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One Dozen Plz ?

Started by Twisteruk, Sep 17, 01:42 PM 2012

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Quote from: subby on Sep 26, 07:29 PM 2012
OMG...played paddy power tonight and noticed the 3rd dozen hadn't hit for 18 spins so started a marty...got shafted and lost £40 odd quid on it....the 3rd dozen didn't hit for 44 spins! I tracked it even though I wasn't playing it, holy thing :sad2:

Thats a lesson we have all learned the hard way subby
Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: Maui13 on Sep 26, 04:29 PM 2012

Ok, I don't mean to hijack this method, but I was just inspired by how everyone is putting in some grey matter....so I tried something with good results.

The above was ewarwoowar's numbers he played... so I tried my method next to his numbers and here are my results...

On the left the original....on the right mine

132 NB   W1
231 NB   W1
132 NB   
221 NB   W1
233 W   W2
332 W   
233 W   W1
312 W   W2
312 NB   
123 NB   W1
222 NB   W1
232 NB   
133 L   W1
321 W   W1
333 NB   
121 NB   W1
211 W   W1
223 W   
312 W   W1
313 NB   W3
111 W   
221 NB   W1
213 W   W1
131 NB   
232 L   W1
121 L   W2
133 W   
311 W   W1
332 W   W1
221 W   
311 L   W1
333 W   W1
123 NB   
223 NB   W1
303 W   W1
311 NB   
122 W   W1
332 L   W2
133 L   
321 W   W1
213 NB   W1
121 NB   
112 W   W2
111 W   W2
311 NB   
112 W   W1
213 W   W1
202 NB   
332 NB   W1
311 W   W1
213 L   
113 NB   W1
313 W   W1
312 W   
131 NB   W1
221 L   W1
331 L   
211 L   W1
231 W   W1
123 NB   
111 NB   W2
331 NB   W1
221 L   
213 W   W2

My results - NO LOSSES! 43 Wins vs. 27 if I counted correctly.  :thumbsup: Where I do see possible bad runs - when you have for example 111,222,333 as qualifiers....

See if you can figure out what I did! I'll explain later!


I will just wait for you to explain it, keep it simple lol   :thumbsup:

Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: Twisteruk on Sep 27, 03:52 AM 2012
that's a lesson we have all learned the hard way subby

yes, me too:) dont bet against, bet for!


Seeing that you begged me, stalked me and spam mailed me....here it is  :twisted: :xd:  just kidding.

The 312 becomes my line to bet against.
Here it is

312 - 1st line
132 - Bet against 3 - Win on 1st
231 - Bet against 3 - Win on 1st
132 - New line
221 - Bet against 1 - Win on 1st
233 - Bet againdt 1 - Win on 1st
xxx - New line

In my testing (1000 numbers Random.org) I found to skip lines with 111,222,333 as your numbers to bet against. A dozen can run for a while so stay away!

I then also found that if you cover ZERO with 1 unit  for every 1st spin of the - that it give more back than what it takes. Don't use lines in them with zero. Example

2   1   2 - New line
1   2   1 - Bet against 2 - Win on 1st
1   0   3 - Bet against 2 - Win on 1st - Ignore the zero, as we won on the 1st.
2   3   1 - New line
3   3   0 - Bet against 2 - Win on 1st
0   3   2 - Bet against 2 - ZERO (if it was covered - score) bet against 3, bet against 1 - Win on 3rd
3   3   2 - New line

Another Example

2   3   1 - New Line
2   2   1 - Bet against 2, Win on 2
3   2   1 - Bet against 2, Win on 1
1   1   1 - SKIP THIS LINE (111,222,333!!!)
0   2   1 - Bet 1st bet only for zero - hit BUT skip line
2   2   3 - NEW LINE
2   2   2 - Bet against 2, Win on 3
2   1   3 - Bet against 2, Win on 2

Hope this makes sense?

I'm still messing about with progressions. I've been playing with the normal 1,3,9 I've also played with 1,2,3 and then chanse it with 4,5,6

BUT - No progression guru...so not too sure how one can make use of high strikerate on the 1st bets.

Anyway, my take!


PS @ Subby - as long as you have a dozen hitting - you'll be skipping the lines 111,222,333 - so you won't run into the issue you had at Paddy Power  :thumbsup:

Trust the timing of your life!


Quote from: Maui13 on Sep 27, 05:44 AM 2012
Seeing that you begged me, stalked me and spam mailed me....here it is  :twisted: :xd:  just kidding.

The 312 becomes my line to bet against.
Here it is

Just a couple of questions buddy

312 - 1st line
132 - Bet against 3 - Win on 1st
231 - Bet against 3 - Win on 1st Why against 3 ?
132 - New line Why ?
221 - Bet against 1 - Win on 1st
233 - Bet againdt 1 - Win on 1st
xxx - New line

In my testing (1000 numbers Random.org) I found to skip lines with 111,222,333 as your numbers to bet against. A dozen can run for a while so stay away! Totally agree !

I then also found that if you cover ZERO with 1 unit  for every 1st spin of the - that it give more back than what it takes. Don't use lines in them with zero. Example Agreed !

2   1   2 - New line
1   2   1 - Bet against 2 - Win on 1st
1   0   3 - Bet against 2 - Win on 1st - Ignore the zero, as we won on the 1st.
2   3   1 - New line
3   3   0 - Bet against 2 - Win on 1st
0   3   2 - Bet against 2 - ZERO (if it was covered - score) bet against 3, bet against 1 - Win on 3rd
3   3   2 - New line

Another Example

2   3   1 - New Line
2   2   1 - Bet against 2, Win on 2 Win on 2 ? But 2 is a 2
3   2   1 - Bet against 2, Win on 1
1   1   1 - SKIP THIS LINE (111,222,333!!!)
0   2   1 - Bet 1st bet only for zero - hit BUT skip line
2   2   3 - NEW LINE
2   2   2 - Bet against 2, Win on 3
2   1   3 - Bet against 2, Win on 2

Hope this makes sense? some of it lol

I'm still messing about with progressions. I've been playing with the normal 1,3,9 I've also played with 1,2,3 and then chanse it with 4,5,6

BUT - No progression guru...so not too sure how one can make use of high strikerate on the 1st bets.

Anyway, my take! nice one ! thanx for sharin :thumbsup:


PS @ Subby - as long as you have a dozen hitting - you'll be skipping the lines 111,222,333 - so you won't run into the issue you had at Paddy Power  :thumbsup:
Its Set In Stone =)


Hi Maui.

Like YOUR twist on Twisters concept.

Is the following correct ?

333(skip line NB = 333,222,111)
222  W1  2DZ
133  W3  3DZ
223  W1  2DZ
333  WI  3DZ( skip line)
222(skip line NB)
231  W2  3DZ
121  W1  1DZ
322  W2  2DZ
231  W1  2DZ
123  W1  1DZ
233  W1  2DZ
313  W1  3DZ
233  W1  2DZ
132  LOSER
322  W1  3DZ
222(skip line NB)
333(skip line NB)
120  W1  1DZ
313  W1  3DZ
312  W3  2DZ
122  W1  1DZ
313  W1  3DZ

Hope so !!!!


Can someone explain the Trigger and when to change lines ??
Its Set In Stone =)


I assume after 2 qualifying games.

We only change lines when 111,222,333, or ZERO.....i believe.


Quote from: Maui13 on Sep 27, 05:44 AM 2012
Seeing that you begged me, stalked me and spam mailed me....here it is  :twisted: :xd:  just kidding.

The 312 becomes my line to bet against.
Here it is

312 - 1st line
132 - Bet against 3 - Win on 1st
231 - Bet against 3 - Win on 1st
132 - New line
221 - Bet against 1 - Win on 1st
233 - Bet againdt 1 - Win on 1st
xxx - New line

In my testing (1000 numbers Random.org) I found to skip lines with 111,222,333 as your numbers to bet against. A dozen can run for a while so stay away!

I then also found that if you cover ZERO with 1 unit  for every 1st spin of the - that it give more back than what it takes. Don't use lines in them with zero. Example

2   1   2 - New line
1   2   1 - Bet against 2 - Win on 1st
1   0   3 - Bet against 2 - Win on 1st - Ignore the zero, as we won on the 1st.
2   3   1 - New line
3   3   0 - Bet against 2 - Win on 1st
0   3   2 - Bet against 2 - ZERO (if it was covered - score) bet against 3, bet against 1 - Win on 3rd
3   3   2 - New line

Another Example

2   3   1 - New Line
2   2   1 - Bet against 2, Win on 2
3   2   1 - Bet against 2, Win on 1
1   1   1 - SKIP THIS LINE (111,222,333!!!)
0   2   1 - Bet 1st bet only for zero - hit BUT skip line
2   2   3 - NEW LINE
2   2   2 - Bet against 2, Win on 3
2   1   3 - Bet against 2, Win on 2######

Hope this makes sense?

I'm still messing about with progressions. I've been playing with the normal 1,3,9 I've also played with 1,2,3 and then chanse it with 4,5,6

BUT - No progression guru...so not too sure how one can make use of high strikerate on the 1st bets.

Anyway, my take!


PS @ Subby - as long as you have a dozen hitting - you'll be skipping the lines 111,222,333 - so you won't run into the issue you had at Paddy Power  :thumbsup:
Maui.....just to prove i do read everything....shouldnt the line i marked ######## be a rest because of 222


Twister might approve of this idea on that same session in Reply 200.

Play to MATCH the dozen.

332  T
222  W3
131  T
133  W1
223  W3
223  T
333  W3
222  NB
113  T
231  L
121  W3
312  T
322  W1
231  L
311  T
123  L
233  W3
213  T
313  W2
233  W3
132  T
132  W1
322  W3
222  T
333  NB
221  T
120  W2
211  NB (ZERO)
313  W2
312  T
212  W2
122  W3
313  T



Utilising Maui's version to MATCH the Dozen there does appear to be LESS losers !!

Will Test some more.....


Fantastic! Feedback!!! Yayyyyyy  :xd:

I'm going to add numbers from Random.org to try and explain as I go.

3   2   1 - Trigger Line
1   1   1 - you can bet this line, as it is NOT the trigger. So we bet against dozen 3, win on 1st bet. DONE
1   2   1 - 1st bet, against dozen 3, win on bet 1. Next trigger. 1Trigger, 2 betting opportunities.
1   2   1 - Trigger Line
1   3   1 - Bet against 1st dozen, bet 1 is lost, move to next, bet against dozen 2. Win bet 2
1   2   2 - Bet against dozen 1, bet 1 lost,move to next, bet against dozen 2,lost, bet 3 WIN
0   2   1 - This cannot be ou trigger as it contains a zero.(BUT if you did place 1 unit on zero it would have been a hit)
2   1   1 - Trigger Line
1   2   3 - bet against dozen 2, win bet 1
2   1   2 - Bet against dozen 2, lost, bet against dozen 1, lost, bet against dozen 1, WIN
1   3   3 - Trigger Line
3   3   1 - Bet against dozen 1, WIN
1   3   1 - Bet against D1,lost,bet against D3, lost, bet against D3, WIN
2   1   0 - Cannot be new trigger with ZERO
1   1   2 - Trigger Line

Does this make sense?
The only time you skip 111,222,333 is for trigger, but use them during betting.

So in short, I play against the dozens forming.
1 trigger line of 3
2 lines of betting
1 unit - ONLY on first bets covering zero. So every 1st spins of every line zero is covered.
Skip 111,222,333 as triggers as dozens kan run for a while.
After a complete line loss - skip a line (regardless)

Hope this helps?


Trust the timing of your life!


@ dino246

I was actually playing against the dozens, BUT if you see something I don't then perhaps running with it has more merit....perhaps with a nice solid progression. Something cooked up in GLC's pot?


EDIT - Question - would one get more hits playing for ...or against the dozen? And once that is answered, would you progression run away quicker for or against?
Trust the timing of your life!


Ok,this session from Ewarwoowar Reply 168.

We are going to MATCH the Dozen utilising Maui's version.

132  T
222  W3
313  T
113  W2
313  W2
021  NB  (ZERO)
232  T
111  NB  (ZERO)
232  T
112  W1
122  W1
113  T
222  L
323  T  NB
233  W3
222  W1
213  T
132  L
121  W1
312  T
332  W1
122  W3
322  T
322  W1
112  W3
121  T
221  W2
233  W1
312  T
132  W3
123  W1
133  T
122  W1
113  W1
331  T
233  W2
231  W1
212  T
222  W1
113  T
111  W1
233  T
223  W1
212  W1
132  T
323  L
233  W3
221  T
332  L
111  L
211  T
312  W2
212  W2
322  T
123  W2
322  W2
333  T
313  T
321  W1
313  W1
320  NB
132  T ( NB = ZERO )
332  W2
311  W1
112  T
231  L
332  W2
323  T
131  L
222  NB
321  T
332  W1
321  W1



Have i now got it ALL correct.

132  T
222  W1
313  W1

113  T
313  W1

232  T
111  W1

232  T
112  W1
122  W1

113  T
222  W1
323  W1

233  T
222  W2
213  W2

132  T
121  W2
312  W1

332  T
122  W1
322  W2

322  T
122  W1
121  W1

221  T
233  W2
312  W1

132  T
123  W2
133  W3

112  T
113  W3
331  W1

233  T
231  W3
212  W2

222  T=DNQ
113  T
111  W3
233  W1

223  T
212  W2
132  W1

323  T
233  W1
221  W1

332  T
111  W1
211  W1

312  T
212  W1
322  W2

123  T
322  W1
333  W1

313  T
321  W2
313  L = Complete Line Loss ( skip a line )

320  T=DNQ
132  T
332  W1
311  W1

112  T
231  W1
332  W1

323  T
131  W1
203  W1

222  T=DNQ
222  T=DNQ
321  T
332  W2
321  L

Betting AGAINST Dozens as per Maui's instructions.



What do you think Dino? Any merit?
Trust the timing of your life!
