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Dozen/Column Clean-up Before Move-up

Started by GLC, Jun 15, 11:04 PM 2011

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Lately I've been on a keep-it-simple but also effective kick.

Here's my latest and maybe my greatest.  (I think my rhythym's improving also) :'(

No tracking needed here.  

You do have to keep track of your previous high bank amount.

We will be betting 1 dozen and 1 column at the same time.

We have many options but I like follow-the-last for even chance bets and I also like it for 2:1 bets.

Please read the following to understand my clean-up before move-up method.


For some reason the above link doesn't quite get you to the "clean up before move up" topic so you'll have to scroll down and open it.

We will now apply it to dozens and columns.

Bet 1 unit on the last dozen and the last column to spin.

If you win both you will be up 4 units.  Bravo!
If you win on either 1 doz or 1 column you will be up 1 unit.  Bravo!
If you lose on both you will be down 2 units.  Rats!

Write two 1's down to be recovered.
Continue betting 1 on the last doz and col to spin.

If you win both you will have recovered both lost units and still be up 2 more units.
If you win on 1 bet, you will recover 1 of the lost units and only have 1 left to recover.
If you lose on both, you will write 2 more 1's down to be recovered.

Once you have 4 (sometimes it will be 5) 1's to recover, start betting 2 units on the last doz and the last column.
Continue to bet 2 units on each until you recover all the 1's.
If you lose on both while betting 2 units, write two 2's down to be recovered.
Once all the 1's are recovered, start betting 3 on the last doz and last col to spin.
Continue to bet 3 units on each until you recover all the 2's.

Now, you don't have to fully recover all lost units.  As soon as you reach a new high bank, you can re-set to 1 unit on the last doz and col.

This is very easy to play, a lot of fun and extremely effective.

You pick your own win target, I think about 20 units is good.

So far I haven't needed a stop-loss, but you should be prepared with one in case the streak from down under (no offense intended Thomas) comes along.

Give this a good test drive and you'll have a hard decision to make.  "Do I keep struggling with these track forever, bet twice an hour, sweat blood staying focused so as not to make even the slightest mistake which may cost me my whole bank systems?  Or should I have a blast playing this simple, effective system laughing all the way to the cashier's window?"

Try it and see what I mean.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hi there GLC - I am relatively new on this forum, or any other Roulette Forum for that matter and this is my very first comment on here.

I have been reading each and every 'strategy' and 'method' by members like yourself, JL, Hermes, F_LAT_INO, etc.  on here and been using most of them for the past month and longer - tweaking some for what I feel suits me.  I have played Live and RNG and have found that keeping it simple, like you mention here, works for me.

Combining the Dozen and Column like in this method of yours, have worked for me and I use it on and off, especially on RNG.  

I do not want to get into any debate with anybody regarding RNG, because I agree with what is said on here mostly, but in my case, I have no other choice to play RNG.  My nearest Land Casino is an hour away and I have been there often the past few weeks, just to see the 'weirdest' things happen there :) Even worse than on my favorite RNG site, Betvoyager.  I must be honest and say that without a truly decent BR, I will not take on the live wheel at any Land Casino soon.  :)

Live Wheel online unfortunately eats up my bandwidth, so it will be too costly for me to play on there, so I am stuck with RNG and without wanting to sound too confident, I have managed to turn 10 Euro's into 100 Euro's, betting only 10c units at a time - this within 2 weeks.

I manage to win more than 60% of my bets and I mostly flat-bet and always manage to recover when I have a loss - This I only manage by keeping it simple, having patience especially after a loss. . . !

Any advice and comments are welcome - I have learned a lot from members on here and will keep visiting and reading the threads on here daily!!

Many thanks,

[Removed personal details for your security. Admin]


Quote from: Rackermann on Jun 16, 06:08 AM 2011
Live Wheel online unfortunately eats up my bandwidth, so it will be too costly for me to play on there, so I am stuck with RNG and without wanting to sound too confident, I have managed to turn 10 Euro's into 100 Euro's, betting only 10c units at a time - this within 2 weeks.

I manage to win more than 60% of my bets and I mostly flat-bet and always manage to recover when I have a loss - This I only manage by keeping it simple, having patience especially after a loss. . . !

Any advice and comments are welcome - I have learned a lot from members on here and will keep visiting and reading the threads on here daily!!

Many thanks,

[Removed personal details for your security. Admin]

The above says it all.  If you are winning consistently then keep doing exactly what you're doing.

If you ever feel generous, you might start a topic and explain how you play for the benefit of everyone.

Continued good luck to ya,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!



Looks good. . . but my comprehension of the cleanup (counting) of the system is a bit confused.

Maybe my broom is stuck up my butt . . . .  and I'm COUNTING on you to help me with this.

Don't interpret any of the above awkwardly . . . .  it just sounded funny in my head. . . .

Anyways a small sample run would be appreciated.




I played this strategy 20 years ago but with different progression. It looks like your progression is Labouchere?
In average D/C match 3-4 times in 40 spins and I had a progression for 10 spins. What I did I waited 7 spins for no hit (both) and then applied the 10 spin progression. Most of the time it worked but lost also. If one hit play the same, if both hit reset to 1. If both hit on higher level of progression huge money coming in! You can go home and have a dinner with champagne.
The progression is crucial. With proper progression it could be a goldmine.
Some 20 spins example would clear the clouds.


Quote from: TicTacToe on Jun 16, 11:31 AM 2011

Looks good. . . but my comprehension of the cleanup (counting) of the system is a bit confused.

Maybe my broom is stuck up my butt . . . .  and I'm COUNTING on you to help me with this.

Don't interpret any of the above awkwardly . . . .  it just sounded funny in my head. . . .

Anyways a small sample run would be appreciated.



This progression is a form of the Hollandish progression.
Any time we lose, we right down the number of units we lost.
So we begin by betting 1 unit on a doz and a col.
If we don't win on either bet, we will lose 2 units so we write two 1's in our recovery line which will look like this

1 1

Now, if we were to win on doz and lose on col we would win 1 unit so we would cross off 1 of the units to be recovered and our line looks like this

1 1

If we lose on both bets next spin we lose 2 more units

1 1 1 1

We now have three 1's to recover.  We wait until we have either 4 or 5  1's to recover before we start betting 2 units on both locations.  So we must bet 1 unit on a doz and a col.  If we lose on both bets we lose 2 units our line looks like

1 1 1 1 1 1

That's five 1's so we now begin by betting 2 units on a doz and a col.  Let's say we win on the doz bet, we net 2 units so we cross off 2 of the 1's and our line looks like this

1 1 1 1 1 1

We again bet 2 units on both but this time we lose on both bets so we write down two 2's with our 1's to be recovered.

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

Now let's say we win on both doz and col bets.  That's plus 8 units.  Our line looks like this

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

We have recovered all lost units plus we are ahead by 1 unit.

We now start over with 1 unit on both bets and nothing to be recovered.

We just keep crossing off 1's until they are all crossed off and then if we have any 2's to cross off, we start betting 3 units on both bets and every time we win we cross off 2's until they are all crossed off.

If we lose while betting 3 on each bet, we will have to go to 4 units on each bet after we have crossed off all the 2's.  At 4 units we will be recovering the lost 3 unit bets.

We continue in this fashion until we reach a new high bank amount and then we re-set back to 1 unit on each bet.

It's really pretty straight forward once you see what we're doing. 

Don't hesitate to ask if it's still not clear.

One point you can use to make units while recovering is once you start recovering 1's you only cross off a single 1 for every 2 units you win.  This way you win 1 unit in addition to recovering 1 lost unit.  Also, when recovering 2's by betting 3's, you do the same thing.  This gives you +1 for every win during the recovery mode.

You will reach a new high bank more quickly doing it this way, but you will also take longer to recover if you are not winning a high percentage during recovery mode.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Some options we can consider:

1.  We could, if we choose, begin betting 2 units on each location after losing only two 1's.  This would be a little more aggressive recovery mode.  This means that we would lose both bets, doz and col at 1 unit and immediately bet 2 units on each location to recover the 1's.

2.  We could make it more of a grind and wait until we have lost 8 or 10  1's before we go to the 2 units per bet recovery level.  This will keep us at each level longer so our bet size escalation will be slower.

3.  We can also put a cap on the number of losses we allow before we move to the next size recovery bet.  For example, let's say we cap the number of units to recover at 12 per level.
That means that we wouldn't start betting 2 units on each doz/col to recover the 1's until we had 12  1's to be recovered.  While betting 2 units to recover the 1's, if we were losing a lot of bets on our 2 unit bets, instead of writing down say 20  2's, we could go to betting 3 units to recover our 1's and 2's.  Anytime we write down 12 numbers on a level, we immediately move to the next level up even if we haven't fully recovered at the 2nd level back.

4.  We can also use something other than +1 for each next recovery level.  We could use a fibonacci progression, or even a martingale progression or just increase by 2 or 3 steps instead of 1 step.  In other words, if we finally have 4  1's, we could jump to betting 3 units on each bet instead of 2 units.  This would recover our 1's with fewer wins.

As you can see, there are a lot of options available to us.  No one way of playing this is better than another.  It all depends on how you like to play, aggressively or conservatively.

You're in charge.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I forgot to mention the safety brake.

If you're betting say 7 units on a doz and a col and you have won and only have say 12 units to recover, instead of betting the 7 & 7 untis, drop back to 3 & 3 units.  Divide your 12 units to recover into six 2's and use 3's to recover.  This helps keep your bets from escalating too quickly during a bad session.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


"No Whining, just Winning"


George I played it at a casino today but only between other stuff when I had time to glance at the tote board ,,, when I could check and no hits for 3x I would play  2x. If loss wait again ....very nice
Thanks sir
"No Whining, just Winning"


Been trying it for a few sessions.   First time it just won and won.   I thought "could it be that easy?" But this being roulette, the next session had me recovering two or three time for over an hour and a half, in the fast Playtech live roulette ( you can nearly double it on a B&M casino ).   It seems ( on a clearly very small sample ) to win a few times in a row, then to go into lose/recovery mode for what seems like forever.   The interesting thing is, if the bankroll's big enough ( I play with 200 units ) it always recovers somehow.   I let it accumulate 5/6 "1" losses then go to 2.   I tried doubling right away on every loss but went up too far too fast.   Profits come when there's a 4x winner on level 5 or 6, where I wipe out all remaining losses in one go and make a tidy profit.   My biggest problem is the zero, I cannot insure it yet because the basic unit value is too low, and getting two or three in high recovery mode becomes expensive.   Even so, eventually one goes back to the last high point, but can be very slow.   Longest multiple loss I've seen is six in a row, in just five sessions.   Maybe waiting for a trigger has merit.   Very solid.   Not for the impatient.   

The better the gambler, the worse the man.  Publilius Syrus


I was testing this great progression and it occurred to me that maybe instead of a dozen and column, it could be tried with the last 24 numbers to have hit ( or maybe the sleepers and the most common repeaters, up to 24 ). The advantage over C/D is that it fails less often and the recovery is quicker. The downside is that it doesn't win doubles, which are nice, specially in the middle of a high progression.

The better the gambler, the worse the man.  Publilius Syrus


Quote from: Rackermann on Jun 16, 06:08 AM 2011

I manage to win more than 60% of my bets and I mostly flat-bet and always manage to recover when I have a loss - This I only manage by keeping it simple, having patience especially after a loss. . . !

[Removed personal details for your security. Admin]

that is quite a bold statement. no flat betting system on earth has achieved 60%, especially. with the high house edge, any idea how you do this, please inform the forum. unfortunately patience isn't a system on its own you really need a good system


Hey guys,

I just realized that my clean-up before move-up is nothing more than a modified "Bread winner system" from the Monte Carlo Anecdotes e-book.  I ran across this excellent explanation of the bread winner system and think it will help you come up with some ideas for playing this bet.


Give it a read.  It's worth you're effort.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I'm playing it as EC with the last 18 hit numbers, betting against sleepers. Noticeably shorter losing streaks than in conventional EC. Great progression, slow but solid.

The better the gambler, the worse the man.  Publilius Syrus
