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Another divisor method

Started by GLC, Jan 27, 11:56 PM 2011

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The following is a link to an explanation of a system with a betting method almost identical to Lanky's 6 point divisor.

I thought it would be valuable to many of us because it gives a fairly clear explanation of how to use the divisor.

This, just like Lanky's, is a very safe progression. 

I would advise reading this along with lanky's 6 point divisor and taking out the best of both explanations.

I'm not endorsing the bet selection method, just the bet method.

Of course this can be adapted to any of the bets with a little ingenuity.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Nice one mate :thumbsup:

Gave it a try and it brought some profit.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Jointu on Jan 29, 05:07 PM 2011

Nice one mate :thumbsup:

Gave it a try and it brought some profit.
Hi Gorge, I have been using this for quite some time with good effect.

I set the C1 = 12 and C2 = 10 and C2 never goes bellow 4, but never thought changing the values.

Will try them out.

Oh you know what is coming now I have attached a couple of score card masters for Baccarat and Roulette, all you have to do is just enter the value for C1 and C2 and it will work out your next unit stake.




Hi All,

As I said in my last post I have been using this progression on and of for a few years now.

This is how I use this progression

The Bet Progression

Code 1 is increased after a loss by 1. It is reduced after a win by 1.
Code 2 remains unchanged after a loss and is reduced after a win by 1 (payout ratio of even money
bets) Note: Code 2 is never lowered below 4.
The two code numbers are divided by each other. Results smaller than 1, are rounded up to one unit.
Results of the divisor greater than 1.4 are rounded up to 2 units; results between 2 and 2.4 are
rounded down to 2, from 2.5 up to 3 and so forth.
Code 1 always starts at 12 and Code 2 always starts at 10

stop-loss Rules

1. Session Bankroll is 15 units.
2. A session is to be terminated as soon as 8 bets are won and a neutral positive or positive â€Ã...“netâ€Ã,
balance is achieved (net balance means the Total Profit/Loss minus Zero/Double Zero losses).
3. If the total balance after 8 won bets is still negative, we continue until a natural or positive
balance is achieved. Then the session is to be terminated.
4. A session is to be terminated after 6 conservative losses have been encountered, regardless of
the total balance.
5. A session is to be terminated, when the session bankroll is lost, or when the next bet is more
than the available bankroll.

If you have 7 wins and your next bet would terminate the session, and you lose terminate the session as long as you are not at a negative balance.

I added this because quite a few times I have had 7 wins and seen the session go into negative trying to chase that last win!

I have attached a session I played today to demonstrate how I use this progression. (I played three mini sessions to achieve +21)

I used TB4L and OTB4L as my bet selection but any good bet selection would do.

I stay with TB4L until I get 3 losses in a row then I switch to  OTB4L and stay with that until I get one loss, then switch back to OTB4L.

I have tried many progressions but I keep coming back to this one in my humble opinion is still one of the best as long as you have a good Bet Selection method.





Hi All,

Here is another quick session I just played before going to pick my Son up from school.

Three mini sessions ended +17

What I have always liked about this progression is that played with the rules I posted above a mini session is normally over in under 20 spins/plays.

I risk the 30 units max so that is enough to have two losing mini sessions, yes it happens but not very often I win a lot more sessions that I lose, even just playing the way I have outlined above.

I start a new I.T. Contract on the 21st of this Month so I am taking advantage of having time in the day to play/test different methods, but it seems no matter what I test/play I always seem to come back to the method demonstrated in these posted sessions.




Hi All,

This is why I think this progression is so good.

I had two losing mini sessions in a row and went down to -18 and even though I had 11 losses in a row I still managed to leave the session with a profit of +12! (remember buy-in is 30 units)

A few things I did wrong with my play in this session, of 7 mini sessions.

first of all when session two lost because of 6 losses in a row, so I should have started mini session 3 in virtual mode and only started real money betting after I get a virtual win.

Also session two should never have ended a losing session I was up +8 so I should have exited around +5, it was very silly of me to give it all back greed took over that happens sometimes!

You can see the strength of this progression I played 7 mini sessions retrieved my losses and ended up +12, normally with such a bad session at the start I would have been happy to just leave the session with my session buy-in.

But I played on to demonstrate how a bad session can be turned around with this progression and MM rules.

I do have losing sessions who doesn't but I still have more winning than losing sessions.

And at the end of the day that is all that matters.

This is the way I play every day, no holy grail just hard graft grinding away, that is the only way to make money from the casinos.

This silly thing is I have other methods/systems like this that will grind out my +30 or so target each day, but I keep getting distracted by all the ideas that I see on this great forum, so I end up testing/playing them to see if they are better than what I already have in my casino tool kit, and I always seem to come back to my tried and trusted methods.

There are a lot of clever people on this site fare cleverer than I am, and some great system/methods being shared so for me it is a bit like a kid in a candy store, just cant help trying all the sweets  ;D




Well said Malcop, well said. :thumbsup:
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


thanks for posting this glc and thanks for malcop for the easy speadsheet

i really found your rules really helpful in reducing big losses

I tested 4 random shoes from zumma 600

shoe 1        + 18 units
shoe 253    + 10 units
shoe 459     - 5 units
shoe 289     +30 units

= 53 unit wins


Quote from: malcop on Mar 09, 01:14 PM 2011
Hi All,

This is why I think this progression is so good.

I had two losing mini sessions in a row and went down to -18 and even though I had 11 losses in a row I still managed to leave the session with a profit of +12! (remember buy-in is 30 units)

A few things I did wrong with my play in this session, of 7 mini sessions.

first of all when session two lost because of 6 losses in a row, so I should have started mini session 3 in virtual mode and only started real money betting after I get a virtual win.

Also session two should never have ended a losing session I was up +8 so I should have exited around +5, it was very silly of me to give it all back greed took over that happens sometimes!

You can see the strength of this progression I played 7 mini sessions retrieved my losses and ended up +12, normally with such a bad session at the start I would have been happy to just leave the session with my session buy-in.

But I played on to demonstrate how a bad session can be turned around with this progression and MM rules.

I do have losing sessions who doesn't but I still have more winning than losing sessions.

And at the end of the day that is all that matters.

This is the way I play every day, no holy grail just hard graft grinding away, that is the only way to make money from the casinos.

This silly thing is I have other methods/systems like this that will grind out my +30 or so target each day, but I keep getting distracted by all the ideas that I see on this great forum, so I end up testing/playing them to see if they are better than what I already have in my casino tool kit, and I always seem to come back to my tried and trusted methods.

There are a lot of clever people on this site fare cleverer than I am, and some great system/methods being shared so for me it is a bit like a kid in a candy store, just can't help trying all the sweets  ;D



So i guess sniper system was a loser or youd still be playing it and its tweaks


hi george,

unfortunately the provided link does not work.


can you help?  :)


"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)


Sorry,  looks like Grupo Joker has gone to a different format.

You can find the system Challenge 2.1 in this collection of gambling systems posted by Eirescott on the baccarat forum.


I just tested the link and it works.

You'll have to be able to unzip the file to read the systems.  If you need any more help, just ask.  I know this process doesn't always go exactly right.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


"Don't criticize what you don't understand. You never walked in that man's shoes." (Elvis Presley)
