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Started by amk, Jun 24, 06:33 PM 2012

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Sam i don't find u as a troll.

I don't know much about John's methods. I did not use them. I told this many times. But i like his hit-n-run approach. He also looks like a decent guy. And he worked a lot on his methods and posted lots of results. He did not try to scam anyone or sell anything.

I want him to make his tests peacefully and free of personal quarrels, bashing, ridiculous demands like yours Sam (that he has to put your grandsons through a college) etc.

thats all i want.

Now he got heat for what he does, and now i get a heat for trying to protect him from personal attacks.

i find all this unfair. Especially from people like u Sam. It is much easier for me to deal with trolls like speed (though he is a bad tricky troll i admit), than with people like u.

u r not a troll. But u somehow can't control your emotions. U want everything to be smooth and nice and given to u with good recepies and wrap and everything. Wherever there is trouble u become nervous. But this is ROULETTE, Sam. no guaranteed income. Nothing is guaranteed.
Was John too self confident about his methods? maybe. but he did not try to sell u anything, he told what he was thinking.

John doesn't owe u anything, mind u. He gave u the info without asking for anything, now u r a free man in a free country, u can use this info or u can ignore it.

But that does not give u rights to  bash John or me.

sorry if i am too harsh on u, but that's how i see the things....I got from u harsher stuff on myself...U told me some things which are not very nice. I believe that was your honest opinion and no desire to troll or create troubles...but your emotions let u down, Sam. try to control them, please.


Quote from: iggiv on Jul 08, 10:32 PM 2012
Sam i don't find u as a troll.

I don't know much about John's methods. I did not use them. I told this many times. But i like his hit-n-run approach. He also looks like a decent guy. And he worked a lot on his methods and posted lots of results. He did not try to scam anyone or sell anything.


I did not find any verifiable except these from Bayes' software. I only saw results he posted.


i don't think John was lying posting his other results before.

and his hit-n-run results very encouraging too (i don't mean his long sessions where he got himself into). Though Skakus did much better.


Quote from: iggiv on Jul 08, 10:43 PM 2012
i don't think John was lying posting his other results before.

and his hit-n-run results very encouraging too (i don't mean his long sessions where he got himself into). Though Skakus did much better.

Quote from: albertojonas on Jul 08, 10:37 PM 2012

I did not find any verifiable except these from Bayes' software. I only saw results he posted.
