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The only way to beat roulette is by increasing accuracy of predictions (changing the odds). This is possible on many real wheels.

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How many spins?

Started by nkmagic, Sep 17, 06:18 PM 2013

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I knew one guy in VLS forums which claimed he won 2k with martingale...
he had been winning for some time, not just for a day or two...

It's very possible that he passed 10K spins...just to find our later that it was not worth it.


Okay let me put it like this then.
Send me any 10000 spins from a real wheel of course and I will bet you that I beat them all.


what do u mean "i will beat them all"? you get 10 K spins, and show us them beaten?

Isn't it too easy when you already have those spins? In a casino u don't know even the next number to come, let alone 10k numbers which will come next :)

There was one guy here, he tried to sell his roulette systems. He said: "Send me the spins and i will show u my results". When asked "how the hell can we know that these are real results you would bet? Show what you gonna bet next when u get spins you need to track (but not the next ones)", he said: "I can't show you what i bet, but i can show you my winning results. We are gentlemen here, I am not gonna lie".


Okay then how do I test a system without using real money?

I mean that I will come out with a profit on any 10000 spins that I get ( if the spins are real and from a live wheel and not RNG)


OK. My advice to you.  Most here won't agree though.

but try this. Take german casino data and work with all the wheels there. And give up any idea about consistent winning.
try to make small profit then quit the game for a while to come back later. As most of real casino smart players (not Advantage-play) do.

when you see it's working well on different wheels, play free at those online casinos:

smartlive, dublintbet, castle casino.

It may take years though before u come up with something worthy. It may never happen as well.


I have used german casino data and dublinbet and my system is showing consistent winning.

I just ask how many spins should I test in a row to know if it will beat the long run?


nkmagic - I suggest you play it in sessions as you would when playing with real money. Decide which casino you will play at and use their spin rate to test.

Some online live dealer games average 1 spin per minute =  60 spins per hour. @ 5 hours of play = 300 spins. I play at Party Casino at that rate, although they are not test/free play friendly as they block the image with no money in the a/c. Their table limits are better than many. 1 - 250 GBP for inside bets & 2 - 2,000 GBP for all outside bets.

Smart Live is test friendly but their plays are slow = about 1 spin/2 minutes = 30 spins per hour about the same as a light/medium busy time at a real chip casino.

I don't see the value of testing for thousands of spins when most players only usually play daily in the hundreds +/-  ?   Test it like you'll play it.

Using Party casino as an example (their play runs 24/7), in a year the spins will exceed 1/2 million @ 1,440 per 24 hours.
Even if you play for 2 x 5hr sessions = 10 hours, the other 14 hours of spins aren't too relevant if you won't be playing them.

Runs from HELL can happen at any time that will kill most plays/systems. A good system may include a safety valve where you stop betting before losing too much & virtual bet until the usual spin patterns return.


no mechanical system can beat roulette continously on a long run. People who think it can -- are wrong. You will see it later. Just friendly warning. Don't hold your breath and don't bet too much because u will finally lose. On a long run -- house always wins. This is a fact.

It does not mean though that it's impossible to win in roulette. You just have to adapt your tactics to reality.



There are two schools of thought:

1.  If you test enough numbers, you will find what your system does over time.
2.  We already know what it will do.  The run from hell will get you.

Let's say you run 10,000 spins 100 at a time trying to find out which hundred contains the run from hell.  OK, so what if you find it?  It may have been in test 900.  If you try a new set of 10,000 spins, it may be in test 9.  The run from hell comes randomly just like everything else; it cannot be predicted.

So the game is not to beat the good times or even the normal times--the game is to beat the run from hell.  How do you do that?  I wish I knew.

I can tell you this for certain--endless testing is futile. 


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


i will try to put it this way. Many people just can't embrace the reality. The reality is that roulette can behave totally different at different times. 10k or even a million spins on the same wheel may not encounter things which will happen at another wheel (or even at the same one)  just 5 minutes later.
There is NOTHING that can beat all the wheels mechanically on different wheels for long periods of time frequently.

I will try this allegory.

Let's say that you have a distant relative which u visit once in a two years -- for a few days. And when u come to see him once in two years -- he is as nice as an angel. But in reality he is mentally ill and may kill or injure someone when hе got attacks of his mental disease. His attacks doesn't come too frequently but they may happen any time. So otherwise he is a very nice and sweet person and loves you. So when you come to visit him once in a couple of years for a week, you see a nice guy, and that's it. It happens that you will never in your life see him during his crazy "attacks".

But then instead you start visiting him once a month for a couple of weeks. Guess what will likely happen sooner or later?

But again -- it may happen that you will be lucky to never see him in that "state of mind". But if you are unlucky he can take a knife and kill you some time. And it may happen twice or three times in just a few days, but then again he will be nice for long time.

When you test roulette on million spins in a row and expect that it will be always like your million of spins -- think about what I told u.


So roulette is a personality disordered knife wielding maniac!

Next time you go play you’d better take a gun.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.

