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05 XIRTAM............ The Sequel.

Started by chrisbis, Feb 04, 06:04 PM 2011

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I know, its Matrix 50 written backwards.

Well I wanted to Title this Topic:- Matrix 50 but turning the words upside down- in other words, on its head.

I'm not trying to deflect interest in the whole MATRIX 50 thread,
I'm as fascinated with it as the next man/woman/beast,
but in true Mastermind fashion....................................... I started so I'll finish.

I began testing the MATRIX 50 without knowledge of , the full SP on the Staking Plan.

But as I drew my lines/columns and alike, I began to realise that for now,
I could play a less complicated game.

A game where I just simply play 'A' dozen, (throw a six to start to choose ANY one of the Dozens),
for a maximum of five consecutive plays,
and then move on to the next Dozen.
Moving in the order:- LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH............

So I did.
Its a very ordinary sequence of play, but gave me some surprising results.
So here's the full version explanation.

Stage One.

1.1  Place 1 unit on 1ST Dozen, note the result.
1.2. Place 1 unit on 1ST Dozen, note the result.
1.3.   "      "    "      "   "      "          "       "      "
1.4.   "      "    "      "   "      "          "       "      "
1.5. Place final 1 unit on 1ST Dozen, note the result.

Stage Two

2.1 Place 1 unit on 2ND Dozen, note the result.
2.2 Place 1 unit on 2ND Dozen, note the result.
2.3     "    "    "    "    "         "        "      "       "
2.4     "    "    "    "    "         "        "      "       "
2.5 Place final 1 unit on 2ND Dozen, note the result.

Stage Three

3.1 Place 1 unit on 3RD Dozen, note the result.
3.2 Place 1 unit on 3RD Dozen, note the result.
3.3     "    "    "    "    "         "        "      "       "
3.4     "    "    "    "    "         "        "      "       "
3.5 Place final 1 unit on 3RD Dozen, note the result.

At first, I was doing the notation, as suggested in the MATRIX 50 Topic, as posted over from VLS Forum,
& I was waiting for the non- repeat to occur, so I could enable the Matrix bet.

But it was a while in coming, and since I was playing with real(free) money, I just continued, and the BR continued to grow- slowly.

Here's the Notation.


Dozen to follow,1,2,3,4,5,How many wins in 5 BETS,+/-,BR (Start=$56)
LOW,H,M,H,L*,L*,2 WINS,+1,57
MEDIUM,L,M*,L,L,L,1 WIN,-2,55
HIGH,M,H*,H*,M,L,2 WINS,+1,56
LOW,H,L*,M,H,L*,2 WINS,+1,57
MEDIUM,M*,L,M*,M*,O,3 WINS,+4,61
HIGH,H*,H*,L,H*,H*,4 WINS,+7,68
LOW,L*,L*,H,O,H,2 WINS,+1,69
MEDIUM,L,L,L,H,L, NO WINS,-5,64 (Marker for follow up)
HIGH,H*,O,L,L,M,1 WIN,-2,62
LOW,O,M,H,L*,L*,2 WIND,+1,63
MEDIUM,H,M*,L,H,H,1 WIN,-2,61
HIGH,H*,M,H*,L,H*,3 WINS,+4,65

this is only a short sample.

I continued with my notation, but changed the game slightly again, this time, instead of sticking to betting 1 unit 5 times on one particular Dozen, what I did was to bring down from the above list, an chosen line of one of the resultant Dozens, 5 layers up, and bet according to those results, no matter what they were!!

So this is how the story continued.....................

Result from 5 layers above, 1,2,3,4,5, how many wins in 5,+/-,BR B/Fwd from before $65
L-L-L-H-L,L*,M,L*,M,H,2 WINS,+1,66
H-O-L-L-M,L,M,L*,M,H,1 WIN,-2,64
O-M-H-L-L,O^,H,H*,H,H,2 WINS,+34,98 (playing my new rules!!)
H-M-L-H-H,M,L,H,M,L,NO WINS,-5,93
(O^ denotes win with 1 unit placed on the ZERO)

I stopped here, for a while at least, since I had nearly doubled my Bank Roll,
just by playing my new rules:- of having to follow, precisely ,
what the previous Dozens result had been, (5 layers up),
even if that meant betting on Zero(my Hero),
since that was one of the spin results.

Amazin eh!!



Very interesting results.

I've been having trouble finding a method of selection single dozen bets for about 3 years now.

Do you suppose that you have inadvertently stumbled onto the only method that does it?

Maybe.  It could be that you are just having a little lucky run.  Keep going and tweaking and let us know if it stays strong.

If it does, we'll be here.  "Birds of a feather, flock together."

A little tongue in cheek here.  Good luck and keep us posted.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
