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Another take on the matrix / pattern breaker systems...

Started by Smee, Jun 24, 07:31 PM 2011

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Heres something ive been working on - it just needs a few tweaks to make it less risky and I think the idea of the Tri 9 system that Maui13 came up with may help it.

Ive been looking for a system that always covers the zero as thats the house edge and i want to get rid of it. Also it can be profitable if zero comes in.

So using a matrix / pattern breaker combo i played around with EC's up to 8th progression with a martingale ( I figured 8th progression has a 1 in 256 chance of losing.....but it did several times somehow, and just about once every 256 spins so it wasnt very profitable) and then started playing with the dozens. Due to bankroll and the martingale I only wanted to got to the 4th progression which I think has a 1 in 81 chance of losing....too high risk for me.

But after reading swapping between dozens then columns then back to dozens Im wondering if it could work that way.....Maui 13 says that the tri 9 system has a one in 25000 chance of losing by swapping over. Im not sure how he worked it out and the maths is too difficult for me....as far as i know the odds of any 1 dozen coming up 9 times in a row - 9 step progression - are 1 in 19000. But the odds have to be higher somehow on swapping dozens then columns then dozens....i just dunno tho.

So heres what I was doing so far....

Take 4 spins and note the dozens.

And bet those dozens DONT come in by betting the other 2 dozens with a 4 step progression. Also covering the zero at the same time. As soon as it wins on whichever step, stop betting but write down the rest of the 4 numbers so the next set of 4 is complete to bet on. Really simple and standard matrix system as pioneered by JohnLegend but using dozens.

The progression i use has been -

Bet on each dozen  Bet on Zero   Total Spend   Win on D   Profit   Win on 0  Profit  Risk of losing
          1.5                        1                     4                  4.5        0.5         36          32        1 in 3
           6                          1                     17                 18         1           36          19        1 in 9
           20                        2                     59                 60         1           72          13        1 in 27
           66                        6                     197              198        1           216        19        1 in 81

As you can see it profits whichever way - dozens or zero comes up, but it is a steep progression and im not too happy about risking 197 units with a 1 in 81 chance of losing.

But i now wonder what would happen to the odds if we bet dozens then columns as in Mauis13's Tri 9 system....swapping?

Or even we write down 4 spins of the E/C's......Spin 1 could be red or black, Spin 2 could be high or low, and spin 3 could be odds or evens then back to red or black for spin 4? The odds of 1 EC coming up 4 times in a row are 1 in 8.....but what happens to those odds of 4 spins by using all 3 EC's and swapping? Anyone could martingale that with a 8 unit bankroll.....

I also need a live table with the SMALLEST minimum bets to test on...

And.....is there any way to make a system by betting on 2  dozens and 2 columns at the same time? This would divide the table into 9 sections for 4 bets. The odds of losing would have to be incredibly low so surely it could be a safe bet with only a couple of progressions?

Theres a lot of questions there but its getting a bit much for me to work out myself...im sure with all the clever minds out there something has to work!


hi smee. i wouldn't play it i get too many repeaters on dozens and its a high progression. better to play ECs and keep you BR small.
