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work this one out

Started by strato1985, Jan 04, 08:09 AM 2012

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I don't agree with RNG for a start but i thought i'd just dabble with a tenner on betvoy no zero

Play money 0.01 chips on nuimber 1 then 4 other splits

You got it worked every time just left it running on auto an it won won won numerous time

Stick a tenner in, an it go, no no no

try it yourself an tell me that ain't suspicious . while my tenner was decreasing also i thought i'd put the demo on at the same time an that was going up while the real play was going down .

Anyway stopped it gambled to get back to a tenner an withdrew , I ain't giving my money to that scam without a fight


Well, something was sent to me last night from a member in the USA, as he can't get an account at BV, he has been running something in demo mode and asked me to run the same in real money mode, so far it's winning. I will be sending him the results today so he can see if they tally with what he was getting in demo mode. This is what he will be getting

start with 20 euros
1st 1000 balance = 23.08 +3.08
2nd 1000 balance = 27.78 +4.70
3rd 1000 balance = 31.13 +3.35
4th 1000 balance = 32.23 +1.10
5th 1000 balance = 30.81 -1.42 (lowest 28.67)
6th 1000 balance = 33.44 +2.63
7th 1000 balance = 35.80 +2.36
8th 1000 balance =
9th 1000 balance =
10th 1000 balance =

All flat bet running on auto, 7 chips required. I have been asked a few times if BV demo mode and real mode are different, I have not seen any difference, there's a lot of guys here playing @ BV there will always be firrerent sets of results, heck, I have run bots for days in demo mode all winning then all of a sudden bang, the wheels fall off, it happens and 1 run is not going to prove a point, I would suggest you run it again with pennies/cents, just my opinion of course, it's your money.

EDIT: forgot to say, if you only covered number 1 and 4 splits thats less than 50% of the table so it will lose over time thats for sure, do the math
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!
