sep 14, 04:03 PM 2022

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Notepadding this Matrix idea for dozen betting...


Record consecutive lines of 7 dozen results horizontally, left to right.
Each new line of 7 goes underneath the last line of 7 recorded.

When you see that you have recorded 4 dozen results in a row that do not match with the 4 dozen results on the line recorded above then that is the SIGNAL to start betting FOR a vertical MATCH to occur.

For example:


Here you have 4 dozen results that do not match the dozen results immediately above on the previous line. This is a trigger to bet for the MATCH in the next column on the current line. (or the first column of the next line if a line of 7 results is already complete)

Use the following Betting Line:


Forward 1 on a loss; back 2 on a win
**However - Reset to 1st 1 anytime when level or ahead**

Matrix Grid of Seven (dozen results)
2213321 record first line
2312233 signal of 4 vert non-matches in sequence has occurred! Begin on next line
1312311 L1 w2 (D3)
3311221 w2 (D3)
3333112 L1
1231322 L1 L1 w4 (D3) - reset to 1u
2113331 w2 (D3)
1232311 L1 L1 w2 (D3)
2322222 w2 (D2)
11113     L1 w2 (D3)
End of Session.


Total Profit = +9

Highest bet = 2

Matrix Grid of Seven (dozen results)
1111312 L1
2131233 L1 w2 (D1)
1332121 L1 w2 (D3)
1212222 w2 (D1)
1211211 w2 (D2)
3233133 L1
1132121 L1 L1 w4 (D3)
3311221 L1 L1 L1 w4 (D2)
2133333 L1 w2 (D3)
2122331 w2 (D3)
1221223 w2 (D3)
1232333 w2 (D3)
3123121 L1 L1 L1
2122121 L2 w4 (D1)  - stay at 2u
2132      w4 (D2) - reset to 1u   
End of Session


Total Profit = +17

Highest bet = 2

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Thanks Atlantis. I always like Matrix systems.
What about if we don't wait for 4 virtual loses. I test it for a few hundreds of spins without waiting for 4 virtual loses and I noticed that 1/3 of the spins we have a win. So maybe a LaBouchere adapted to one dozen betting, would be appropriate?


Interesting method, I've already used something similar.
I choose a sequence of 6 dozens, which I build myself using 2 of each of the 3 dozens.
1 2 2 3 1 3
1 1 2 2 3 3
2 2 1 3 1 3
1 3 3 2 1 2
It has countless combinations.
I choose only 1 line and just below I complete it with the results.
Let's choose the sequence 1 1 2 2 3 3.
Last 12 results are (in dozens):
1 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 2.

1 1 2 2 3 3 (My sequence, basis for comparison)
1 3 2 2 3 1 (We have the trigger 3 hits 2 2 3)
2 3 2 3 2 1 (we have the Trigger 2 errors = 2 3)

There are 2 types of bets to place, back and against.
Which I see 3 consecutive hits game against. (double dozen)
You can use the progression here 1-1 3-3 9-9 or whatever you prefer.
When I see 2 or 3 consecutive errors I play in favor, trying to get it right. (Single Dozen)
Progression here = 1 1 2 3 4 6

For a patient person, you can earn a little with this system.
"We don't have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest."
— Warren Buffett

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Here are some better results to bet on D12
