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Random 7's

Started by GLC, Feb 06, 06:23 PM 2011

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Positives of this system.

It is a very fun and easy system to play.
It is a system that will give you some units on a very frequent basis.
It can be played on any of the even chance bets.
It based on a system posted by F_LAT_INO on a different forum a few years ago.


It uses a martingale bet progression.
It takes some tracking.
It should be played on a singe zero wheel with Le Partage rules for best chance to win.  No-zero wheel would be even better, but isn't that the case with all systems?
It requires a 201 unit bank roll.

I have taken the liberty to expand Flatino's original system a little to make it a bit more stable.

Bet Progression:
This system uses a 7 step modified martingale progression. 

Please be aware that the martingale is the most cussed, ridiculed, poopooed, looked down upon bet progression in the gambling world.  With good reason.  It doesn't bite often, but when it does, it bites hard.  And, that is true for this system also.  So, if you are looking for a guaranteed win, you need to look somewhere else.  But, if you would like a good shot at a quick 40 - 50 units, then try this system.

The progression is 1-3-7-13-26-51-100.  This equals 201 units.  As you can see it starts out as a grand martingale for the 1st 3 bets.  This is because we win most of our wins early.  With a regular martingale, we win 1 unit every time we win no matter if the win is on the 1st bet or the 7th bet.  With this progression we win the following: 1st bet=1; 2nd bet=2; 3rd bet=3; 4th bet=2; 5th bet=1; 6th bet=-1. 

As you can see the wins are front loaded.  I purposely adjusted the progression because the roulette table I have access to only has a 100 unit spread.

Bet selection:

Per IBOBA's rules, we track for 4 spins and those spins determine the sequence of 7 bets we will place.  I have expanded this section but the foundation is from IBOBA's system.

If BBRR spins I bet RBRRRRB.  Now there are two ways to play from here.  If you are at a table where you can skip bets, you can wait to see what the next 4 spins are to determine your 7 bets.  Or, you can use the last for spins including the spin you just won on to determine your 7 bets.
The following is your chart of triggers and bets:


If we get RBRB then we bet BBBRBRB.  Any time we win, we just look at the last 4 colors and they will tell us what to bet on next.

One other way to determine what to bet on next is to look at the last 4 colors of the 7 colors you just bet on and use them as the 4 trigger colors.

Any of the 3 ways will work.  All we're trying to do is keep it as random as possible.  The odds of us picking the next 7 colors are pretty low.  I think the odds playing this way are in our favor over just picking 7 colors and playing the same sequence over and over.  With that way we are sure to run into that sequence sooner or later.  With this method, we have pick the exact 7 colors out of thousands of options at just the right time.  Pretty long odds I think.

Remember, we just bet the color that is shown.  Another way if you like it better is to bet the opposite to the color shown.  One way you are betting that you can hit at least 1 of the next 7 spins and the other way is that you are betting that the wheel won't spin the exact 7 colors you are getting ready to bet.  Same odds either way.

I like to play for 50 units.  This takes about 1 hour for my airball machine.  I usually play 2 or 3 sessions when I go to the casino because I don't get to go that often.

I have been very lucky with this little system having only lost 201 units 3 times out of 37 sessions.  That leaves me up 1247 units.  My units are quarters so that's only a little over $300.

Pays for a golf game every now and then.

Be forewarned.  If 100 players played this system, a few of them would lose before they won 4 times.  Most would win 4 times before they lost, and be playing with the houses money from then on.  Some are lucky, some are unlucky.

Test this thoroughly before risking money at the tables.  Be convinced in your own mind.

Good Luck,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


No need to really spend a lot of time and energy proving whether or not this will work. 

We all know that it will work the majority of the time.  The question is are you going to be able to miss the 7 matches in a row long enough to make playing the game worthwhile.

As I stated above, I have been lucky so far and I might add that I have had to play on a double zero wheel.

Before totally throwing this baby out with the proverbial bath water, test it a few times to see how it flows.

I recommend testing it until you finally get a loss to see what I mean.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


So, I just played a quick game on Bodog and won 50 units my first session and lost my second session.  That sucks.

I was playing single zero but not Le Partage rules.  I've never played Le Partage rules, but I think the best way to play it is to just take the loss and replay the same bet again.


1    -1
3    -4
7    -11
13  -24
26  -37   Lost half because zero hit (-13+-24= -37)
26  -63
51  -12   End of series with a 12 unit loss.

Another option is to go to the next bet as if the loss was due to the wrong color.


1    -1
3    -4
7    -11
13  -24
26  -37   Zero hit.  See above.
51  +14  Bet 51 as if we had lost the full 26 on the previous bet.

I think the 1st option is safer, but you will have to decide that.  It's not an option in my world because I don't have access to Le Partage rules.

My brother has played this about half as much as I have and he's only up a couple of hundred units, so not quite as lucky as I have been.  This is probably the only system that I have ever played that I had better than expected luck.  Usually I have much worse than expected. 

One other thing.  There's nothing sacred about 7 step progression.  You can shorten it to a 6 step martingale or IBOBA's original version was for a 5 step martingale.  You can even go down to a 3 step.  A 2 step martingale?  I don't know.  Logic would say that if you can win with any step Martingale, you can win with any step Martingale including a 2 step.  Maybe that's the safest way to play this, with a 2 step Martingale.

I think I posted an analysis of progressions where I pointed out that a 1-2 bet progression is the safest because the recovery is maximized on the second bet.  From there we recover less and less percentage of our loss with each win which is why with a lot of progressions once you get down in the hole a ways, it's a real struggle to come back out because each win only recovers a small portion of your losses.

Okay, I'm starting to ramble.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Before playing this or any other system, please read the following post.


This is my disclaimer.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
