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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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4 lines to win

Started by GLC, Mar 09, 12:06 AM 2011

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JohnLegend's Template 7 system reminded me of a system that I tested a while back but didn’t publish it because it required, among other things, tracking for a certain sequence to develop and at the time, I hated tracking.  I still hate tracking, but have a better appreciation for it. 

It’s almost identical, but played on the 6 lines instead of the 12 streets. 

It is a before thought to my system "Universal Principle, Almost".  The major difference is that with this system, we don't have to wait until we have any repeats of the 4 lines.  That's another reason I didn't publish this system, because I think the other one is a safer bet.   

The lines are numbered 1-6.  1 line = 1-6; 2 line = 7-12; etc... 

Our bets come in 2 flavors.  First we will be betting on either the Low (1-18) even chance and one of the lines in the Hi (19-36) half of the table.  Or we will be betting on the Hi (19-36) even chance and one of the lines in the Lo (1-18) half of the table.

Second, we will be betting an equal amount on 4 unique lines.

We track until we have 4 unique lines hit.  If 3 of them are the lines that make up either the Lo E.C. or the Hi E.C. we will bet one unit size on the E.C. and another unit size on the 4th line.

If these lines spin 1-5-3-2 then we have a trigger and we will bet on the Lo E.C. plus the 5 line.

If these lines spin 1-6-4-5 then we have a trigger and we will bet on the Hi E.C. plus the 1 line.

I have had very good luck flat betting on both this system and the "Universal Principle, Almost" system.

But, for faster profits, we can bet the following progression:

If lose       E.C. bet        Line bet      If E.C. wins       If Line wins
  -3               2                   1                 +1                      +3
-13              7                   3                 +1                      +5
-39              20                 6                 +1                      +3
-114             58                 17               +1                      +5

Now if we get 4 unique lines with 2 lines in each half of the table, that is 2 lines in the Lo (1-18) side and 2 lines in the Hi (19-36) side, then we will bet equal units on each of the 4 lines.

We canl bet the following progression: (remember, equal units on all 4 lines)

If lose       Line bet times 4       If  win
-4                    1                        +2
-16                  3                        +2
-52                  9                        +2
-160                27                      +2

With a little luck, playing the 1st way, if you happen to hit on the single line bet more than expected, you can accumulate units at a higher rate.

For the progression method I suggest a bank of 160 units which is enough to play both methods. 

Stop loss is 1 bank, 160 units (or 114 if you lose on the conservative method).
For flat betting, 50 units is very adequate.  With a 10 unit win target.
With a progression the win target is 30 - 50 units.

The first method of betting on an EC and a 4th line is the conservative progression method since we are only risking 114 units.  Unfortunately, it results in fewer betting opportunities.  That's why I play both systems.

If you like the idea of winning 2 units per win and don't mind risking the extra 46 units, the 2nd progression method should suit you just fine.

When tracking, I use the last unique lines even if they are part of the last trigger and winning line.  In other words, I don't start tracking the next 4 unique lines beginning with the spin after my last winning spin.  I take the spun line that won and look back for any unique lines to go with the winning line and begin tracking from there.  This saves a ton of time at the wheel and I just can't see any reason why it would make any difference at all in the outcome.

Example: If I have lines 1-4-6-3 and my next spin is line 4, I take the 3 & 6 with the 4 as my next 3 unique lines, so all I need is 1 more unique line (1-2 or 5) and I have a new trigger of 6-3-4-5.  With this trigger, I can play either method, EC +1 or 4 equal.

If you are playing on en prison table the 1st way (Even Chance) is naturally preferred.

When testing this method, check back to see how you would have done flat betting.  This system has a tendency to hold up well under flat betting and we all know the benefits of being able to win even a small amount flat betting vs the nightmare you can get into with any progression.

Oh my gosh!  I sound like one of the anti-progression guys.  Wash my mount out with soap! :o

LOL, :thumbsup:

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


One thing I forgot to mention is that we only play 1 spin per trigger.  That means that to lose we have to lose on 4 successive triggers in a row.  This is a pretty rare event.  I haven't tested this enough to be able to say that it has a hit rate better than 80:1 which is the break even win/loss ratio.  In my testing of 300 triggers, I have never lost a 4 bet cycle yet.  Although, I have gone to the 4th bet 4 times but they all hit. ;D

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Okay,  I just played the 1st 370 spins from my 20,000 uninterupted  spins, single zero wheel, from casino de macao. 

Here are the statistic.  If I get some time, I will post some or all of the session to show you how easy it is to play this system and how effective it is.

After these 370 spins, I have decided that it's unnecessary to bet the Even chance along with a single line.  Only bet 1 unit on all 4 lines.

370 spins
78 bets  that's 1 bet every 4.75 spins.
17 losses
61 wins
+54 units flat betting.  That's about 1 unit every 7 spins.  1 unit every 1.5 bets.
Largest draw down -12
Largest bet 1 unit on 4 lines
+109 units with mild progression.

Mild progression is +1 on a loss and remain level on a win until even or new high.

Not a bad session.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
