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Started by Nathanael, Nov 22, 04:22 PM 2011

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Rules for continuous play.

If a single without 2 doubles or more after it, RRBRR or RRBR bet for chop.
If 2 doubles (or more) with no single after them, RBRRBB or RBBRBBBRR bet for streak.

If RRRBBR   Here bet for R.  The trend is streaking so bet for streak.
If RRRBBRR  Here bet for R.  The trend is streaking so bet for streak.
If RRRBBRRB  Bet for B.  Same reason.
If RRRBBRRBR  Bet B.  A single last so bet for chops.
If RRRBBRRBRR  Bet B.  No 2 doubles or more since last single.
If RRRBBRRBRRR  Stop betting until R steak ends.  We have a steak of R's but we are still in chop mode since we haven't had 2 doubles since the last single.
If RRRBBRRBRRRR  Continue to wait for end of R's
If RRRBBRRBRRRRB  Now bet for R because still in single mode.  No 2 doubles since last single.
If RRRBBRRBRRRRBB  Now bet for B because in streak mode since we have 2 doubles or more since last single.

Don't think that because your system has never lost, it can't lose.  Always be prepared for the worst.
