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MLevels systems

Started by Kattila, Mar 22, 09:36 AM 2011

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all this *systems* are only  ideas (maybe bad ones)to test  for the moment.......

Multi levels system 1
When win on any level , back to level 1.

Level 1

Wait 7  double streets  without repeat in the last spin.
Ex:  DS2,DS4,DS2,DS1,DS5,DS6,DS1
Now bet 5 times the last to repeat:

1.    1 x 1DS      -1      +5
2.    1 x 1DS      -2      +4
3.    1 x 1DS      -3      +3
4.    1 x 1DS      -4      +2
5.    1 x 1DS      -5      +1

If lose this Level 1, go to level 2

Level  2.

Track Lws for the second last dozen to hit(or column)
Trigger is two LLs now  bet once, if lose stop and wait WLL bet again
and so on...4 times(interrupted progression).

Remember we are at -5 from level 1.
1.    4 x 1Doz      -9        +3
2.    6 x 1Doz      -15      +3
3.    9 x 1Doz      -24      +3
4.  14 x 1Doz      -38      +4



23  2
3    1  bet virtual D2
36  3  L1  bet virt. D1
4    1  W                D3
13  2  L1              D1
24  2  L2  trigger bet D1/4 units
36  3  L  stop wait WLL, bet virt. D2
22  2  W  bet virt. D3
9    1  L1                D2
30  3  L2  trigger bet D1/6units
5    1  W  , go to level 1

But if lose next two steps ( 9 units and 14 units) go to
next level.

Level 3.

Wait 5spins/ 5 different numbers, and add to this 5
the previous 7  other numbers(repeaters or not). Now bet this 12 numbers,
if lose add the new number, if lose add the new number....

Remember total lost until now is -38 ( level 1 and 2)

1.    2 x 12NR      -62      +10
2.    3 x 13NR      -101    +7
3.    5 x 14NR      -171    +9

If lose this level  stop take the loss, or....

Level 4.

No wait,
Bet the last 6 numbers , if lose bet the last 6 numbers,
drop the first and take the new number.
Ex:  23,4,22,31,17,9  next is 12 , bet now 4,22,31,17,9,12
and so on...

1.    6 x 6NR      -207      +9
2.    8 x 6NR      -255      +33
3.    9 x 6NR      -309      +15
4.  11 x 6NR      -375      +21
5.  14 x 6NR      -459      +45


MLevels  system 2.  (for online casinos)

Wait  6 spins/ 6 different numbers, now bet this 6 numbers once.
Then start to bet the last six numbers, drop the first and take the new one....

1.  0,20 x 6          -1,2        +6
2.  0,20 x 6          -2,4        +4,8
3.  0,20 x 6          -3,6        +3,6
4.  0,20 x 6          -4,8        +2,4
5.  0,20 x 6          -6          +1,2

If lose bet (once) the last 6 numbers + 6 previous other numbers(step 6.) ,
if lose bet the last 12 numbers , take the new and drop the first...

6.  0,50 x 12      -12      +6
7.  0,70 x 12      -20,4    +4,8
8.      1 x 12      -32,4    +3,6
9.  1,50 x 12      -50,4    +3,6

If  lose, bet once the last 12 numbers + 3 previous other numbers, so 15 numbers.
If  lose bet the last 20  numbers.

10.    3 x 15      -95,4      +12,6
11.    7 x 20      -235,4    +16,6



MLevels  system 3.

Wait 7  double streets  without repeat in the last spin.
Ex:  DS2,DS4,DS2,DS1,DS5,DS6,DS1
Now bet 5 times the last to repeat:

1.    1 x 1DS      -1      +5
2.    1 x 1DS      -2      +4
3.    1 x 1DS      -3      +3
4.    1 x 1DS      -4      +2
5.    1 x 1DS      -5      +1

If lose bet the last two double streets.

6.    2 x 2DS    -9      +3
7.    3 x 2DS    -15    +3

If lose  bet the last 4 DSs

8.    10 x 4DS    -55    +5
9.    30 x 4DS    -175  +5



Looks good Katilla.  Is is RNG friendly?


I made some tests only  Live Roulette, i will try also on RNG( systems 2 and 3).
