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Do you ever feel like the casino cheats?

Started by FreeRoulette, May 17, 02:28 AM 2012

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"Blessed who don't see and belive.."

I ll copy you one of my posts from some time ago. I have first hand story..

Few days ago i was playing in fun mode at dublinbet. There was no one at the table playing or standing in close to the tables. As the table on which i was playing, so as the other one. Only two of the dealers with no one else there. They were chatting and laughing in very relaxed mood. Suddenly dealer at the table i was playing made something very strange to me, because i have seen that for the first time. What happened? She (Renata) spun the ball as usual, and when bets closed, 1-2 rotations before the ball will land, she put her point-finger on the number 13 on the board.  The number 27 came out. First neighbour to the 13. I was amazed, and momentarely told this to my friend  F_LAT_INO. He explained that this is nothing strange. Very familiar to him from his 30 years career as a delaer. What is this about? When there is no one playing or standing at the table, sometimes dealers are betting for a drink between themselfs who will spun the closest number... "

And yes i know that from a man who can do that, that experineced dealers can hit number which they want (in reasonable high ratio of course),  and not to tell about hitting specified sectors i.e 5-10 numbers. It is a joke to them.

And didn't you heard that delaers can have their own "players" and just because of that they are under VERY STRICT observations?




Very possible 2cs..harder these days with new weels/balls
but still can be realised.Evidently you are on DB often....take
a close notice sometimes when a punter /usually China/starts
to bet Voisouns spin after a spin it either hits orfanellies or
small serial....seen this many times on DB...once 24 spins in
the row,untill the man waked away broke.Take notice.


Thanks for the replies.

I am on Dublin quite a bit and I will try to take notice.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


I would follow the action. If any number in  Voisins  hits  I would then bet Voisins plus 14/17/20 giving me 20 numbers.

Any hits in  either  Tiers  or  Orphelins  I would bet Tiers  and Orphelins. Also   20 numbers.

I am using this  MO  occasionally at  the   UK Smartlive casino but  I am only allowed  to  play the FREE  mode .( USA )

a.k.a. N.D.


My experience in watching dealers spin is that most of them just concentrate on varying the spins to achieve a reasonable spread of results. That's what they're trained to do.

Also regular dealer changes is also done to maintain randomness.

Most dealers spin up and do other things then look at the wheel. It's only near when the ball is about to drop that they switch back on and call no more bets.

For most it's just a job and it gets pretty monotonous day in and day out. They get the same pay whether they make heaps for the casino or "cause" large payouts.
Some dealers may rotate to cards or other during their shift but over say a year they put in a lot of spins. Also late night shifts are they same in any job as the natural body cycle reduces alertness.

My view is that a dealer can't zone spins at will ? Vile & Drazen look to have the opposite view.

Vile mentioned previously that he bet alternatively to players betting around the top (zero) end of the wheel. The inference being that he considered that the dealer could zone the spins to the bottom section.

To do that consistantly in both directions would need the same wheel speed and the same ball speed ? While possible zoning could backfire on the casino by alert players reading the play & betting big in the drop zone area. Our good friend dealer signature.

Casinos do ok from randomness, after all only one number can win on any table + outside bets.
All the rest of the chips are shovelled down the chute, mostly more than the pay outs in my rough counts and for sure looking at the official profit reports.


Quote from: ausguy on May 18, 04:53 PM 2012
My experience in watching dealers spin is that most of them just concentrate on varying the spins to achieve a reasonable spread of results. That's what they're trained to do.

Also regular dealer changes is also done to maintain randomness.

Most dealers spin up and do other things then look at the wheel. It's only near when the ball is about to drop that they switch back on and call no more bets.

For most it's just a job and it gets pretty monotonous day in and day out. They get the same pay whether they make heaps for the casino or "cause" large payouts.
Some dealers may rotate to cards or other during their shift but over say a year they put in a lot of spins. Also late night shifts are they same in any job as the natural body cycle reduces alertness.

My view is that a dealer can't zone spins at will ? Vile & Drazen look to have the opposite view.

Vile mentioned previously that he bet alternatively to players betting around the top (zero) end of the wheel. The inference being that he considered that the dealer could zone the spins to the bottom section.

To do that consistantly in both directions would need the same wheel speed and the same ball speed ? While possible zoning could backfire on the casino by alert players reading the play & betting big in the drop zone area. Our good friend dealer signature.

Casinos do ok from randomness, after all only one number can win on any table + outside bets.
All the rest of the chips are shovelled down the chute, mostly more than the pay outs in my rough counts and for sure looking at the official profit reports.
Ausguy a good croupier can spin a footprint. I've seen is several times. They can't hit an exact number but a certain sector YES. Thats why a good method should NEVER rely on the layout of the wheel. Only deal with random itself which will do its thing regardless of whose spinning.


Yes some dealers may well be able to zone the ball drop ? If they put their mind to it?
In reality they don't really need to 99.99% of the time.
Besides zoning would only be effective on inside bets.
No dealer can spin results to deal with most outside bets.

Put yourself in position as a dealer on average busy tables where most of the table layout is covered with bets. Your not going to stand there and analyze the bets and then decide you need to target say the 7 o'clock area (zero being high noon) and spin accordingly?
They keep busy enough between spins stacking chips, changing player cash for chips, entering amounts into the data unit + player reward cards.
I'm mainly relating to B & M real dealer live wheel conditions I see in the casino here in Sydney OZ & online such as on Smart Live where you see most of the layout is covered with bets.

What's it matter to the casino what number/zone drops?  As over any day of play that's how they operate, the so called big picture profit returns achieved from random spinning and the fact that 36 or 37 numbers lose depending on the wheel type.

It's random spinning results that they mainly want otherwise why do they mostly change dealers every 30 - 45 minutes? Also why do the dealers vary their ball speed spins often when doing their stints?

Some experienced players only bet on busy B & M tables or place most of their bets after the spin up to ensure there is no dealer zoning of their bets. The dealer can't zone bets that aren't there.

Any player should be able to pick up on any dealer zoning, especially if only a few players are betting, and stop playing until table conditions change i.e. usually more players at the table.
Assuming though that it's not the players last all in do or die last bet ?


Quote from: ausguy on May 19, 01:25 AM 2012
Yes some dealers may well be able to zone the ball drop ? If they put their mind to it?
In reality they don't really need to 99.99% of the time.
Besides zoning would only be effective on inside bets.
No dealer can spin results to deal with most outside bets.

Put yourself in position as a dealer on average busy tables where most of the table layout is covered with bets. Your not going to stand there and analyze the bets and then decide you need to target say the 7 o'clock area (zero being high noon) and spin accordingly?
They keep busy enough between spins stacking chips, changing player cash for chips, entering amounts into the data unit + player reward cards.
I'm mainly relating to B & M real dealer live wheel conditions I see in the casino here in Sydney OZ & online such as on Smart Live where you see most of the layout is covered with bets.

What's it matter to the casino what number/zone drops?  As over any day of play that's how they operate, the so called big picture profit returns achieved from random spinning and the fact that 36 or 37 numbers lose depending on the wheel type.

It's random spinning results that they mainly want otherwise why do they mostly change dealers every 30 - 45 minutes? Also why do the dealers vary their ball speed spins often when doing their stints?

Some experienced players only bet on busy B & M tables or place most of their bets after the spin up to ensure there is no dealer zoning of their bets. The dealer can't zone bets that aren't there.

Any player should be able to pick up on any dealer zoning, especially if only a few players are betting, and stop playing until table conditions change i.e. usually more players at the table.
Assuming though that it's not the players last all in do or die last bet ?


softwares do this for the casino and the pitboss (or someone else behind the scenes) lets them know over the ear piece where to zone in.



Quote from: 6th-sense on May 17, 11:43 AM 2012
I'm not blaming them if i lose or if i win...but i saw what i saw with my own eyes...

I don't think real money casinos cheat...it's way too risky. However I do believe the free poker sites are rigged. Nobody is going to investigate the free poker rooms obviously since it's just chips....I've noticed that when I win a certain number of chips (you get like 5000  automatically when you register), they hand out losing cards for you EACH time even if you have an ace/ace...you'll manage to lose. So in other words, it's a predetermined loss. They do this so you can then BUY more chips. (They're only free when you first register). Since it's addictive people actually DO buy more chips. So when you think about it....those sites have it all figured out to the dot. But of course nobody is going to investigate those "free poker sites".
