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Started by Johnlegend, Sep 19, 03:43 PM 2012

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Quote from: amk on Sep 22, 04:08 PM 2012
Didn't code 4 go to 1000/1 JL?

I think BV will allow you to play for a longtime.
No AMK I got to 650 once with CODE 4. I started losing more frequently in recent times. Still profitable but a lower strikerate around 120/1


Yes, I remember now JL. It did get to 1000/1 but the first loss was at 650.

This says a lot for FIVE, at 900 or so now.

Great stuff :)


Congrats on Five JohnLegend   :thumbsup:   Looking forward to your inside numbers system.


John...good to see 5 is doing well and thanks for being generous with your ideas.

I really dont get this statement though

The parameters are asking random real or manmade to do too much.

Do too much of what? Random isnt sat there like some mad proffessor producing numbers.
Random isnt a Noun. 

â€, â€,[ran-duhm] 

proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern: the random selection of numbers.


I think JL is looking for something that does not happen that often turnerfeck.

Random has limits, like 24 reds etc. If we can find a "loophole" within shorter stats then we can create a small margin for us to collect units.

FIVE is demonstrating this. It looks to have a certain max aspect which random does not produce a lot and is not too taxing on our BR.


this story about random having sort of borders remainds me when i was young and fishing and thought that certain breed of fish never gets bigger than my finger because that what i was catching...by the time went and i did grow older i understood that fishes they do get bigger you just have to give some time.... :D :thumbsup:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Show me more than 24 reds in 10 million spins maestro.

This is the concept we are working with but then looking for such maximums (in proportion) within different stats.


Quote from: amk on Sep 22, 05:32 PM 2012
I think JL is looking for something that does not happen that often turnerfeck.

Random has limits, like 24 reds etc. If we can find a "loophole" within shorter stats then we can create a small margin for us to collect units.

FIVE is demonstrating this. It looks to have a certain max aspect which random does not produce a lot and is not too taxing on our BR.
That said AMK.....when the big moment comes...in Code4, Divide and Conquer, 5..what ever,and we place our 1U on Doz 1 and 1U on Dozen 2 ..the odds of that bet winning are exactly and absolutly the same as that bet any other time you walk up to the Roulette table.

I track for 5 minutes looking for complex patterns and triggers, bet 2 dozens...or I say eeny meeny miny mo on my fingers to pick 2 Dozens...same exact winning chances.

This is where I'm uneasy with all this.

It reminds me of the difference between Astrology and astronomy.

(watch this space for Turners  eeny meeny miny mo system  :thumbsup:)


I don't know turnerfeck,

This is a new concept in many ways.

Either way, JL has been doing well the last few years, as has Flat.


Quote from: turnerfeck on Sep 22, 06:31 PM 2012
Watch this space for Turners  eeny meeny miny mo system  :thumbsup: )

I like it! :thumbsup:
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


"That said AMK.....when the big moment comes...in Code4, Divide and Conquer, 5..what ever,and we place our 1U on Doz 1 and 1U on Dozen 2 ..the odds of that bet winning are exactly and absolutly the same as that bet any other time you walk up to the Roulette table."

This is what troubles me about all of these systems.  Turner is right. He can't spell "absolutely", but he's right in his meaning!

Lighten up, Bro.  That was TwoCat humor!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers

Wally Gator

Quote from: GLC on Sep 22, 09:29 PM 2012

I like it! :thumbsup:

George, love the new photo ......
A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain


Quote from: Wally Gator on Sep 22, 11:41 PM 2012

George, love the new photo ......

Sweet sixteen and already been kissed.  Back then, that wasn't as common as it is today.  What a difference 50 years can make! :'(
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Sep 23, 01:15 AM 2012

Sweet sixteen and already been kissed.  Back then, that wasn't as common as it is today.  What a difference 50 years can make! :'(

In my country it should not be about kisses! ;D
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Quote from: maestro on Sep 22, 05:39 PM 2012
this story about random having sort of borders remainds me when i was young and fishing and thought that certain breed of fish never gets bigger than my finger because that what i was catching...by the time went and i did grow older i understood that fishes they do get bigger you just have to give some time.... :D :thumbsup:
Like Amk said 24 reds doesn't happen often. But how would you turn that into a playable profitable method??. You can't unless you sit there waiting for 14 reds and then start betting. Still risking several hundred points. Its not realistic.

Its the same with a sleeping dozen. Its tempting to chase one when you see it sleep for 18 plus spins. Knowing the 30 spin barrier is rarely broken.

What I attempt to do is strike the balance between playable and invincible. The longer the wait, the surer the win.

I've known for years random struggles to produce certain things. FIVE is simply taking advantage of one of many.

8 consecutive 4 gaps on a single dozen is another to take advantage of. Even with random some kind of order must come. Otherwise there would never be certain breakdowns happening everytime I track spins.

Those gaps that random forms always come as sure as night follows day. You never see a hundred spins for example without gaps greater than 3. It can't happen. Probability is randoms keeper. And always pulls it into line eventually. FIVE is simply based around something random isn't very good at. Showing us FIVE CONSECUTIVE DOUBLE 4 GAPS. I would say to any interested in this method track the dozens and columns for this method. But play it in its strictest form. FIVE CONSECUTIVE DOUBLE 4 GAPS.

So your game trigger Must be for example.

DOZEN 1----4--4

COLUMN B----4--4

And you will get a faster turnover, without compromise. I've never seen or run into 5 consecutive double 4 gaps. Or 8 consecutive 4 gaps on a single dozen or column. These are virtual limits for random. Poimts that will be.breached very seldom. In the meantime we collect the profit.

I would like someone to bot test 8 consecutive 4 gaps on a single dozen. Because I think its a very possible HOLY GRAIL. Even an RNG. Can't get past 6. Its got me curious.
