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One Dozen Plz ?

Started by Twisteruk, Sep 17, 01:42 PM 2012

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Hi Ewarwoowar.

It feels best to return to DOZENS ONLY for now.

As the saying goes....IF IT AIN'T BROKE WE SHOULDN'T TRY AND FIX IT !!!


Quote from: dino246 on Oct 01, 04:01 AM 2012
I agree with you Maui.......what Twister started with this Thread/Topic was to Spawn around 4 extra concepts to add to his.

When you think of all the activity since 17th September when this thread began....17 Pages,250 Replys and now 4,000 + Reads,Twister sure NEVER imagined all this !

Once again.......THANK YOU TWISTER.......soon we should all be making not WOOPEE but PROFIT.....PROFIT ......PROFIT.

And many thanx to EVERYONE who has added to this Thread  :thumbsup:

Without all ure hardwork testing and morphin the System we wudnt be where we are today !

Its Set In Stone =)


OK folks.....

Im getting all confused....and it doesnt take much cos Im fik.

Original Twister was 1 doz bet. Maui system is betting against the dozen.

Which one is now the prefered method.

I reported (Dino couldnt decode it) using LMH just to confuse everyone lol. I allways think Dozens as Low Medium High...sorry.

I played this.
LMH Trig
bet MH ? yes? and if its L bet LH? and if its M bet LM.

LLL, MMM, HHH Trig <<<<not a valid trigger, so spin 3 more.


Only bet twice against the trigger.
is that correct?

Finally.....is Twisters original idea replaced by Mauis, or are there 2 here (I know some columns crept in but its 2 different ideas)

When twister said...."can we have an update for those late to the party"
Was that his? or  His and Mauis, or just Mauis.

Im out of breath now.......



Yes Turner......we always bet AGAINST the Trigger within Maui's Concept

For ME the prefered idea is Maui's,due to the VERY high Strike-Rate.

Having said that Twister's One Dozen Concept STILL has great merit.

Believe it or not i'm still working on an idea playing 3 concepts at the same time,which includes Twister's concept.

TO BE CONTINUED...........


Twister said to confirm THE RULES........we need to NAIL-DOWN the elusive PROGRESSION !!


another session:-

333 NB
122 NB
121 W
033 L
312 NB
102 NB
313 NB
111 W
331 NB
333 W
212 NB
131 W
333 W
233 NB
331 W
231 L
332 NB
223 W
323 W
311 W
132 W
213 NB
231 NB
231 NB
331 NB
213 L
133 NB
120 W
112 NB
232 W
332 W
312 W
233 NB
122 L
220 W
222 NB
323 NB
322 W
312 W
031 L
131 NB
233 L
213 W
220 NB
231 NB
132 NB
312 NB
331 NB
232 L
333 W
311 NB
131 W
113 W
311 W
122 W
123 W
123 NB
331 NB
112 W
122 W
221 W
122 W
222 W
313 NB
112 W
223 W
133 L
231 L
312 NB
321 NB
223 NB
112 L
112 W
313 L
211 L
333 L
213 NB
233 NB
212 W
in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


another session:-

112 L
233 W
321 W
312 NB
213 NB
333 NB
322 NB
321 W
332 NB
331 W
313 W
121 W
321 L
032 NB
211 NB
111 W
130 NB
203 NB
312 NB
111 NB
221 NB
111 W
233 NB
223 W
212 W
223 W
113 L
322 W
112 L
313 L
231 L
212 NB
331 L
122 W
121 W
312 L
111 NB
113 NB
212 L
233 W
113 L
232 L
333 W
231 NB
212 NB
323 L
113 L
333 W
331 NB
330 W
211 NB
212 W
113 W
112 W
322 L
123 L
212 NB
123 W
231 NB
331 NB
333 W
122 NB
223 W
211 W
331 L
312 W
322 NB
312 W
212 NB
123 W
133 NB
333 W
213 NB
213 NB
331 NB
101 W
in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


i've only been testing as if we're betting on the first line and showing the results as such. if a progression was used across the line, the picture looks a whole lot better.
in the example just above, there isn't one loss.
in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


in the first of today's sessions, betting across the line produced two losing bets, but the next bet won in both cases.
is this the way we're heading with this?
in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Sorry.....but are you playing FOR or AGAINST the Dozens in your last two sessions ?




dino, playing as ever for the two dozens from the previous line


221 L - betting for dozens 3 and 1 for the first time only
131 W - betting for dozens 2 and 1 for the first time only

are we doing it differently now?

in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Please accept MY apologies Ewarwoowar YOU are 100%.....CORRECT.....and i'm NUTS !!!

Because i'm working on this 3 CONCEPT idea i find myself getting mixed up which is which !!

Best Regards,



hahahahaha! don't worry dino, it's ok.

i know  exactly what you mean. sometimes after testing a few hundred spins in one go, i feel like a lie down in a dark room would help!

in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


I did observe something of interest in your last 2 sessions Ewarwoowar.

After a qualifying Loser,if you play AGAINST each Dozen in the line below you get these results below.


033  L

231  L
332  W1

213  L
133  W1

122  L
220  W1

031  L

233  L
213  W2

232  L
333  W1

133  L
231  W1

231  L
312  W1

112  L
112  L  L  L
313  W1

313  L
211  W1

211  L
333  W1


112  L
233  W1

321  L
032  W2 or ZERO

113  L
322  W1

112  L
313  W1

313  L
231  W1

231  L
212  W2

331  L
122  W1

313  L
111  W1

212  L
233  W2

113  L
232  W1

232  L
333  W1

323  L
113  W1

113  L
333  W1

322  L
123  W1

123  L
212  W1

331  L
312  W2

W2 = WON 2ND BET etc.

You could FLAT-BET on the winners with PROGRESSION only AFTER a Loser

Nice LITTLE exercise that !!!!


Ok, so are you guys playing it

Trigger Line
Then betting line

Trigger Line
Then betting line

Trust the timing of your life!
