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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Let's make James Bond's system work...

Started by iancloud2001, Apr 20, 01:39 AM 2011

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Hi, I'm new to the forum, but have been lurking for a pretty long time. . .  Anyway, I would like get some ideas on how to make the "James Bond" system work consistently.  See, I like this system since it's a flat betting system that can make some good gains (and it's so simple and stupid at the same time).  I love progressions, but my goal is a FLAT betting system that works.  However, there are times where you'll simply lose too often, too SOON.  Losing a spin here and there isn't a big deal, it's when you get WLWLLLWWWLWWWWWL.  You need to win at least 5 times in a row in order to recover, otherwise you're losing bankroll.  That's obviously a problem with every strategy, but I really do feel that we can counter this somehow.  On to the system. . .

Simply flat bet 2 units on the 1st Dozen, and 3 units on HI, which makes 13-18 the losing numbers.  You'll only make 1 unit, so that's a 1:5 bet.  Sounds bad, but you'll win so often sometimes, that you'll forget that you're only making 1 unit. . .  That is, until you hit a nasty losing streak.

I've tried a few things to counter this, even tried a progression, but no luck.  For example, I hate hitting the losing numbers twice in a row, so I tried free spinning once after every loss, but I feel that I got the same result, and would usually just lose a potential win.  Experimented with all sorts of free spinning. . .  nothing.

I also played with alternating the Line bets to recover a loss (since it's essentially a Line bet that you're betting against in the first place).  After a loss, I would free spin until another line shows up, and would bet against that one.  For example, you hit 17 so you skip and get 27, so you'll put 2 units each on the first and second Dozens, then 1 unit on the 31-34 line bet.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  Now, this method works well on it's own, but you already know that Lines LOVE repeating sometimes, that's why I only used it to recover.  The problem is that this doesn't always work either.  I've learned that you can get LONG winning streaks (up to 40+) by staying in ONE spot, not by alternating.  So I want to capitalize on that fact.

Next thing I've tried was a straight progression.  It's actually pretty scary to use if you're betting large units.  You multiply each bet by six.  So if you were betting 2-3, you'd then have to bet 12-18. . .  to win one unit.  That's scary if you're playing something like 50-75 (COVER THE ZERO)!!

There are many other strategies I have tried, but I'd like to hear your take on this.  What would be the best course of action to make this work more consistently.  I'm tired of waiting forever for triggers, just to start betting.  I love winning nearly every spin.  That's why we have to make this work!

Boul Dous

I seem to have the same problem as well.  Good luck.


Quote from: iancloud2001 on Apr 20, 01:39 AM 2011
See, I like this system since it's a flat betting system that can make some good gains (and it's so simple and regular at the same time).  I love progressions, but my goal is a FLAT betting system that works. I could have written this.  As a matter of fact, I think I have a couple of times.However, there are times where you'll simply lose too often, too SOON.  Losing a spin here and there isn't a big deal, it's when you get WLWLLLWWWLWWWWWL.  That's obviously a problem with every strategy, but I really do feel that we can counter this somehow.  Replace the word "feel" with "wish" and remember that wishes don't come true in roulette.

Simply flat bet 2 units on the 1st Dozen, and 3 units on HI, which makes 13-18 the losing numbers.  You'll only make 1 unit, so that's a 1:5 bet.  Sounds bad, but you'll win so often sometimes, that you'll forget that you're only making 1 unit. . .  That is, until you hit a nasty losing streak. That's always the caveat.

I'm tired of waiting forever for triggers, just to start betting.  Me too! I love winning nearly every spin. Now I'm really with you on this one. That's why we have to make this work!  Believe me, we've been trying for umpteen years but so far no go.


Don't mean to be negative, but this horse has been beaten to death 100's of times and he still won't stay down.

Here's a suggestion.  Read Winkel's bet selection method "Win as much as you want".  Play this with the dozens.  Use this progression: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,etc...  Bet each stage 2 times per his formula.  Keep going up every 2 bets until you win and are in the positive.  Like he says, if you haven't won enough, keep going up the progression until you have.

Which dozen to bet?  Use the same logic presented in his topic for lines (dbl streets).  It applies to dozens as well.

If you can afford it, use the fibonacci progression he suggests.  The one I'm suggesting is a little safer.  It doesn't need as large a bank because you don't go as far in the hole.  Of course your wins aren't as large as his, but you can't have everything.

I've tested this for 10 sessions.  I stop anytime I reach a positive balance.  I've never lost yet.  I win about 1/2 a unit per spin on average.  I've never gone below 200 units draw down.

If you want, you can play this way with the lines as well.  You just have to bet each step 5 times instead of 2 times.

Test it and see how you like it.

Good Luck,


I'll be keeping an eye on this topic to see if you guys come up with a system that satisfies your wish list better than this one does.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Thanks for the insight, GLC.  I actually learned a few tricks from the thread you lead me to.  Making progress.  I've been making decent bank flat betting against the double streets.  I'll post results as I I make further progress. . .


Here's a suggestion that works pretty well also.

Pick 2 dozens.  Unless you have a special method, just playing the last 2 dozens for 1 of them to repeat is as good as any.

Start by betting 1 unit on each.  Every time you are at +1, that goes in your profit bank and can't be played today.  If you reach -6 before you reach +1, start betting 2 units on each dozen.  Continue betting 2 units on each dozen until you are either +1 or -18.  If reach -18, start betting 3 units on each dozen until you are either +1 or -36 etc...

Our progression is 1-1; 2-2; 3-3; 4-4; 6-6; 9-9; 14-14; 21-21; 31-31; 45-45 etc...

To decided the draw down point when if reached you go to the next step in the progression, just add the units on both dozens that you are betting, multiply that by 3 and add that number to the sum of all the previous numbers we increased  our bets at.


1-1 = 2 X 3 = 6 at -6 go to 2 units on both dozens at - 6

2-2 = 4 X 3 = 12 + 6 = 18  go to 3 units on both dozens at -18

3-3 = 6 X 3 = 18 + 18 = 36  go to 4 units on both dozens at -36

4-4 = 8 X 3 = 24 + 36 = 60  go to 6 units on both dozens at -60

6-6 = 12 X 3 = 36 + 60 = 96 go to 9 units on both dozens at -96

9-9 = 18 X 3 = 48 + 96 = 144  go to 14 units on both dozens at -144  etc...

From 4-4 units we increase our bet, not by 1 unit on each dozen, but by the current unit size times 1.5, thus 4 X 1.5 = 6;  6 X 1.5 = 9; 9 X 1.5 = 13.5 rounded up to 14 or down to 13, you decide.

This is a pretty safe progression and can weather some nasty down turns.

Run this bet method thru some of your old sessions and see how it compares to your other ones.

Good Luck,

Let us know how you coming along.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
